Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Labour MP Angela Eagle sees her constituency office get a brick through the window as Labour plotters seek to deny Jeremy Corbyn natural justice by attempting to keep him off the ballot paper, emotions are running very high as civil war is expected to engulf the Party, it’s 172 Labour MPs vs the Labour membership

Dear All

The plot to oust Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party by 172 Labour MPs is a rather nasty squalid affair.

You could say that their act of disloyalty is on a par with the kind of treachery display by Burgess, McLean, Blunt and Philby.

Blairitie plotters have in the shape of Angela Eagle decided to act because they aren’t happy the way the Labour Party is run.  

The coup is nothing to do with the EU referendum result apparently they have been plotting to remove Corbyn more or less since he was elected as leader on a popular mandate.

In the past, the threat to the Labour Party was militant, now the threat to democracy in the party is Blair faction.

So, what is the Blair faction, these are middle class people who don’t represent the values of the working class people anymore, they think they are an elite who are there to ‘manage’ people, in effect the views of the people don’t count.

Labour MP David Lammy expressed this sentiment beautifully as he said; that Parliament should simply ignore the result of the EU referendum.

With the Tories signed up to the hilt for Brexit under new PM Theresa May, the Blair faction want to try and scupper the will of the people.

Emotions are running very high, the Blair faction want to exclude Jeremy Corbyn from standing as a candidate for leader in a rather shobby attempt to deny him natural justice.

Now, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has had to call for calm following brick attack on Angela Eagle's office.

Some time ago, I said that politicians had alienated people so much in Europe that violence was on the horizon, not just against migrants but also the political class.

You can read this as part of my analysis that Europe is heading towards civil war and a rise in domestic terrorism; basically we will see a ‘race war’, violence bloody and brutal.

Angela Eagle as well as getting a brick through her window has also received death threats, politics provokes emotion, and robbing people of their democratic leader could see Angela Eagle and the other 171 Labour MPs who are against the Labour membership also in the firing line.

There is to be a key meeting of Labour’s national executive committee to discuss whether or not the party leader’s name will appear automatically on the ballot paper. If Corbyn is not allowed to stand this goes against natural justice.

Jeremy Corbyn has been quick to condemn the attack on Angela Eagle’s constituency office, he said:

“It is extremely concerning that Angela Eagle has been the victim of a threatening act and that other MPs are receiving abuse and threats. As someone who has also received death threats this week and previously, I am calling on all Labour Party members and supporters to act with calm and treat each other with respect and dignity, even where there is disagreement.”

The Labour leader added:

“I utterly condemn any violence or threats, which undermine the democracy within our party and have no place in our politics.”

As well as the criminal damage, Angela Eagle has her own more personal troubles; her local party members want to de-select her after the Wallasey Constituency Labour Party urged her to support Mr Corbyn.

The Labour Party members should de-select all 171 Labour MPs involved in the coup against Jeremy Corbyn, no one can trust them and no one should be willing to do a single day of activism for them again.

It is looking increasingly likely that events may force the Labour leadership contest into the Courts.

Unite general secretary Len McCluskey said it would be "alien to the concept of natural justice" if Mr Corbyn was blocked from defending his position, something which the union warned would "leave a stain on party unity that might prove permanent".

Lawyers acting for Jim Kennedy, a trade union member of the NEC committee, have written to party general secretary Iain McNicol warning they will take "injunctive action" unless Mr Corbyn is automatically included.

Solicitor Martin Howe said:

"Our clients are very concerned that the purpose of the special meeting is to manufacture a situation whereby Jeremy Corbyn's name will be omitted from the leadership ballot. That is wholly unacceptable."

The coup by the Blair faction has split the Labour Party wide open, if it does end up in the Courts and Jeremy Corbyn is denied natural justice, then the Labour Party will have a ‘leader’ with no mandate.

One thing is certain, this episode will end very badly, the membership must start the process of removing all 171 Labour MPs by de-selection; no one should enter public office by way of a sordid nasty fix which appears to be the position of the Blair Faction.

As to Angela Eagle……. She doesn’t have a future in the Labour Party, her own party members will move against her and de-select her, one thing she can be sure of that will be natural justice.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Hello George

    I hope you are shrugging off the bug you got and quickly return to full health.

    I try to catch all your blogs. I always enjoy them and often learn from them. I missed your blog of 21/12/2015. It is seriously scary. It reveals what the mainstream media ignore. I can now see why you predict a race war in Europe. As you say, it will likely be an incident in a small town which kicks it all off. We seem to be standing into a period of huge public disquiet with "authority". Here, the labour party is tearing itself to pieces and the referendum result shows that labour MPs no longer represent their communities. Whatever strife occurs at the local level in europe, it looks like Hollande will struggle to get re-elected next year and I find it very hard to believe that la Merkel will simply cruise to victory in the coming elections in Germany. These two prats purport to "lead" eu politics. If either or both of them lose office, the stage will be set for political chaos. It is already set for financial chaos with the Italian banks teetering on the edge of the abyss. God bless the English channel and the referendum result.

    Auld Jock

  2. THEY should let Corbie stand and fail then oust him

  3. Hi Auld Jock

    “I hope you are shrugging off the bug you got and quickly return to full health”.

    Getting better, still have a slight cough at present.

    “I try to catch all your blogs. I always enjoy them and often learn from them. I missed your blog of 21/12/2015. It is seriously scary. It reveals what the mainstream media ignore. I can now see why you predict a race war in Europe. As you say, it will likely be an incident in a small town which kicks it all off. We seem to be standing into a period of huge public disquiet with "authority".”

    You will see as I predicted that politicians are now in the firing line for violence, people are angry, and it is getting worse, the Labour coup is a classic example, seems some people are talking matters into their own hands.
    Dennis Skinner hit the nail on the head when he said Labour’s problem is Progress, the Blair think tank, this is the new militant in Labour, middle class people with an agenda in the Labour Party who aren’t there to help the poor.

    They are the cuckoos in the nest.

    “Here, the labour party is tearing itself to pieces and the referendum result shows that labour MPs no longer represent their communities”.

    Not since the ear of Blair when the Labour Party was flooded with careerists, eventually Scotland got so sick of lacking of representation that the people turned on Labour, its isn’t the fault of the rank and file but the elected members.

    “Whatever strife occurs at the local level in europe, it looks like Hollande will struggle to get re-elected next year and I find it very hard to believe that la Merkel will simply cruise to victory in the coming elections in Germany”.

    I hope the French punt Hollande out the door, he hasn’t worked out, as to Merkel, she is looking like her time is over; she might get replaced by a guy called McAllister who doesn’t seem to me to be the solution to the European question.

    The EU needs to be dismantled and a new organisation which is a trade vehicle established, other countries should follow the UK lead in Brexit.

    “These two prats purport to "lead" eu politics. If either or both of them lose office, the stage will be set for political chaos”.

    Keep watching Germany, you can expect to see a rise in domestic terrorism, Merkel set the stage for that conflict.

    “It is already set for financial chaos with the Italian banks teetering on the edge of the abyss”.

    Add in France and Greece, we know they are bust, and watch the bond markets in Europe, you might see others struggle to sell debt.

    “God bless the English channel and the referendum result”.

    A bit of water 21 miles across from Dover to France has come in rather handy.


  4. well said Georgeiboy

