Monday, March 21, 2016

The Nicola Sturgeon legacy: Police Scotland interview a second SNP councillor about North Lanarkshire land deals, the pressure is mounting on the Monklands McMafia, and stench of sleaze starting to smell a bit whiffy

Dear All

We all know that the Scottish National Party is a cult, a party within a party, that thinks it is above the law.

In the SNP, criminality is covered up, and not investigated by SNP HQ.

The Chief Executive of the SNP is Nicola Sturgeon’s husband, Peter Murrell; Murrell has a habit of not acting on complaints.

In the long running saga of the so-called Monklands SNP McMafia things might be about to hot up, as Police Scotland’s Counter Corruption Unit (CCU), which tackles corruption in public life has been brought into a rather nasty SNP dispute.

North Lanarkshire SNP councillor Julie McAnulty had spoken to the CCU, based at Fettes in Edinburgh for seven hours about alleged criminality in the SNP.

Only seven hours?

Presumably she is just limiting herself to her patch and not doing a wide ranging exposé, the fact that Police Scotland has been brought in will again focus the spotlight on Nicola Sturgeon’s leadership on what she knew and when she knew it.

Could Nicola Sturgeon be the First Minister to be interviewed by Police Scotland in a Police station?

As well as Julie McAulty, a second SNP councillor in North Lanarkshire has spoken to the police about alleged corruption by colleagues, he is not a suspect and lets hope he sings like a bird with amazing clarity.

The gem about the Monklands McMafia ongoing scandal is that Central Scotland MSP Richard Lyle, the Holyrood candidate in Uddingston & Bellshill, has been the subject of numerous complaints to SNP HQ about his conduct.

He isn’t suspended.

After McAnulty stood against Lyle, she found herself the subject of a complaint after one of the MSP’s employees made up a claim she had made a racist remark against Pakistanis.

In the SNP, there appears to be a ‘play book’ of smears to use against people, there is the classic SNP ‘race card’ used both internally and externally, then we have the other must use favourite of the Cult of ‘Civic’ Nationalists.... call someone homophobic.

If the Nicola Sturgeon bravehearts don’t have any success with the first two, the use of paedophile/sexual pervert can be rolled out without any hesitation behind the victims back in a branch. This tactic is usually done when smearing someone seeking political office or standing as a candidate.

Recently in a court case, a person connected to Nicola Sturgeon, the former SNP Govan organiser Tommy Ball and SNP Natalie McGarry were named in a criminal witness statement, the court case result in Tommy Ball who extensively tweeted about sexual intercourse with children being fined at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

The odious Natalie McGarry, a close personal friend of Nicola Sturgeon has had further involvement with scandal as ‘Women For Independence’ brought into police to investigate a sum of £30,000 allegedly missing from a paypal account that McGarry allegedly had sole access to, and said to be linked to her own personal bank account.

So far, this scandal is still sitting on the desk of Police Scotland.

What is interesting yet again is that instead of the new politics which was supposed to replace the old corrupt practices of yesteryear and a breath of fresh air, the breath rather smells rancid.

A Police Scotland spokesman said:

“Concerns have been raised with the police and this matter is currently under review”.

Who will be the first SNP senior official to feel the full weight of the law on them, time is getting short for this politically bankrupt party.

Only a matter of time before the police hook a big catch!

Finally isn’t it time the cult replaced the SNP Chief Executive Peter Murrell?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Look at those two tossers in their living room,, broad daylight, yet 2 lights switched on,,,, the SNP are destroying Scotland by the day with their lies, smears and make believe. Vote them OUT in May.

  2. Well if it's Murrel people will naturally ask what did his wife know :)

  3. Had a meeting with a small business owner today. Neither he or any of his staff voted Yes in 2014. He's ran a successful business for 30+ years and while he says that the opposition are dire, the SNP do not have a fiscal brain cell between them. A member of his staff, who was a most definite undecided, voted No because of the currency issue. That person does not rate Sturgeon one bit - and it is telling as she is a woman and has children.
