Monday, December 14, 2015

Operation ‘Save Nicola Sturgeon’; odious SNP MP Natalie McGarry’s position is looking less secure by the day as senior SNP sources are alleged to be briefing against her, the best part however is that they are saying that they ‘didn’t really like her in the first place’, what happened to ‘all Nationalist buddies together’?

Dear All

At the weekend I saw a tweet that said that senior SNP sources are briefing against the odious SNP MP Natalie McGarry, and making it clear that they didn’t like her in the first place.

Didn’t like her in the first place!

Operation Save Nicola must be in the planning stage, Nicola Sturgeon back Natalie McGarry and she was out of the Glasgow Southside Clique.

Also at the weekend, I took the time to remind people of this blog post written at the time of the Cowdenbeath By-election.

Two full years ago, the SNP were aware that Natalie McGarry had a question mark about her suitability to be elected to public office.

Natalie McGarry sent a tweet from her own personal twitter account highlighting this blog and trying to pass it off as being linked to the account @georgemlaird, that account was setup by Thomas Ball. The account was to brand me a paedophile among other things, at the trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court, Ball elected to pled guilty rather than go to trial for a lighter sentence.

Thomas Ball is back in Court on the 18th December to find out his sentence.

Natalie McGarry, along with other people closely connected with Nicola Sturgeon where also named in my witness statement, Jonathan Mackie, office manager to SNP MP Chris Stephens and Shona McAlpine, office manager to SNP MSP Shona McAlpine. As well as these two people being followers of the hate account from the start, they also retweeted the tweet sent by Natalie McGarry.

Natalie McGarry’s career started and died effectively all in the same year.

To show that the slide has continued in the SNP ranks, another MP might be getting investigated by the Westminster standards watchdog. It is said that Paul McGarry, a Lib Dem list candidate for Central Scotland in next year's Holyrood election has filed a complaint to Kathryn Hudson, the parliamentary commissioner for standards.

It seems that politics is getting interesting again.

However, I doubt that SNP MP Phil Boswell will get done, but as Kathryn Hudson, the parliamentary commissioner for standards is duty bound to undertake a preliminary inquiry to see if there is a case for a full probe, there will be bad PR attached to this story.

So, what the story?

Well, the Nationalist MP for Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill has benefitted from a tax avoidance scheme despite campaigning against such schemes; he is a hypocrite, being a hypocrite isn’t however I feel actionable by Ms. Hudson; so she will go through the motions.

As well as the Lib Dems having a bash, Scottish Labour has also jumped in and called for HM Revenue and Customs to investigate Mr Boswell’s activities. They say people would be “astonished by the apparent hypocrisy of Phil Boswell with him preaching about the evils of tax avoidance while appearing to have taken advantage of a tax avoidance scheme himself".

If you are going to nail someone to the wall, the quality of the ‘nails’ is important, no point in starting something which ends in failure, although bad PR is useful, it shouldn’t be the motive for complaining.

One thing which is interesting and might be worth a stroll round the block is that Companies House records show Mr Boswell is the sole director of Boswell and Johnston Ltd but his register of interests’ entry fails to mention the company.

Everything must be registered with the House of Commons for transparency, as well as the non-declaration, no interest-free loans or dividends he might have been paid through this firm are also listed, but the SNP are now saying Boswell has been in touch with HMRC to discuss his tax position.

Oh, that sounds a bit more ‘meaty’

As a new MP, Phil Boswell can’t be expected to know all the rules, so, I doubt that Kathryn Hudson, the parliamentary commissioner for standards will be jumping down his throat but I suspect he has used his ‘get out of jail free’ card of goodwill at Westminster.

Personally, I have no interest in whether Phil Boswell falls; I would like to see Natalie McGarry taken the distance by Kathryn Hudson, the parliamentary commissioner for standards if the WFI erupts into criminal charges.

The senior SNP now know that Natalie McGarry isn’t an asset to them, quite the opposite in fact, she is a millstone round the neck of Nicola Sturgeon, she promoted McGarry and the stench of McGarry must cleansed by removal.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Nothing to see here George sweep sweep lol :)

  2. The truth will out George, no matter what cover up the Ratship tries to put on. Look at the "LIES" being thrown around about the Forth Road Bridge. 10 months ago,, the SNP were told about the faults and what did they do about that memo,,,, nothing!! Wake up Scotland, we're becoming a laughing stock with useless Sturgeon at the helm.

  3. She was never an asset in the first place. No doubt the SNP spin machine will go into full spin cycle.

    Noticed a comment on another blog yesterday which sums up the SNP if they are facing a problem. Goes roughly like this:

    1. Deny there is a problem.
    2. Admit there are concerns but there never was a problem.
    3. Blame Westminster.
    4. Blame SLAB.
    5. Admit that there is a problem but deny ever denying it.
    6. Deny admitting there was a problem and that you never denied denying it.
    7. Blame the media.
    8. Blame MI5.
    9. The referendum was a fix.

    As to the bridge, whatever the real problems, there is most definitely a cover up of sorts.


    by the by compare her alleged offense with ALec Salmonds ACTUAL breaking the law with the FOI and Hollie Greig

  5. Cheers. Time running out for Nicola.

  6. I saw the article about you and their attempts to slander you, George - nice to put a face to your name (I reckon you're a lot better looking for your years than Nicola Sturgeon is for hers! :) )

  7. Well done as usual George, it's high time we got these inbred fuckwits out!

  8. Georgie,, who was the SNP divot thrown out of the Scottish Parliament by Tricia Marwick. He threw his toys out 5he pram for some reason,, arsehole!!. I never quite got the story. Thanks George.
