Monday, July 25, 2016

Wave of Horror: 4 attacks hit Germany in one week, how much longer can Angela Merkel be allowed to continue as German leader, where is the leadership, where is the plan to cope?


  1. Hello George

    I saw a news report from the scene of the suicide bombing in Germany on Sunday night. The reporter said he was aware of a strong local backlash against merkel et al. From his body language , he was genuinely shocked at the strength of feeling being expressed. It also turns out that bumper stickers, key fobs and tee shirts are "going viral" across Germany. Looks like fuhrer merkel ist gefucht.

    Auld Jock

  2. Hello George

    I should have said that all these tee shirts etc are lettered "merkel must go". That should follow her around like a bad smell.

    Auld Jock
