Thursday, April 7, 2016

Nicola Sturgeon attends an Asian Wedding were SNP donor is charged with assaulting a Labour-supporting pensioner, Adil Bhatti previously abused in the Scottish National Party is alleged punched in front of witnesses, in Queens Park, a 37 year old woman is raped, but Nicola has time for weddings

Dear All

Dearie dearie me, it seems that a Asian millionaire SNP donor Mohammad Ramzan, founder and chairman of United Wholesale Grocers in Glasgow, connected to Nicola Sturgeon has been charged by police after allegedly assaulting a Labour supporting pensioner.

And dearie dearie me indeed, before I get started, today in Glasgow, I noticed something rather creepy occur in the city centre, an SNP councillor was covertly photographing or filming a political event happening in Glasgow on his phone.

The Vote Leave Campaign.

During the Scottish independence event, the Nationalists had a habit of filming women, whether this was for intimidation or for sexual purposes is hard to say.

Now that Glasgow SNP Councillor has been noticed, and if there is trouble in future, his name will be passed onto Police Scotland.

Anyway back to the ‘action’, everyone loves a good action story, well; it seems that Ramzen was at a wedding attended by Nicola Sturgeon.

Ramzan is the brother of former Labour MP Mohammad Sarwar and the uncle of Anas Sarwar, the former Labour MP now standing for Holyrood.

Nothing like having a foot in both political camps!

The person alleged to have been assaulted was Adil Bhatti, I have blogged on Adil Bhatti before; he was the subject of a nasty vicious abuse when he stood as a council candidate for Ward 4 which is Craigton.

Previously Bhatti was an ally of Nicola Sturgeon before he left the party over the change to Nato.

Adil Bhatti was reportedly punched in front of other guests, oh that looks terrible, seems that there are witnesses.

 A Police Scotland spokesman said:

“We can confirm that a 58-year-old man was charged in connection with an alleged assault following an incident which is alleged to have taken place on February 26 2016 in the Erskine area. A report was submitted to the procurator fiscal.”

Mr Ramzan’s spokesman said:

“Mr Ramzan is currently out with the country on an extended business trip to Pakistan. He vehemently denies any charges and will prove his innocence through the Scottish judicial process.”

Yes, he will be going through a Scottish judicial process.
Nicola Sturgeon apparently arrived after any alleged altercation so in this instance can say, she knew nothing and saw nothing either.

Things seem to be going badly for Nicola Sturgeon as the powerkeg of Govanhill is said to be set to explode. In the news, an investigation has been launched after woman raped in Queens Park.

Nicola Sturgeon has been extensively criticised for failing the residents, crime is up, old age pensioners are getting mugged; now a women has been raped in a park not far from Nicola Sturgeon’s office.

Where’s Nicola Sturgeon you may ask?

Sturgeon is out enjoying herself while people suffer; I have to say this, what a stinking excuse for a human being she really is!

Finally Ramzan recently donated £250 to the SNP’s Glasgow Cathcart candidate James Dornan.

Asked if he would be returning the money, Dornan said:

“Let’s just see what happens.”

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. looks like Nicola has no time for the people that voted her in, aswell as those that didn't.

  2. Hello George

    I very much hope that the saintly Nicola does lose her Holyrood seat. That could set the scene for the beginning of an snp disintegration. Do you think there is a serious possibility of that happening? Won't she just send in a Battalion of activists with orders to use any means necessary to get her "re-elected"?

    Auld Jock

  3. vermin Georgieboy, I noted no description of the rapist

  4. thing rally are going from bad to worse under the snp.

  5. She is seen as DROSS by many Govanhill voters, just as Richard Lochhead is seen as DROSS by farmers,
