Thursday, May 12, 2016

‘Are you being badly served’, the employment practices of political representatives exposed, if you have ever been badly let down by your local MP, you might be surprised to find out they are employing their relatives to maximize their household income from the taxpayer, employment of relatives by politicians should by law be made illegal in the United Kingdom

Dear All

Most people have a low opinion of politicians, this seems from corruption, nepotism and cronyism which is repeatedly flagged up in the press.

When you seek help from a politician as a punter, you can find yourself in the position of getting no help at all.

People really do hold politicians in contempt and some of the anger is justified, everyone now and then a party emerges as the party of hope, that they are whiter than white, that they are the new politics.

But it turns out to be a con.

And people keep falling for it, the management of political parties could have done something about their elected public office representatives employing their relatives but mostly they pay lip service to fob people off.

I found this list online of people who employ their wives, husbands, sons, daughters, nieces and partners, this list alos doesn't take into account people who employ their friends or cllrs who get taken on by MPs.

MPs who currently employ their spouse/partner according to the Register of Members Interests:

Nigel Adams employs his wife
David Amess employs his wife
Caroline Ansell employs her husband
Richard Arkless employs his wife
Adrian Bailey employs his wife
Margaret Beckett employs her husband
Henry Bellingham employs his wife
Hilary Benn employs his wife
Paul Beresford employs his wife
Clive Betts employs his partner
Bob Blackman employs his wife
Peter Bone employs his wife
Karen Bradley employs her husband
Graham Brady employs his wife
Julian Brazier employs his wife
Alistair Burt employs his wife
Liam Byrne employs his wife
Gregory Campbell employs his wife
Ronnie Campbell employs his wife
Douglas Carswell employs his wife
William Cash employs his wife
Maria Caulfield employs her partner
Christopher Chope employs his wife
Alberto Costa employs his wife
Stephen Crabb employs his wife
David Crausby employs his wife
Byron Davies employs his wife
David Davies employs his wife
Glyn Davies employs his wife
Jeffrey Donaldson employs his wife
Steve Double employs his wife
Jackie Doyle-Price employs her partner
Michael Dugher employs his wife
Graham Evans employs his wife
Michael Fallon employs his wife
Caroline Flint employs her husband
Paul Flynn employs his wife
Yvonne Fovargue employs her husband
Roger Gale employs his wife
Barry Gardiner employs his wife
Mark Garnier employs his wife
Cheryl Gillan employs her husband
John Glen employs his wife
Robert Goodwill employs his wife
Helen Grant employs her husband
James Gray employs his wife
Chris Grayling employs his wife
Stephen Hammond employs his wife
Simon Hart employs his wife
Alan Haselhurst employs his wife
John Hayes employs his wife
Oliver Heald employs his wife
John Healey employs his wife
Simon Hoare employs his wife
Sharon Hodgson employs her husband
Kelvin Hopkins employs his wife
George Howarth employs his wife
Lindsay Hoyle employs his wife
Dan Jarvis employs his wife
Diana Johnson employs her partner
Gareth Johnson employs his wife
Gerald Jones employs his partner
Helen Jones employs her husband
George Kerevan employs his wife
Greg Knight employs his wife
Ian Lavery employs his wife
Edward Leigh employs his wife
Emma Lewell-Buck employs her husband
Ian Liddell-Grainger employs his wife
Tim Loughton employs his wife
Ian Lucas employs his wife
Angus MacNeil employs his wife
John Mann employs his wife
Karl McCartney employs his wife
Patrick McLoughlin employs his wife
Alan Meale employs his wife
Johnny Mercer employs his wife
Grahame Morris employs his wife
James Morris employs his wife
Sheryll Murray employs her partner
Andrew Murrison employs his wife
Brendan O’Hara employs his wife
Neil Parish employs his wife
Priti Patel employs her husband
Owen Paterson employs his wife
Teresa Pearce employs her partner
Mike Penning employs his wife
Jess Phillips employs her husband
Stephen Pound employs his wife
Yasmin Qureshi employs her husband
Jonathan Reynolds employs his wife
Laurence Robertson employs his wife
Alec Shelbrooke employs his wife
Dennis Skinner employs his partner
Angela Smith employs her husband
Henry Smith employs his wife
John Stevenson employs his partner
Bob Stewart employs his wife
Gary Streeter employs his wife
Julian Sturdy employs his wife
Desmond Swayne employs his wife
Hugo Swire employs his wife
Robert Syms employs his wife
Mark Tami employs his wife
Michael Tomlinson employs his wife
Derek Twigg employs his wife
Valerie Vaz employs her husband
Martin Vickers employs his wife
Charles Walker employs his wife
Ben Wallace employs his wife
David Warburton employs his wife
Iain Wright employs his wife
MPs who currently employ other family members:

Ian Blackford employs his step-son
Rehman Chishti employs his sister
Thérèse Coffey employs her sister
Alex Cunningham employs his son
Nadine Dorries employs her daughter
Jim Dowd employs his nephew
Julie Elliott employs her son
Pat Glass employs her niece
Neil Gray employs his brother-in-law
John Howell employs his daughter
Simon Kirby employs his sister
Paul Monaghan employs his brother
Kate Osamor employs her son
Albert Owen employs his son-in-law
Dan Poulter employs his mother
Graham Stringer employs his step-daughter
Graham Stuart employs his sister
Craid Whittaker employs his daughter
Corri Wilson employs her son

This abuse is right across all parties through-out the United Kingdom, it seems that in a hell of a lot of cases, the 'best person' for the job is the relative of a newly elected political representative,

We really are having the piss taken out of us by people whose 'day job' is providing false hope!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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