Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Pro-Israel group Glasgow Friends of Israel launch a campaign against SNP candidate Sandra White in Glasgow over 'anti-Semitic' Tweet, SNP see leaflets pushed through voters doors saying don’t vote Sandra White, Holyrood election hots in Glasgow Kelvin, no prisoners taken as SNP are under seize!

Dear All

Never a dull moment in politics, and as the vote of 2016 is just about to kick off, there is what would be described as some unhappy people doing the rounds.

The Jewish community!

They have decided that they wish to express their contempt of the SNP candidate Sandra White over her retweeting of an 'anti-Semitic' Tweet which depicted Jewish people as pigs.

The Glasgow Friends of Israel have produced leaflets to hand out to voters to express their outrage of what they say is a “repellent and offensive” post on Ms White’s Twitter account.

On twitter, if you wish to retweet a post, you have to click twice in order to tweet this to your followers.

I think this is the first time that a Pro-Israel group has campaigned directly and publicly against the SNP.

Despite the tweet being removed, and an apology given, this doesn’t appear to have satisfied the Glasgow Friends of Israel.

So, tomorrow if you live in Glasgow Kelvin, you might find along with the usual selection of political parties, the Glasgow Friends of Israel doing their thing all day.

Racism is one of those subjects which can get a bit sticky if levelled against someone or a group.

The offensive image shows six piglets - representing the UK, the US, Israel and terror groups Islamic State, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram, all merrily suckling away at a sow with the word “Rothschild” and the Star of David on it.

In a letter to the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (ScoJec) she wrote:

“I would like to take this opportunity to apologise unreservedly for the offence that has been caused by my accidental retweeting of this offensive image which I too find repellent and offensive. I had not intended to retweet this picture, and was horrified to learn that I had done so. As soon as this was brought to my attention, I deleted the tweet. Anyone who knows me or has known me over the many years I have served in public office will know of my love and tolerance for all peoples; all faiths and all religions.”

That plea for forgiveness must have fell on deaf ears because Glasgow Friends of Israel’s leaflet states:

“Did you know that in Nov 2015 Sandra White MSP circulated a highly offensive caricature based on blatant anti-Semitic stereotypes…?”

It added that voters should not cast their vote for Ms. White saying:

“The SNP is already heading for a victory at the Scottish Parliamentary Election on May 5th. So, even if you are an SNP supporter please think twice before re-electing this candidate as your constituency MSP.”

Oh that sounds like Ms. White really does have a popularity problem, and to think post-election, this might continue as Sammy Stein, Co-chair of Glasgow Friends of Israel, said:

“I don’t believe Nicola Sturgeon took a strong enough stance. That tweet was an obscene anti-Semitic caricature. If it had happened today she’d have had to suspend Sandra White. I’m very disturbed that someone like Sandra White is standing again.”

The key words here are ‘very disturbed’.

At present the SNP is saying that it 'fears Nicola Sturgeon may not secure majority' in Holyrood elections.

If Sandra White fails to win this would be a hard blow for the SNP to swallow, but in politics sometimes you get what is coming to you.

Best to try and not to upset anyone especially by doing something stupid as this episode by Sandra White!

For the George Laird view, tune into the Big Debate with Gordon Brewer on Friday, yours truly will be in the audience imparting wisdom to the masses.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Oi vay Georgie boy , quite right too

    SSNP Nazis

  2. Get rid of Sandra White SNP MP. She is just another Nationalist toerag mouthpiece, who has no respect fot others. LET'S ALSO HAVE SOME TRUTH ABOUT SNP MP NATALLIE MCGARRY. How long dos it take for the police to investigate this person.

  3. Let's hope it does some good George and makes people think about this odious cow.

  4. Hi George

    can we possibly meet

    I can be contacted on


    Sammy Stein
