Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Having Fun Natalie, Glasgow East MP Natalie McGarry is charged by Police Scotland with several criminal offences relating to alleged fraud from organisations such as the SNP GRA and Women for Independence, the charges include embezzlement of funds, breach of trust and an offence under the Scottish Independence Referendum Act 2013

Dear All

There I was sitting about yesterday when a text pops up on my phone, to my surprise the text told me that Glasgow East MP Natalie McGarry had been charged by police in connection with alleged fraud.

I have said it before and I will say it again, in my opinion Natalie McGarry is unfit to be an MP, what a huge mistake unpopular Nicola Sturgeon made backing her, what a huge mistake the SNP made in selecting her.

In June 2013, I wrote a blog post about the SNP’s attempts to win over Conservatives; it wasn’t a hatchet job on her but an assessment that she was wrong.

What happened next came as a real surprise as I had never to my knowledge had a run in with her.

Natalie McGarry then decided to link my blog to a hate account run by her associate Tommy Ball who operated a twitter account called @georgemlaird.

I found this:

I've made it! At last I've been designated non-Jedi by the great sage that is @georgemlaird Want a laugh? Here ya go:

McGarry who socialised with Tommy Ball who (later ended up being convicted) tried to pass off his account as mine on the twitter social media platform. The account by Tommy Ball was all about branding me a paedophile, Ball as I mentioned in the past also attempted Identity theft.

Natalie McGarry is Nicola Sturgeon’s pal, and I was being targeted by those who surround Nicola Sturgeon, her nasty vicious southside clique.

So, we have a Nationalist MP in the shape of Natalie McGarry, her mother is or was an SNP Cllr, her auntie was the Presiding Officer at Holyrood, and the SNP is filled with many little family dynasties.

One of the things in politics that you must do is be accountable and the way to be accountable is to follow the rules to the letter, especially if there are a legal aspect or you are the custodian of finances or assets.

Natalie McGarry was part of the group which founded Women for Independence which was like many phoney little groups setup by SNP members and their allies. Having been given a title, the press put Natalie McGarry on the TV and Radio as ‘Natalie McGarry, Women for Independence’.

I faced off against her myself on BBC Radio 5 Live on ‘White Paper Day’, a truly underwhelming affair, not the BBC event but the SNP launch, my thoughts on this were explained in this blog post.

Before I forget, Nicola Sturgeon saw me that day over at Holyrood and when she saw me her head went straight down, no angry wee Nat routine towards George Laird, her feral Southside mob were doing that task.

At the close of the programme, guests get to do a final pitch, I did my pitch on trust; people didn’t trust Alex Salmond or his Government, instead of putting her own pitch, Natalie McGarry was forced to defend Salmond with a miserable reply.

I won!

Natalie McGarry ‘s tenure as an MP hasn’t been impressive, quite the opposite, everything you do and everything you say gets picked over by your opponents, and McGarry made a name for herself for all the wrong reasons. She used twitter to smear not just me, but also people as famous as JK Rowling, that didn’t go down too well. And then there was the smearing of Alistair Cameron who is a director of Scotland in Union, that incident went nuclear very quickly in the press. Natalie McGarry was forced to apologise and pay a sum of money to charity.

I never got to name Natalie McGarry in open court because Tommy Ball pled guilty to get a reduced sentence, but yesterday across the road from me at Govan Police Station Natalie McGarry has been charged by the police in connection with alleged fraud.

The criminal charges relate to a five-figure sum missing from the Women for Independence group and the SNP’s Glasgow Regional Association.

The surprise one for me is the SNP’s Glasgow Regional Association which previously McGarry was the Convenor, but when I blogged on the Cowdenbeath By-election Special, I remarked that there were some people I was told in the SNP who were rooting for a Labour victory, not just any old Nat but the real die hard division.

Natalie McGarry had imploded the SNP vote by about 50%, politics a funny old game you have to laugh.

McGarry's solicitor is Aamer Anwar, I remember this clown from my Glasgow University days, anyway he said:

"I can confirm that Natalie McGarry MP attended voluntarily with myself as her solicitor this morning at Govan Police Station”.

I like the use of the word ‘voluntarily’, it kind of implies that she had a choice in the matter, like it was a meeting of the minds and a cosy wee affair, it wasn’t!

Anwar added:   

"Following an interview, she was charged this afternoon with several alleged offences including embezzlement of funds, breach of trust and an offence under the Scottish Independence Referendum Act 2013”.

Can you feel the cosyness?

Me neither!

Anwar’s final pitch is:

"She was released and will now be the subject of a report to the Procurator Fiscal. There will be no further comment.”

The Police release people so as not to clog up the jails, and as to the “no further comment”, this is standard advice by a lawyer to keep your mouth shut.

Nicola Sturgeon who backed Natalie McGarry has said the accusations are “very serious”, well if you are charged with several alleged offences including embezzlement of funds, breach of trust and an offence under the Scottish Independence Referendum Act 2013, you can’t fault Nicola Sturgeon for stating the bleeding obvious.

I wonder if the SNP MPs will be keeping their distance now the Police have stepped up a gear or they will wrap their arms around McGarry and do a ‘she is oor Nat’ routine?

In May this year, Police Scotland began investigating a second complaint against McGarry, after the SNP’s Glasgow Regional Association reported around £4000 unaccounted for. The amount doesn’t interest me in this aspect of the case, who filed the complaint with Police Scotland; does, previously McGarry was SNP Convenor from 2011 till 2015. I remember her being installed as Convenor when the former member stepped down. Instead of thanking him for his efforts, the feeling in the room that night was to ‘bad mouth’ him by some of Nicola Sturgeon’s southside clique.

I don’t by enlarge attend court cases, when Tommy Sheridan’s was on trial I took an interest in it but never went to court to see the action unfold, if Natalie McGarry is taken to court by the Procurator Fiscal, you can be damn sure I will be attending this one!

Under the Representation of the People Act any MP jailed in the UK for more than a year is disqualified from membership of the House of Commons and their seat will be vacated.

Finally, Natalie McGarry, who was elected as the SNP member for Glasgow East in May 2015 is denying any wrongdoing.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. It would be good to find out who actually reported it to cops. Hope she goes for trial. I'll have plenty popcorn and ice cream at hand.
    We could get a defence of "dark forces" or MI5 dunnit. Also no defence of a vulnerable wummin .
    It could have been The Toaries.

  2. It's taken long enough,,,, serves her right,, chuffed to bits.

  3. ARE you going to the court Georgie boy:)
