Monday, April 11, 2016

Pissing on the Rug, the SNP came to Westminster in triumph that they were Scotland’s champions, now the lie is wearing rather painfully thin as the Nationalists are accused over flood of ‘trivial’ Commons motions, so far SNP have blown £165,000 of taxpayers’ money, I guess it must hurt to be finding out that instead of being a ‘Celt Tiger’, you are in fact a ‘declawed pussy’

Dear All

When the SNP had a landslide, the Scottish public where duped into thinking that something was ‘happening’ and the SNP would set the House of Commons alight with their ‘cause’.

Just in the door however, they might as well be pissing on the rug!

Yes, just in and the ‘social justice’ warriors unable to conduct themselves properly have reverted to type, and now it is ‘Mission Impossible: Waste Time’.

SNP MPs are indulging in stupidity, but less us be clear, they have latched on the tactic to table as many House of Commons motions as they can.

So far, this accounts for almost 44 per cent of all early day motions (EDMs) put down since the General Election last May.

And to show there is a cost to stupidity, this little game has run to a cost of at around £165,000 based on the most recent estimated administrative cost for tabling a parliamentary motion.

If this pissing on the rug continues at the present rate, the cost will hit the £1 million pound mark.

Every time an SNP MP wants to waste taxpayer money, then they simply do a meaningless early day motion which cost us circa £290 a pop.

The biggest EDM clown is none other than the discredited Paul Monaghan, the MP for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross.

So far this idiot has racked up 56.

Angus Brendan MacNeil, ‘3 in a bed Angus’ after he cheated on his pregnant wife did one in a search for enlightenment:

“That this House congratulates the Scottish Parliament for its eye-catching end to the session, prior to the May elections, with parliamentarian and piper Stuart MacMillan piping the parliamentarians from the chamber.”

Maybe I should do a motion:

George Laird:

“That this House congratulates Angus Brendan MacNeil , ‘3 in a bed Angus’ for his eye catching story, prior to the birth of his child by taking two young women to a hotel room and getting some of his kit off’.

This motion would be as meaningless as the claptrap out of MacNeil.

In defending the stupidity tactic at Westminster, the SNP said:

"It is no surprise SNP MPs top the list of active parliamentarians at Westminster”.

She added:

“Early Day Motions are just one of the many ways that the SNP's MPs can ensure the voices of their constituents and local communities are heard loud and clear at Westminster; our very active MPs also lodge parliamentary questions, take part in debates, question UK government ministers and perform committee work.”

Was the SNP MP who told a barmaid at the House of Commons to 'fuck off' making Scotland’s voice heard?

The facts appear to be plain, the SNP AT Westminster are a joke, they are pissing on the rug to get right up the noses of House of Commons, it is said that SNP MPs are isolated and no one wants to be associated with them.

Quelle surprise!

What is the good news?

Each day is one day to the next Westminster General Election, at that point, some of these the idiots will out the door faster than shit through a goose.

Straight onto the scrapheap!

£165,000 of taxpayer’s money completely wasted, instead of ‘learning the trade’ we have the gits roaming the corridors of Westminster.

The Court of King Alex, Scotland's 'jolly fat man' Alex Salmond is full of unfunny jesters, his career is dying much like his wee Westminster gang.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. No surprise there George properly used EDM's are usefull things but this mob are probably pissing themselves about the bother they are putting people to.

  2. I understand another 5 are for the chop

  3. Amusing to see the reaction when Angus Robertson stood up to speak at PMQ's, virtually the whole of Westminster groaned-:)

    Seems the SNP are not very popular in the House of Commons.

    Wait until they need some good will, and we'll find out how really popular they are.

  4. George, what's your opinion about the latest scandal to hit the SNP Rat Ship,,, big headed Richard Lochhead, and the accusations against him, on keeping an e-mail for 13 YEARS, regarding Keiza Dugdale, and then using it in a "DIRTY TRICKS CAMPAIGN. I've read today, that Lochhead could be facing a POLICE PROBE into this affair,, quite right, this SNP shower were quick enough to shout for Lib Dem MP Alastair Carmichael's blood, so now it's the ScumNATS turn. I hope Keiza Dugdale takes Lochhead all the way.

  5. Hi Stuart

    I am sure that the groaning was cross party :)


  6. Hi Smudge

    I wouldn't wait till after election if I was Dugdale, I would go to the police now, file the complaint, prior to any Holyrood result, that way deny SNP the tactic of saying sour grapes.

