Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Very Sore Loser, Nicola Sturgeon is scaremongering again with fresh threats of Scottish independence referendum claiming she has a 'cast iron' mandate to call one, time is running out fast for Sturgeon as she makes hollow threats to Westminster, she has cried wolf far too often now for anyone to take her seriously, she is like Saddam Hussein, all mouth and no trousers!

Dear All

The big political mistake regarding the SNP is Westminster pandering to them and treating them as some sort of quasi sovereign government, they aren’t anything of the sort.

Holyrood is a devolved administration which was wrongly hyped as being outside the British system of government. Westminster is to Holyrood what Holyrood is to Glasgow City Council. You don’t see calls for sovereignty by Glasgow City Council to become a sovereign state.

If Nicola Sturgeon wasn’t angry over Brexit, she could easily find another scapegoat to bleet about as cause for a second independence referendum for Scotland. The vote to leave the EU in June 2016 was a British wide vote, but the SNP attempt to define it the result in Scotland in terms of solely a Scottish vote.

It wasn’t, people voted as individuals as they always do, they weren’t voting as a nation, neither was England, Wales or Northern Ireland. Article 50 is going to be triggered because of the ‘will of people’, or if you prefer ‘direct democracy’ or just plain ‘sovereignty’.

Did the people make the right choice?

Paris, one of the most historic and beautiful cities in the world is being reduced to little better than a slum ghetto. Have a look at the pictures and ask yourself do you want this here? Why aren’t the politicians who espouse multiculturalism getting their ‘selfies’ taken down in the gutter amidst the stench and squalor?

The people of the United Kingdom including one million Scots saw through the lies and made the right decision by voting for Brexit. Some people voted purely on the issue of curtailment of immigration, others such as myself voted for Brexit on the main issue, that issue was ‘sovereignty’.

If you believe the SNP argument that an independent Scotland can be sovereign in the EU, you have to ask why they aren’t pushing for an independent Scotland to be sovereign in the UK. The reason is painfully obvious, Scotland cannot afford to pay its way and still maintain the current levels of spending that it enjoys via the Barnett formula. It is for this reason that the SNP will not embrace federalism because it lets the cat out of the bag that a federal Scotland would be forced to have a significantly reduced standard of living, services and high tax.

And Nicola Sturgeon can’t sell that to Scotland and its people.     
Sturgeon is attacking Theresa May who she says is acting as a 'high handed' PM, there is the usual issue of threats as demands a fresh Scottish independence referendum.

As to Sturgeon’s claim of having a 'cast iron' mandate to call one that is entirely bogus. The only thing her continual claims of mandate do is damage economic certainty in Scotland as a place to invest.

Is there any substance to Nicola Sturgeon’s claims of the PM is being 'intransigent'?

The answer is no, Nicola Sturgeon isn’t part of the UK team, which is why her knowledge of ‘events’ is limited, having failed to work with Westminster as ‘partners’, they effectively excluded themselves as being active in the process.

I don’t understand why fears are mounting in Downing Street because although Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP can call for a second independence referendum, they can only ask, they still need a Section 30 Order from Westminster to run it.

All Westminster has to do is say No!

Saying No, doesn’t as some people say cause a constitutional crisis, if Theresa May buys into the concept of neverendum, she will create a rod for her own back. Are the Scottish Conservatives in a position to win the vote and become the Scottish Government?


Their success isn’t due to anything other than Labour voters switching because of the weakness shown by Kezia Dugdale on the Union, this is hardly a basis for ‘declaration of future’ government don’t you agree? What Scotland lacks is a centre right nationalist party which would change the political dynamic in Scottish politics, that doesn’t exist at present.

Sturgeon at present is saying she had yet to make a decision on whether to propose a new vote, saying she was still 'seeking compromise with the UK government'. I can save her the trouble, the Westminster government isn’t going to pander to her or her whims for the single market for Scotland, or a deal on immigration or anything else that places UK National Security at risk.

When you are seen as a bunch of malcontents, don’t be surprised if no one wants to work with you, Nicola Sturgeon has painted the SNP into a corner.

Sturgeon isn’t going to be entertained while Brexit talks are on-going and it may take two years for those talks to finish up and be signed off, is Sturgeon going to be talking about indy for the next two years like a demented parrot? If a campaign is run unofficially, it is doubtful it will be sanctioned by the Electoral Commission and that raises all kinds of questions, especially of public money is used.

Nicola Sturgeon is on to plums!

Theresa May should just ignore Nicola Sturgeon and let her play her stupid silly games, and when things come crashing down around her ears then act. The next Scottish independence campaign by Nicola Sturgeon is the longest plea for political suicide in the world, and we should make sure that we provide all the necessary help to allow her to cut her own political throat. When her political corpse hits the ground with a rather large thud, watch the panic set in at the SNP as they realise that there isn’t a leader in waiting standing in the Wings!

Do you think post defeat, Nicola Sturgeon will be opening corner shops and supermarkets, since it is doubtful big business will come a calling offering jobs in Fortune 500 companies!

Yours Sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University  


  1. My whole family voted YES in 2014 but after experiencing Krankies nationalism/internationalism, if there is another nerverendingreferendum my whole family will be voting NO. She’s a nut job. She makes normal leftards look right-wing. Imagine her having complete power over us. Imagine her immigration and refugee policy. She would destroy our country.

  2. I must say George, considering the vitriol and hate I saw from the SNP mob in their climb to power, it is satisfying to watch them thrash around in the mud.

    Also, do you reckon that France is about to turn to Le Pen? Because I think it'll fit the general trend if she wins. In fact, I don't know about you, but the west seems to me to be turning a bit more right wing in recent times.

  3. Hello George

    As you know, the Dutch elections are coming soon. Geert Wilders is doing well in the polls (not that polls can be taken seriously these days). If he wins, it will confirm that the Brexit / Trump effect still has some way to go. That will give more hope that Marine le Pen's can carry the day. She seems likely to get to the second round. It is the second round that is more difficult because those who lost out in the first round may combine to stop le Pen. If she wins there is likely to be a shrinking EU for wee nippy to cling to. No doubt she will attempt to conjour up another grievance in it's place. I agree that Westminster will not grant another Section 30 Order anytime soon so sturgeon's continual threats of another referendum are not plausible any more.

    I get the sense of someone who is becoming desperate to maintain office, see off her internal critics and appear relevant. The snp seem to be permanently on the wrong side of history. It can't last.

    Auld Jock

  4. Hi Al C

    The west is turning right wing, and as to Le Pen, her campaign got a boost regarding Fillion facing charges.

    Time will tell how that pans out.


  5. Hi Auld Jock

    “As you know, the Dutch elections are coming soon. Geert Wilders is doing well in the polls (not that polls can be taken seriously these days). If he wins, it will confirm that the Brexit / Trump effect still has some way to go”.

    The Dutch may indeed vote in Geert Wilders, his views reflect a huge amount of support in his home country. If he wins interesting to see how he will operate.

    “That will give more hope that Marine le Pen's can carry the day”.

    I think her chances have increased but she has a long way to go, that one is still shaky, if there was a major terror incident, it would increase her chances, sad to say that is how politics works.

    “She seems likely to get to the second round”.

    After Fillon has been charged I think she gets a second round shot more or less.

    “It is the second round that is more difficult because those who lost out in the first round may combine to stop le Pen”.

    We have to play the waiting game, up to Le Pen to run a good campaign and get out there.

    “If she wins there is likely to be a shrinking EU for wee nippy to cling to. No doubt she will attempt to conjour up another grievance in it's place. I agree that Westminster will not grant another Section 30 Order anytime soon so sturgeon's continual threats of another referendum are not plausible any more”.

    I expect the EU to be re-invented as it nears the 70 yr mark.

    “I get the sense of someone who is becoming desperate to maintain office, see off her internal critics and appear relevant. The snp seem to be permanently on the wrong side of history. It can't last”.
    Nicola Sturgeon painted herself into a corner and wasn’t smart enough to listen to outside voices outside the SNP, and I don’t mean the Green Nutters, they are more or less followers by another colour.

    Could you imagine if she had backed Brexit, she would have been seen in a totally different light.

    The time of Sturgeon is closing fast.

