Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Curse of Braden Davy, Tory MSP Ross Thomson is order by party bosses to repay expenses after sharing hotel room with his aide, as well as this going public, Thomson has lost his office manager with immediate effect as Thomson decided to hire former Labour Candidate onto his staff, if he is wondering party bosses won’t be forgetting this gem anytime soon

Dear All

In politics, the ability to lead is important, as equally important is the ability to be a team player, can you be both?

Yes, you can, however how you balance out the demands is down to you exercising good judgement.

And there is a theory to know what good judgement is you might have to go through a period of exercising bad judgement.

Ross Thomson is a Tory MSP, during the Leave Campaign, it was said he was high profile, I can’t say I noticed in Glasgow. Anyway in May he gets elected on the list as an MSP to Holyrood, by enlarge the Tories in comparison with some other parties did remarkably well benefiting from the mistakes of others particularly in the area of the Union.

Ruth Davidson made her pitch after Kezia Dugdale dropped the ball by saying she could consider voting for independence, that tactic backfired rather badly, not only did indy Labour voters not return, the Unionist vote in Labour decided to back the Tories.

And if anyone has any doubts about the tactic, just ask the Labour Party, well donors have been slow to come forward.

So, Ross Thomson gets in, and instead of ‘learning his trade’, and keeping his head down, he has decided to go the other way and upset people. If he had cause, then you could view his renegade behaviour in a certain light.

One of his big mistakes, which I blogged on was him hiring Braden Davy, the former Labour candidate, this was his choice, a bad choice and a choice which has caused a rift with party bosses, and in him losing his office manager.

Thomson’s office manager, James McMordie has resigned with immediate effect after a 'breakdown in relations' with the North East Scotland MSP. Elected in May and losing staff so early, questions have to be asked.

Ross Thomson is entitled to hire anyone he likes; he is their employer, not the Tory Party.

Hiring Davy was bad judgement and what came later just compounded it, the MSP has had to repay repaid hotel expenses after sharing a taxpayer-funded room.

Although there is no suggestion of sleaze, Thomson has decided to comply with party bosses regarding the money.

Ross Thomson is supposed to be regarded very highly, has demonstrated immaturity and inexperience on several occasions.

When you get flagged up as a problem in politics, people start to keep a record on you, not on your successes but on your failures, and when they are self-inflicted, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Ross Thomson should NOT have:

Hired Braden Davy

Not claimed expenses for a hotel room he shared with Davy.

Not have lost his office manager.

Not ignored party bosses.

He should have exercised good judgement, in all cases a simple common sense test is all that is needed here.

Has Ross Thomson cooked his goose?

More like burnt it to a frazzle!

What Ross Thomson does with his own money is his business, what he does with taxpayer funded money is everyone’s business.

Finally if you read my previous post.

I blogged major mistake hiring Davy, George Laird right again!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. YEP right again mate

  2. I used to live next door to Braden Davy on a dorm at Durham University. I cannot think of a name low enough to call him.
