Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Today instead of a normal blog post, I would like you to watch this video, it is a snapshot in time of how ordinary people are affected by the migrant crisis, and how the political elite will become an endangered species in Europe if they don't change tack

Dear All

Instead of a blog post today, I would like you to view this youtube video.

Over the time the migrant crisis has been running I said that people were drifting away from the political class and listening to new voices.

What is interesting and also shocking but understandable is this German mother's reaction to both the assault of her son and the treatment of her husband by the police.

I can see a rise in domestic terrorism which will specifically target migrants.

I think a pattern is emerging and it will end up with wide spread violence and people dead.

You can put money on it only being a matter of time before politicians are replaced in vast numbers.

Watch this right through to the end, and then sit for a while and see what conclusions you come up with.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Hello George

    This incident is appalling and I admire this lady's courage in trying to get publicity for the self serving behaviour of the German police. I agree that the current slew of politicians are on borrowed time. I also believe that Cameron's referendum is a huge error of judgement. Even if the vote is to stay in, it won't stop the Tory eurosceptics from complaining and carping. The damage to the Tory party is already evident. Today's attack on Brussels has confirmed my inclination to vote to stay in the EU. The EU is the best guarantee of avoiding another European war. The last two were, as you know, the most destructive in human history. Another one could easily be the one that really does end all wars. Opting out of Europe in the wake of the current crop of terror attacks feels too much like cutting and running when the going gets tough. It feels to me like a betrayal. IS would trumpet it as a victory for them. The Europeans would be unlikely to forgive us and I wouldn't blame them.

    Once upon a time, a very long time ago, I wore the Queen's uniform and carried an assault rifle as an infantry soldier. I will be taking certain steps in relation to the security of my wife and I. However, I will not run.

    Auld Jock

  2. Disgraceful, but yet another of many examples of the state failing to defend its citizens. Its here aswell but mostly down south, at the moment! Europes leaders are traitors to the very people that have given them power.
    Unfortunately, the Natz still believe in the contradiction of Independence IN Europe & they really think this stuff will never come here....well i've got news for all these thick fucks, it will!! And they needn't expect those of us who told them so to help them protect their families when it does.
    Meanwhile, the comments ive heard on Orbans speech from Natz are the usual mixture of brainwashed, cultural marxist shite like "he's a racist" or that another favourite label, "he's a nazi" etc
    Peoples of Europe have wakened up but unfortunately UK, & particularly Scotland, haven't & still believe that these hoards of 'enrichers' really love us coz Nicola, the champion of multicultural enrichment and open borders says so.


  3. chilling Georgieboy

  4. I'm voting to leave this CORRUPT UN-ELECTED DISASTER called the EU.

  5. Auld Jock,

    Your service to the country is still appreciated by many of us, but unfortunately we are steadily becoming the minority, as new generations fail to recognise its significance. I am however confused by your stance on EU given that so many of you fought for the very freedom which is being eroded away by an unelected cabal of self serving lunatics hell bent on forming a United States of Europe. That is the ultimate end game. It is documented on many official EU papers, & was written down by the founding members. I recommend searching Jean Monnet on wikipedia.
    I find that not enough comparison is made between Europe & EU as they are two different things. Also i find many people refer to the EU as binding us together for peace reasons, but surely this is the function of, & the very reason why we are all members of NATO.
    This is all stuff i have researched as i was pro-EU until recently & i can honestly say that from finding & reading some official documents, (available on EU website, much digging required!) that it is outrageous what has been signed away by our politicians over the decades. Its is utterly disgusting that these bastards have sold every single european citizen down the river for personal gain & global corporation greed...& we all fell for it. Fortunately i've been lucky to have had time to research it & its certainly woken me up to whats going on..big time!!

    I always ask people this...If the UK was currently not in the EU, & the referendum was for joining, would anyone seriously vote to join, given the current state its in?? If our vote is out, then what remains will collapse as there are already calls in France, Germany etc to hold their own referendum. That will in turn lead to a completely new form of EU...ie, dismantle & start again. It will also show these traitors like Merkel that we've had enough, & we're not accepting their corruption any more!!



  6. Hi George

    The following is for your own info. Dont know how else to send this as am not on anti-social media! Its fairly heavy stuff so maybe not appropriate for posting as comments on your blog.
    It seems a legit document, & theres an article written by Boris referring to it which i've linked. The other was written after the Irish ref on Lisbon Treaty. It refers to Jean Monnet & what he said about his visions for EU.
    We've always known they were dodgy, but this is a whole different level!!




    Just thought you might be interested.



  7. Yeah, I'd second what Auld Jock has to say. Do we let them stand alone?

    And we've got another contender who would love to see The EU shatter.


  8. Hi Neil

    Put your comment up, and let people decide to click on the links.

    I will have a read myself when I get a spare minute.


  9. Hello George

    There is only one way in which to make the threats of terrorist attack and being overwhelmed by migrants unstoppable. That is to diminish or destroy European cohesion. We know the politicians have got it catastrophically wrong. Over time we can change the politicians. If we destroy the institutions of the EU, we hand total victory to IS and the migrants. If that happens, there will be no way back for any of us. The current situation is worrying but it is manageable, provided we hang together. I will not vote for surrender, chaos and the end of everything I value. Crap politicians and institutions who don't listen to the people exist all round the world. They always have. They can be made to evolve, but only if they continue to exist. Any attempt to dismantle and redesign the European institutions would produce open ended chaos. By the time anything close to the (relative) order we have now came to pass, we would be overrun. Refusal to unite against the common enemy is madness. It doesn't matter a flying fuck if there are eurocrats or politicians with unsavoury agendas. These exist all over the world too. That is a part of the human condition. The only issue that matters here is whether or not we are willing to allow the islamists to steal and destroy all that is good, albeit not perfect in " the West" (in which I include Western Europe and the USA). Imperfection is also part of the human condition. We need people power and unity. Us Jocks used to say that any arsehole could be uncomfortable in the field. By the same token any arsehole can surrender.

    Auld Jock

    1. Auld Jock

      I totally understand your arguement as i have family in europe, but as you know many foreign allies have stood shoulder to shoulder against an enemy without being part of a trading union. Nobody is saying that we will abandon our european friends if we vote out. As i previously said, more & more europeans want us to vote out as they see it as the last chance to save their countries from a failing EU dictatorship. Interpol, NATO etc all function independantly & regardless of eu membership. The EU is only a trading partnership that has undemocratically morphed into much more by deceit. Are Norway or Switzerland any more vulnerable, or less likely to help their neighbours because they are not in EU? Any enemies can be fought using NATO with US & Canada along side. Security & intelligence-wise, Interpol & NATO is our bond with our euro friends & not a disfunctional trading union run by career politicians riding the gravey train.
      Whatever happens, these are certainly challenging times!


  10. Hi Auld Jock

    "The current situation is worrying but it is manageable, provided we hang together".

    Problem is that the political elite aren't hanging together will the people, hence the rise of the far right.

    Angela Merkel's party lost two out of three states to the far right in a recent election, something to bear in mind.


  11. Hello George

    Just got back from my favourite parallel universe. I agree that the euro politicians are not listening to the people.The same is true at Holyrood. I heard about Frau Merkel's electoral embarrassment.

    I know you are fully aware of what I am about to say, however there appears to be some confusion in the minds of some of your correspondents.

    INTERPOL is an intergovernmental organisation paid for largely by member countries. It exists to facilitate international police co-operation as a clearing house for information. It cannot arrest people and, by definition, it is not independent
    of political control.

    NATO is also an intergovernmental organisation. It is fully under the political control of the member nations. It cannot deploy without political sanction. How safe non NATO members feel is not relevant here. The main point is that neither of
    these organisation are independent of political control. Like it or not we can't cut politicians out of the loop.

    There is eminently reasonable concern about corrupt free loading politicians. That has been going on since politics were invented. Local examples of such politicians are to be found at Holyrood, Westminster and all around the world. We can
    fire politicians but we can't fire terrorists.

    Happily you are a shining example of what can be done via the internet. This gives us a better chance of promoting the sort of people power I mentioned.

    Auld Jock

  12. Auld Jock

    I am in no way confused about the way these organisations operate, & views stated in my comments last week remain. I noticed at the weekend former MI6 & CIA chiefs stating similar views & believed there would be no harm to security if we left the EU & nations would continue info sharing etc as it is mutually beneficial, & going further by saying security could even be better due to EU human rights laws causing issues. Nor do I believe that Nato/Interpol are independent of political control but they can, & do, operate independently of 'EU' political control which is what I stated. I certainly agree that politicians have always been corrupt & we should stand together to vote them out, but this exactly proves my point for leaving as the ones I refer to are the unelected EU ones (Euro Commission).....we cannot vote them out!

    Finally, I never walk away from problems, but sometimes there comes a point when enough is enough. This EU project is broken, & has been going for over 40yrs but has only got worse, politically & certainly financially. Maybe if they had concentrated on real policy instead of ridiculous nonsense like straight bananas & cucumbers, hoover motor size etc then it would not be where it is today.

