Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Losing men quicker than ebola, Unpopular Nicola Sturgeon pushes her way into the SNP love triangle scandal by public show of support for Shona Robison, public served up a tawdry scene of Sturgeon milking the compassion angle at Holyrood, enough to give you the boak!

Dear All

Do you remember every time there is a crisis, it seems that unpopular Nicola Sturgeon wants to set up a taskforce?

So, what have the taskforces in the past managed to achieve?


Where is the taskforce for Shona Robison Nicola?

Yesterday saw the SNP sex scandal involving Stewart Hosie and Angus MacNeil emerge into the full glow of publicity, two of them allegedly had an affair with the same woman.

Stewart Hosie is married to Shona Robison, now they have separated.

Today, the collapse of the senior SNP under Nicola Sturgeon continues, it seems that two of her Ministers have decided to go, Alex Neil and Richard Lochhead, they are going for different reasons. Neil wants to do more in his area, and Lochhead who was a dud is stepping away due to a family concern.

The wheels are coming off the wagon, some time ago; Nicola Sturgeon came out with the rubbish that ‘SNP women will get things done’.

Seems their menfolk don’t agree and are walking out, a true vote of no confidence.  

Angry Nicola Sturgeon who is all mouth and bile, is a tad sheepish this weather, she has failed to back her party deputy Stewart Hosie after the shit hit the fan.

Repeatedly asked if she had confidence in Mr Hosie following revelations about his affair with a former actress she mumbled only that it was a “private matter”.

Asked three times!

In a show of what passes for unity after getting elected as First Minister in the Holyrood chamber, she publicly embraced Mr Hosie’s wife, Health Secretary Shona Robison. I assume that this is part of ‘Nicola cares’ which she does from time to time.

I wonder if she will be crass enough to say the worst moment of 2016 was this scandal or the Princess Diana line of ‘there were three people in that marriage’?

So, what now for the planned independence push this summer?

Can anyone seriously have Stewart Hosie fronting that one when he is ‘better together’ with his adulterous bit on the side?

And where would the SNP stick Shona Robison?

In a coal bunker?

In a loft?

Under the stairs?

Where do you hide a ‘surplus to requirements’?

Of course there is a saying, no fool like an old fool, and Stewart Hosie has moved on, Serena Cowdy is 36; she is young, dynamic, single, a party girl; Oxford educated and not shy. On the other hand, you have Shona Robison, she is 49, not dynamic and quite frankly she has let herself go downhill, people have likened her to Worzel Gummidge.

Milo Yiannopoulos in one of his countless broadcasts said something rather telling, ‘men are visual animals’.

‘Fake Scot’ Angus Robertson MP, SNP’s Parliamentary Group Leader at Westminster waded into the growing row and said the party would "continue to be a strong and effective, united opposition at Westminster".

Who cares about that when there is a sex scandal, Robertson is clearly out of touch as per usual, a pitiful figure who likes to give the impression he is a Scot when he is actually from London.

Finally, I do hope that unpopular Nicola Sturgeon decides to stop these deliberate public displays of support for Robison, milking the compassion role in public is so tacky and contrived, especially when she does it.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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