Monday, January 30, 2017

800,000 people petition to get the State visit of President Donald Trump cancelled after the US bring in their immigration ban, the regressive left plan to hold protests in London and several UK cities, do you know who selected the seven countries affected, President Barack Hussein Obama, the left call it a “Muslim” ban to manipulate public opinion

Dear All

When Donald Trump got elected, there were a lot of angry people who didn’t want to see him as the 45th President of the United States of America. The American people had a choice to make between Trump and Clinton; Hillary Clinton in my opinion had too much baggage and doubts against her.

Donald Trump was the obvious choice and he won the election as me and other commentators went against the mainstream media, and political Elites choice to declare for Trump.

The Trump immigration ban was long trialled in his campaign, the exclusion of all people from 7 countries which are linked to terrorism is a blunt instrument but this isn’t the first time in US history were people from a majority Muslim country have been banned from entering the US.

Trump isn’t breaking new ground here.

Do you know who flagged up the seven countries selected?

President Barack Hussein Obama, 44th President of the United States of America.

The regressive left are calling this a 'Muslim ban', but it isn't, all people regardless of faith in the seven countries are seeing their applications suspended by the US.

Commentators have said that the people reacting to Trump’s "Muslim ban" are some of the same people who didn’t say a word when President Obama was bombing in the Middle East.

What is worse; an immigration ban or bombing in the Middle East which kills men, women and children?

I think the latter but having said that innocent people have been affected by the immigration ban which was rushed through without being proper thought-out to how this would work in practice.

The ban has seen innocent people being discriminated against purely because they are from one of the seven countries that have been singled out by the ban. The World is truly global and the US is a transit point which airlines use as they operate their services.

If the US administration chose to operate an immigration ban, that is their business and something for them to work out. One thing about Trump is that he isn’t paralysed by the dogma which affects European politicians who have destroyed the fabric of Europe by failing to deal with the migrant crisis and the subsequent terrorism which followed on the back of it.

In the stroke of a pen, Donald Trump also banned refugees from the seven countries.

Europe has seen politicians afraid to act in the national interest because they are all tied into the same political correctness stance which brands them a racist of they step out of the consensus political bubble.

Like it or not Donald Trump is getting things done, however, his methods are a bit crude and rushed.  

As the immigration ban came into force in the US, the regressive left has tried to whip up support against the US President calling for him to be sanctioned, this is gesture politics, the same people were silent when President Barack Hussein Obama was doing the same thing. Why, because in the eyes of the regressive left, Obama is okay, he is on their team.

The petition to ban Trump from a UK State visit has a certain kind of amusement value to it, because protests will have no affect whatsoever on the decision whether to allow a State visit.

I understand that Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has said the State visit should be cancelled but he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of changing UK Government’s mind. One thing that Jeremy Corbyn is bad at is foreign affairs, and this is an area that he needs to work on if he is to present himself as a credible leader to win the Office of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Some times quiet diplomacy can work better than meaningless ‘student politics’ stunts, personally I don’t do demos or the meaningless political gestures myself, I find them to be unproductive as history has shown. I would also hazard a guess that trying to tinker in US domestic politics will backfire but perhaps there might be room to manoeuvre on the immigration ban which is counterproductive in how it operates.

The Donald Trump petition and all the rallies planned in the UK, the collection of 500,000 signatures to stop UK state visit by Trump are meaningless but if people want to do it, then let them go ahead and protest.

The petition cites that ‘Donald Trump’s well documented misogyny and vulgarity’ is reason enough to disqualify him from being received by Her Majesty the Queen or the Prince of Wales.

It reads:

“Donald Trump should be allowed to enter the UK in his capacity as head of the US Government but he should not be invited to make an official State Visit because it would cause embarrassment to Her Majesty the Queen”.

Having been in the Army during WW2, I think we can be fairly certain that her Majesty the Queen; and the rest of her family who have served in the military also have certainly heard vulgarity in their time.

Prime Minister Theresa May came under pressure to condemn Mr Trump’s immigration policy; personally I don’t think she will be making an issue of it, and I don’t think the policy will be getting stopped but there is a case for it being modified.

The case for the policy being modified is the battle ground that those concerned about the innocent affected by this should be fought on; sadly, it rather looks like there isn’t a lot of interest in trying to find solutions to what could be done.

Ironically, the people who condemn Donald Trump are the same people who hailed President Obama, his foreign policy endeavours saw a lot of innocent people dead, maimed or displaced in the Middle East.

I have kept repeating what President Obama did while in Office as it is important to understand the contrast between him and Trump.

Once you take the time to research what has been said and written to ascertain the facts on the immigration ban, you will be truly enlightened instead of others trying to use you for their own ends.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. In all honesty George, I can't stand this regressive hysteria. You know me, I'm not exactly Trump's biggest fan, but I don't hate him like everyone else. These reactions are just ridiculous and I really despise their hypocrisy over Obama, who really turned out to be a disappointment to me, really put me off after his frosty response to our country. Plus the fact that his drone strikes and total disappointment over the "change" he offered, the constant eulogising of him and his wife nauseated me. True, he'd done some good, but that doesn't cancel out what he'd done wrong and the hero worship (just because he was first black US president) was sickening to watch.

    And even though I'm not big on Trump, I'd give him a chance. He IS president now, so if he proves his worth I'd be delighted. Interesting that he's actually following through on his election promises.

  2. Dear Al C

    “In all honesty George, I can't stand this regressive hysteria. You know me, I'm not exactly Trump's biggest fan, but I don't hate him like everyone else”.

    I agree with you, on my blog you will have seen anti Trump articles in the past, however I was rooting for him to become President.

    “These reactions are just ridiculous and I really despise their hypocrisy over Obama, who really turned out to be a disappointment to me, really put me off after his frosty response to our country. Plus the fact that his drone strikes and total disappointment over the "change" he offered, the constant eulogising of him and his wife nauseated me. True, he'd done some good, but that doesn't cancel out what he'd done wrong and the hero worship (just because he was first black US president) was sickening to watch”.

    You hit the nail on the head with Obama, he did some good to be sure but he also did a lot wrong, he went for the easy hits with populism and it showed.

    “And even though I'm not big on Trump, I'd give him a chance. He IS president now, so if he proves his worth I'd be delighted. Interesting that he's actually following through on his election promises”.

    Sadly in politics many don’t stand by their election promises, I hope Trump does to the letter and spirit, perhaps it will prompt others to embrace truth.


  3. Hello George

    I will admit I was, initially, repelled by 'the Donald". However, there are signs that he will make a much needed difference. He has not shrunk from tightening up the border with Mexico, stopping inappropriate immigration and tackling 'sanctuary cities". He clearly doesn't do political correctness but it also looks like he will listen to his cabinet. He seems likely to turn the State Department on it's ear. I think he will revise the long standing policy of giving money to countries who are hostile to the US. His victory has also galvanised the European right. Arguably, brexit galvanised Trump during his campaign.

    It's early days but I can envisage him taking on CAIR and others like them. He will probably make mistakes but I think he will shake up the US big time. That is likely to further galvanise those who want to see major changes in Europe and elsewhere in the West. By the way, I saw a comment from a German gent who said Merkel's approval rating was 12%. That should make it difficult for her to stroll back into the Chancellery unopposed. You have already said that you expect the fuhrer to get hammered and the stars appear to be aligning with you, if not merkel.

    Keep it coming George. You are a tonic.

    Auld Jock

  4. That Ruth Davidson has ended any reason for me to vote Tory, i never liked them anyway. She's just another libtard, better off just spoling my vote than put a X on any their names

  5. Nicely balanced and well thought out viewpoint George. It is a mine field trying to put across a rational argument when the race card is played by the screeching, hysterical, virtue signalling, PC mob. I agree that all this hysteria is being manufactured and people manipulated by the same elites and media establishments that are out to destroy real people power such as demonstrated in the US election and Brexit. Trash Trump , trash by association Theresa May / UK, try to put the very real PC fear into her and hey presto the EU and the establishment regain control.

    You're spot on about Corbyn`s extremely poor mastery of foreign policy but his incompetence surely pales in comparison to Sturgeon & co. 1st they appoint Trump as a Scottish Trade Ambassador , then they strip him of the honour and demand he be banned from the UK, next they send messages and phone calls congratulating him on becoming president. Then, in short order, they lead campaigns and petitions to have him banned from a state visit to the UK just because he dared to carry out his well publicised election promises. What a bunch of useless embarrassing clowns!

  6. Dear RMR

    Thank you for the thumbs up, yesterday on Twitter, I was told my blog wasn't very good.

    He states and I quote:

    "Read his (ironically titled) blog - the worst part is probably the utterly atrocious writing".

    No pleasing some people as I declared for Trump.


  7. Auld Jack

    Check out this video on the blog, you will see Trump is doing what the Clintons and others who criticise Trump have done in the past.

    I found this online and like to use third party sources to get the message out, we need a political awakening in Scotland.

