Thursday, February 9, 2017

Migrant Crisis, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán remains sadly one of the most underrated politicians in Europe, Hungary submits plans to EU to detain all asylum seekers, 5 out of 6 of George Laird ideas have been adopted by the EU to various degrees, someone should pay me a load of cash and put me on the payroll!

Dear All

If you think back right to the start of the migrant crisis, I was pretty clear on what needed to be done to properly secure the EU borders.

In the article, I laid out 5 main points for action.

1/ EU Border Force

2/ EU internal immigration policy for EU citizens

3/ intervention and mobilisation of the military in member states

4/ New EU wide ID card scheme

5/ No non EU economic migrant processed from this crisis and allowed to remain within an EU country which has accept them can travel to any other EU member state. Everyone should be completely documented, if a breach occurred; the person or group will be returned to the EU country they were settled and registered in.

A 6 point was the needed, was for those countries affected by the migrant crisis to build detention camps. After I kept bang on about the need for the camps, it was supported by Donald Tusk of the European Council.

Tusk envisaged an 18 month period of detention to weed out those whose claims were bogus and to identify those who posed a risk to national security of member states. Although Tusk gave an 18 month ballpark figure, I really only saw this as a starting point. Another function to the detention camps was that they were to act as a gateway centre for deportation of failed asylum seekers back to their home countries. The measure talked about wasn’t really taken seriously by politicians; which is why Europe is in a state of chaos and why the far right is sweeping corrupt politicians out of office.

One country has led the way in making real strides to protect Southern Europe, that country is Hungary. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has done what needed to be done; he has taken positive action to safeguard his country. Now Hungary plans to submit a scheme to EU that says they will detain all asylum seekers. This means no more freedom of movement for illegals to pass through other EU countries, asylum applicants would be held in ‘shelters’. Now whether you call them shelters or detention camps, the end result is the same, it is detention, and we should not be afraid to detain people when we already do so when they break the law.

The Hungarian Government will automatically detaining any asylum seeker for the whole period of their asylum application, if their claim is accepted they will get asylum.

Those who don’t get deported!
It is absolutely crucial that the trade in human trafficking is curtailed as soon as possible, and that means governments must act and act swiftly. The election of Donald Trump and Britain voting for Brexit has empowered European politicians of the right and far right, contributing to “a change of mood in Europe” that vindicated the Viktor Orbán’s tough position on migration. If you missed it, there was an EU summit in Malta which marked a turning point in the EU’s attitude to migration in the Mediterranean. My point 3 above was for the military to be mobilised so that NATO could protect and patrol the Med acting in concert with my other idea which is the new EU Border Force.

Both of the ideas which I came up with have also been thought of and approved, not bad a guy from Glasgow able to come up with the same ideas which Europe has adopted, but I came up with them first as far as I am aware.

The Hungarian government’s chief spokesman, Zoltán Kovács said at a briefing in London:

“No migrants – not even those who have already issued their request for asylum – will be able move freely until there is a primary legal decision whether they are entitled for political asylum, refugee status or anything else, so they are not entitled to move freely in the country.”

A variation of my point 2 and point, an internal immigration policy and a restriction on travel!

The only thing which hasn’t been adopted is the new EU wide id card scheme which would be a lot more than a just ‘show me your papers’ piece of plastic.

If the EU refuses to sanction the Hungarian plan, they should proclaim this as a matter of internal Hungarian domestic politics and proceed with the plan immediately.  

Hungary has repeatedly clashed with the EU over its migration policy, they weren’t happy about the erection of a fence on its Serbian border and its refusal to accept EU-wide asylum quotas.

It is clear that Hungary has acted not just in their national interest but in the interests of the rest of Europe and its people.

The Hungarians it is said expect a further clash with Brussels over the new asylum plan but a plan is needed if they are to control what is happening at the borders, a line has to be drawn in the sand.

Any migrant who enters Europe without proper authorisation is basically coming here illegally.

Prime Minister Orbán had in the past proposed hotspots and camps be set up in north Africa, at that time he was getting constant abuse for his ideas, and denounced as a provocateur, now his proposals were on the agenda of the EU.

My ideas on how to ‘fix’ the EU so far have seen 5 out 6 ideas go forward to various degrees, politics isn’t hard as you think.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University



  2. Spot on again George which begs the question :- how come you are so in touch with reality and public opinion whilst all the "Brains" in our SNP Gov are so out of touch ? I guess they must be living in some sort of alternative reality or something ?!?!

    Unfortunately, I inadvertently caught a glimpse of the front page headlines in their kiddie on "newspaper" yesterday, demanding more refugees be allowed into the UK. You couldn`t make it up, at a time when most European govs. appear to be finally coming to their senses, we have Scot Gov still actively campaigning for and encouraging uncontrolled mass immigration from the muslim world, with no regard to the long term consequences for our societies.

    What`s up with Sturgeon & the SNP that they always end up on the losing side of every argument?

  3. And yet some of my friends on facebook continue to go spare.

  4. Dear RMR

    “Spot on again George which begs the question :- how come you are so in touch with reality and public opinion whilst all the "Brains" in our SNP Gov are so out of touch ? I guess they must be living in some sort of alternative reality or something ?!?!”

    I just step back and put my mindset into how ordinary people who struggle all the time would react. I have to say I get a hell of a lot right; and ahead of the curve sometimes by years. If you think back to 2012, I said the SNP should adopt NATO as a policy, the mob turned on me, and then Salmond switched, but I was ahead of curve by years on that while I was in the SNP.

    “Unfortunately, I inadvertently caught a glimpse of the front page headlines in their kiddie on "newspaper" yesterday, demanding more refugees be allowed into the UK. You couldn`t make it up, at a time when most European govs. appear to be finally coming to their senses, we have Scot Gov still actively campaigning for and encouraging uncontrolled mass immigration from the muslim world, with no regard to the long term consequences for our societies.”

    I have always said that immigration is a good thing, too much is a bad thing, and this is recognised by others, I heard that Asian people in Govanhill were of the same mind with regard to who was bring down the area.

    “What`s up with Sturgeon & the SNP that they always end up on the losing side of every argument?”

    I would say just stupid, however it is more than that its ego, it’s trying to play to a PC agenda which they use to virtue signal that they are really good people when they are stinking excuses of humanity.


  5. As long as Scotland is governed by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish National Party, I will call Scotland "Sturgeontown" in honour of Nicola Sturgeon and Jonestown, Guyana the home of the infamous People's Temple cult led by the late mass murderer cult leader Reverand Jim Jones. Before the mass suicides and murders that occured on November 18, 1978 on the members of the People's Temple cult, people believed that this danger just sudddently occured out of thin air, but in reality their were sinister and dark signs of things to come. Go on Youtube and type in PBS Jonestown to see a documentary of Reverand Jim Jones and his People's Temple cult and in this documentary, many of the surviving members were interviewed and gave insights of the madness to come. Cult members described "White Nights" which were suicide drills and they were forced to drink wine that was said to be laced with cyanide and they were told they were going to die and an hour later, they were told it was just a drill. Other cult members said they were beatings annd other severe punnishments to dissidents in the People's Temple. Jim Jones claimed he was the only hetrosexual on the planet and said every one else were homosexuals and the while he was raping women and sodomizing men. Reverand Jim Jones also declared he was a GOD. I fear Scots are like the members of the People's Temple and Nicola Sturgeon is Jim Jones. Be on alert for orders of vast quantities of cyanide and koolaide into Scotland (Sturgeontown) which could be the set up for mass suicide and murder of Scots by the SNP. BTW Scotland's former name was "Salmondtown" when Alex Salmond was the First Minister.
