Monday, January 23, 2017

Elect George Laird for the Pollok Ward 2017, elect an indy councillor


  1. Excellent graphics.
    Good start to the Campaign. Expect more good honest videos.

  2. Goid luck to you George,, let's rid Scotland of the lying SNP scum. This lot are not even allowed to have an opinion on anything. Thy must do and say what they are told, by Murrell and the lying, un-democratic shite gang. Democracy does not exist in this ratship of a clique calledd the snp.

  3. Nice Georgie boy but it should be THE ONLY independent councillor

    How about a wee vox pop interview at Silverburn ?

    Do you have a pay pal for campaighn funds

  4. Top notch election video George, the very best of luck in your campaign, you have got off to a good start, time to keep building on it. Look forward to you being elected a councillor in the City Chambers.

  5. good luck georgieboy

