Thursday, January 12, 2017

Wake up call for the Western Press, President Elect Donald Trump Tells CNN Reporter "You Are Fake News" and refuses to give him a question at press conference, the standard in journalism should be the factual truth not made up stories lacking credibility


  1. I think those idiots at Buzzfeed have a lot to answer for.

  2. agreed with AL c


  3. Actually George, do you reckon the nasty things suggested about Trump that he's accused of are misleading lies? Because some of what he's been accused of is pretty nasty (e.g. sexual assault) but it's hard to know what to think since the news at the moment in particular has a very bad track record for being truthful (of course, they've always been spinning and misleading and embellishing at some level for years).

  4. Dear Al C

    “Actually George, do you reckon the nasty things suggested about Trump that he's accused of are misleading lies?”

    I take the view that a person is innocent until proven guilty.

    As you might know I was an outspoken critic of Trump and his Golf Course because of the way he tried to bully residents who didn’t want to move.

    “Because some of what he's been accused of is pretty nasty (e.g. sexual assault) but it's hard to know what to think since the news at the moment in particular has a very bad track record for being truthful (of course, they've always been spinning and misleading and embellishing at some level for years)”.

    The allegations are pretty nasty but I don’t see Donald Trump in this light, especially the Russians hookers allegedly pissing on a bed used previously by Obama and his wife.

    I was a Trump supporter in the US election, because the alternative of Clinton was unthinkable for the US. She was so tainted that I couldn’t see her as president and when you looked at her previous stints in public office, a big question mark hangs over her.

    The hate campaign against Trump has backfired really badly on the Democrats and their allies in the MSM; the CNN reporter was an example of how you can effectively not tolerate these people. CNN is now in the toilet as a news channel, I even wonder if they will get White House Press accreditation when the new regime takes over in about a week.


  5. Change of subject I know George, but what do you think of Sturgeon being given column in the shit rag,, the Daily Record?

  6. HI Sherbie

    Sturgeon writing for the Daily Record, I just see that as the SNP gearing up for the council elections.


  7. I agree, George. I think a lot of us are forgetting ourselves here, largely probably because the feminist movement has been so desperate to "end rape" that they try witch hunts against anyone accused. After his rather weird comments about his daughter (I don't think he meant it but it just comes across as rather uncomfortable). For me, I've been just hoping he's innocent, but of course, innocent until proven guilty. I was concerned about the accusations from women, but then again, we remember what happened to Assange, RIGHT after he started giving away secrets from the most powerful people in the world. Convenient much? And the grab-em-by-the-we-all-know-what isn't enough to confirm sexual misconduct because it's just bragging. We guys tend to fib and exaggerate about our sexual activities, I do all the time, doesn't mean it's true.

    I always said that I disliked them both, but unlike most of my friends, I disliked Clinton more. This is because I found her politics to be the same old shit, her recklessness in the Middle East, her hypocrisy on women's rights considering her track record with her dodgy loser of a husband, and I must say that her campaign was so incompetent that I couldn't believe it. "Basket of deplorables" was a mistake if ever there was one, because as soon as I heard it I KNEW that Trump's supporters would start calling themselves this.

    My main concern has always been of Trump being a liability, but I do wonder if he's actually more canny than he lets on, considering that he's destroyed the Republican-Democrat opponents of his, and made fools of the political strata of American society, the news outlets, Buzzfeed and CNN have well and truly ruined trust in the media (not that it wasn't common knowledge that they mislead, spin, and plug their opinions regularly anyway). Perhaps better relations between Russia and the West WOULD be good, if it will make us more secure worldwide, because that is where my concerns with the American presidency lie, foreign and economic policy.

    Truth be told, unlike my friends, I never actually hated Trump. At worst, he seems uncouth and oafish, but that could be just an act. He's not a hate-filled Nazi, that's rubbish. As far as I'm concerned, because he's not been sworn in as president so far, I don't have reason enough so far to actively dislike him like others do.

    I also do agree with the Trump supporters that change is needed in America and the Western world, desperately. The "great and the good" have taken advantage of the people too long.

    Cheers again, George!

  8. Dear Al C

    America needs Trump, I am not a fan but I see the need he fills.


  9. Agreed re trump Georgieboy

