Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Elected SNP MP Natalie McGarry faces second police probe over new alleged financial discrepancies, Glasgow SNP Regional Association throws Natalie McGarry politically ‘under the bus’ as they call in Police Scotland, guess now SNP re-selection for Glasgow East has just gone out the window!

Dear All

The Natalie McGarry saga has taken another twist, not for the better for her I may add, what goes around comes around it seems.

It also seems that Scottish MP Natalie McGarry is facing a second police probe.

If you are up on the WFI scandal which is about alleged financial discrepancies, you will be shocked to know that the latest Police probe is also into alleged financial discrepancies.

Glasgow SNP regional association has politically thrown McGarry ‘under the bus’, but what is interesting is their timing, McGarry had just married the Glasgow Tory Cllr David Meikle.

I think given that the catalogue of mistakes by McGarry is growing, the SNP must deeply regret passing her as a candidate and I also wonder why she was allowed to ‘vet’ people to see if they are suitable to be candidates.

Surely, anyone vetted by McGarry as being ‘suitable’ must now be re-vetted as a matter of course.

Police Scotland has confirmed it had received a report from what is called the SNP’s GRA, I went to this a few times myself, that lot needed a rocket up their arse.

At one meeting, the ‘major dullard’ Mhairi Hunter gave a presentation into SNP bid for the Council election of 2012, honestly, it was so bad I stopped reading the document which was ‘wack’ to look up because I thought I had stumbled into an 8 year old’s reading class.

Woeful, not only was the presentation dreadful, it appeared when she was asked questions she could answer them on a document that she allegedly wrote.

Anyway, back to ‘odious’, I suppose I should declare an interest, I intensive dislike McGarry, to me, she is pond life.

This might help you get clued up on McGarry.

Natalie McGarry is also a close personal friend of Nicola Sturgeon, and Sturgeon must be kicking herself for endorsing McGarry who is a walking nightmare who goes from one political car crash straight to another.

Personally I like to laugh at such people.

After the WFI scandal broke McGarry withdrew from the party whip last November, however she travels down to London with the SNP MPs and sits beside them in the House of Commons.

Oh, before I forget, like the WFI scandal, she denies any wrongdoing and her solicitor said she would co-operate with any inquiry, her lawyer is Aamer Anwar, and he is a dick.

The first police investigation was set up to look at allegations of missing donations from Women for Independence, allegedly a rather large sum of £30,000 was said to be unaccounted for. The money was paid into a paypal account that allegedly McGarry had the sole access, and the paypal account was also allegedly linked to McGarry’s own bank account.

The MP's solicitor Aamer Anwar said:

"I understand that there is a police inquiry but no criminality has been established”.

Anwar can only react to what he knows and what he doesn’t know is the scale and depth of the Police inquiry.

McGarry was a one-time convenor of the GRA; I attended one of the meetings which she took the time to badmouth a former convenor, after he stepped own.

I remember that meeting, my view was to favour the view of Ari Mack as he and others had done the numbers game on how many candidates to field. Some of the latest gits who sniffed around Sturgeon’s arse wanted to field about 50 candidates.


McGarry is thought to be on honeymoon at present after she got married at the weekend, in a case like this it is utterly impossible to say who you should feel sorry for McGarry or Meikle, in truth I feel sorry for neither.

I think that David Meikle and Natalie McGarry deserve each other, at the wedding, McGarry took the time to invite some trash, Shona McAlpine and Gail Lythgoe, McAlpine was a follower of a twitter account with the theme ‘sexual intercourse with kids’ and Lythgoe is a known smearer of an innocent man.

The way things are doing for Natalie McGarry, she has gone from being a high flier downwards, it is entirely possible from high flier she could end up a fish fryer!

One thing appears to be an unshakable truth; who is going to pass Natalie McGarry to stand again as the SNP Candidate for Glasgow East?

Nicola Sturgeon? 

McGarry should enjoy the moment because it doesn’t look like it is going to last, each day is one day less till the next election and her being kicked out by the voters of Glasgow East.

Finally, Cuba Gooding jnr had a catchy phrase.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Why is it taking SO LONG to investigate this. It difn't take that long to investigate, arrest, prosecute and jail, the Hatton Garden gang. IS THIS BEING SWEPT UNDER THE CARPET?

  2. Anyone else would have been charged jailed and out on parole by now. I believe the female hyenas of the SNP see a possible job opportunity and are sticking the boot in. Typical of the SNP drones. But your spot on George. What goes round comes round.
