Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Eagle has landed; Labour MP Angela Eagle agrees to be the face of the 172 plotters to challenge Jeremy Corbyn for the Labour leadership, Jeremy Corbyn has the support of the members and unions, Angela Eagle has already lost, damaged goods

Dear All

The Eagle has landed; Angela Eagle has agreed to be the stalking horse in the Labour coup against Jeremy Corbyn for the Labour leadership.

Jeremy Corbyn has had a rough ride as leader after being elected about 9 months ago, I agree with his stance on many things, but that doesn’t mean I am willing to join the rabble plotting against him.

Where’s their loyalty?

It isn’t to the leader, it isn’t to the party, it isn’t to the people, so who do the 172 Labour MPs represent?

Maybe that’s not the question which should be addressed; the real question is that 172 people think they can mount a coup to take over leadership of the party which has 380,000 members.

The Labour Party can find 172 people to replace the plotters at the next election with no difficulty.  

Eagle is a fool, but I seriously doubt she is the brains behind the operation, and the timing seems to suggest to me that the plotters real objective is to ignore the result of the EU referendum in the hope a remainer becomes the next Conservative leader.

In a sign of how the showdown will play out, BBC's Newsnight spoke to 50 chairs and secretaries of local Labour parties who supported Mr Corbyn's election as party leader, 45 will continue to support and nominate Mr Corbyn again.

Angela Eagle has already lost the contest even before leadership contest takes place in my opinion.

Jeremy Corbyn has done nothing wrong in the EU referendum and the views of the plotters aren’t representative of the wider Labour movement.

One Chair speaking out said:

"The MPs are living in their own little bubble. The orchestration of it is appalling, characterised by a total lack of democracy. They are dishonest. Jeremy should stand again - this is a fight for the soul of the party."

Just like the EU referendum, this is a democracy issue, as well as Labour chairs, the unions have now rallied behind Jeremy Corbyn, this gives Jeremy Corbyn a "resounding mandate" to continue in post.

So, what should the plotters do now?

They should resign as Labour MPs as they are unworthy of trust, Angela Eagle has no future in the Labour Party now.

Angela Eagle has been an MP since 1992 and served in government under Gordon Brown, her crap of saying she and others had tried to "make it work" under Corbyn but had concluded it was no longer possible is risible.

Jeremy Corbyn isn’t standing down, he will face the challenge and he will win, the result is likely to be announced at Labour's party conference in September.

Angela Eagle will not be giving the leader’s speech.

In Scotland, members of Ian Murray’s local Labour party have condemned his stupidity when he resigned as shadow Scottish Secretary, he gifted the SNP and the Tories a coup.

I won’t give him any hope in getting selected by members as the next Labour Candidate for Westminster.

His actions were unforgiveable, and his position is untenable, another incident which brought and the focus of anger by from some party activists was Murray referred to protestors outside his Edinburgh office concerned over attempts to eject Corbyn as “dogs”.

Who in their right mind would be an activist for this clown now?

In other local news 200 Scottish Labour members call for Jeremy Corbyn resignation as well, some of them are regarded as high profile in the party having held public office, they are on the wrong side of destiny.

The Eagle has landed, but instead of sliding straight into the top spot in the Labour Party, Eagle has landed right in shit, after this contest is over, so is her political career, point man for a  group of plotters.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Wow. Labour seem to be in dire straits. Blair leaves office and they're suddenly under Gordon Brown for two years. Then they lose to the Tories, then they get sunk even further under Miliband in 2015, now they're tearing each other to bits.

  2. The EAGLE has "crash landed' morelike. Well said though George.
