Saturday, July 23, 2016

Another step is taken, the road to ‘civil war’ in Europe gets closer as Muslim Gunman murders 9 people in Munich, this time the terrorist targeted the Kids of Munich at a fast food outlet near a shopping mall, Europe is shaping up to be the new ‘Middle East’ battlefield

Dear All

Another step on the road to civil war in Europe has been taken by the Munich killings that have left nine innocent people dead and another 21 people injured.

Yet again, terrorism has reared its ugly head in Europe.

Do you remember what I recent stated what was going to happen in Europe re terrorism?

I stated in my post of 19th July that violence in Europe would escalate upwards, and that you could expect attacks at large soft targets, football matches, concerts and ultimately schools.

I said “ultimately schools” because I recognised that the terrorists would ultimately single out children to be killed.

An eye witness to the killings in Munich said to CNN:

"He's killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run."

You can listen to her account here:

One the things that the mainstream liberal press has decided to do is to paint the Munich murderer as being a mentally ill loner.

How did the Iranian –German Muslim get the gun he used to murder people?

How did he acquire the 300 rounds of ammunition in his rucksack, the Germans have strict firearms control in their country.

One of the other eye witnesses has said that the shopping centre gunman screamed:

'I'm German' and 'Allahu Akbar'.

The gunman did not have a licence for the weapon he used which was a Glock 17, a popular firearm used by law enforcement agencies worldwide. 

Glocks can come with high magazine capacity, 17 rounds of 9×19mm Parabellum rounds, standard ammunition in and through-out Europe.

The killer has been named as Ali Sonboly, an 18-year-old Iranian, who has been living in Munich for over two years.

Munich police chief described Soboly as a 'classical shooter without any political motivation' and added that he committed suicide as he was not shot by police.

This statement that he had no political motivation seems to be rather off the cuff, it is too early to have built up a complete investigation in his life and what connections he had made and with whom.

French President Francois Hollande branded the killings a 'terrorist attack'.

He said:

“The terrorist attack that struck Munich killing many people is a disgusting act that aims to foment fear in Germany after other European countries. Germany will resist, it can count on France's friendship and cooperation”. 

I suppose a question which will occupy German intelligence and other agencies in Europe is how many ‘lone wolf’ attacks will happen and is there a pattern emerging?

On twitter several controversial twitter users have expressed their outrage over Munich.

“Another well integrated Muslim migrant commits mass slaughter. How's that "diversity" working for you?”

You should read the twitter feed #Munichshootings to give you an overview of the public mood.

Some other tweets which caught my eye are these ones:

“When you shout Allahu Akhbar before killing children your motive is Wahhabism”.

Mensch is the former Conservative MP.

“Why a terrorist shoots kids at McDonald's: destabilization. Goal: make West as unstable as East.” #MunichShooting

I think this is a fair assessment which is no doubt sitting on the desks of countless intelligence agencies right across the EU.  

The attack paralysed the southern German city of Munich, bringing renewed fears of terrorism to mainland Europe just a week after the Nice atrocity and the another teenager attacker who launched an ISIS-inspired axe attack on a German train.

One thing is certain, Europe is fast approaching a state of civil war, with the targeting of the kids of Munich; this is a significant development.

I seriously doubt that Angela Merkel can continue as the leader of Germany, it is in the interests of Europe that she is removed from power. 

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. What I find really odd is why he shot himself after his killing spree? Even if he shouted 'Allahu Akbar' then wouldn't he be more inclined to wait for the police or the military to top him? Suicide outside of the context of jihad is a sin in Islam after all.

  2. Hello George

    The eye witness who described this muslim hero yelling allahu akhbar is all the more plausible since she is, herself, a muslim. Despite the police saying there is no evidence of a terrorism link, la merkel is quoted as saying the guy had been radicalised. Shurely shome mishtake shomewhere?

    You will be aware that a Syrian migrant has just killed one and injured two other german civilians in Reutlingen with a machete. The police gallantly arrested him but announced almost immediately that there was no evidence of a terrorism link. If nothing else, the german police are consistent.

    Auld Jock



