Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Getting it wrong again; SNP MSP John Mason says the Football Act should not be repealed after Scottish Cup Final violence, when exactly is a good time to repeal bad law John, after the end of the football season, here is a hint…. anytime is the right time!

Dear All

I have campaigned for SNP MSP John Mason in three elections, unlike other people, I record every day I did on his campaigns.

Of late, he has become rather gaffe prone, there was his creationism thing:

That went down like a lead balloon.

Then there was his gaffe on debt and deficit:

What makes this one interesting is that he is a trained accountant and sits on the finance committee at Holyrood as the deputy finance convenor!

You make remember that I have always said that anyone can be a politician, you don’t need brains!

Fast forward to the present day, and he is back with another howler, he wants opponents of the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act to back down obver repeal of the act.

So, what is the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act?

In its simplest terms it is bad law which was rammed through Holyrood because the SNP wanted to practice putting into effect emergency motions.

It was a knee jerk reaction which no one in the other parties supported.

At the weekend there was trouble at the Scottish Cup final by fans, it was a stupid thing to do, and anyone engaged in violence should be arrested, charged and dealt with by the Courts.

One of the abuses of Holyrood is MSPs using the motions system like it is a community bulletin board to post rubbish, the SNP are particularly bad for this type of abuse.

John Mason is saying it would "not be an appropriate time to relax the law" on offensive behaviour or to repeal the ban on alcohol at football.

Bad law should be repealed anytime, there is no such thing as a ‘good time’ to repeal bad law.

Opposition parties have all raised concerns about Act in the past, and with the SNP not having a majority, Labour plan to draft proposals to repeal it before the summer recess. Let us be absolutely clearly, this is a housekeeping matter.

The Act criminalised offensive and threatening behaviour, including sectarian behaviour, related to football matches and any communications containing threats or incitement to religious hatred.

The act is a failure, only 79 convictions in 2014/15 under the legislation this demonstrates the law is unnecessary.

John Mason's motion reads:

"Football can be a great opportunity for fans to let off steam but that there have to be limits as to what behaviour is acceptable; notes calls to change the law in relation to football, including repealing the ban on alcohol and relaxing the rules on offensive behaviour, and, in light of the recent situation, considers that this would not be an appropriate time to relax the law in either of these areas."

Labour MSP James Kelly said:

"The Football Act is not adequate in dealing with the unacceptable scenes after Saturday's match. Charges brought against those involved are likely to be for breach of the peace or assault. This underlines the inadequate nature of this legislation which has caused distrust between fans and police. I will therefore be pressing ahead with my plans to repeal the discredited Football Act."

If John Mason is not careful, he will end up looked as foolish as Pete Wishart, the SNP Westminster MP, once you are on the slope downwards in the madness stakes, it is hard to pull yourself back up.

Just look what is happening to Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond!

His trajectory is downwards; even his former colleagues are blowing him out!

Yours sincerely

George Laird

The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University 


  1. Laws done as a knee jerk reaction are rarely good George. This one was exceptionally bad.

  2. I'll bet I would be more famous if I changed my name to Geoff Whiston.

  3. Look at the time!
