Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Lloyd Quinan who famously said during the Scottish independence referendum that No voters were bad parents has been chosen as SNP Holyrood candidate, he is rated number 9 on the Lothian list, how many people consider Lloyd Quinan to be a ‘bad man’, stupid, politically naive and dangerous, ideal sheep material

Dear All

Did you vote against Scottish Independence?

Are you a parent?

If you did, then according to former STV weatherman and politician Lloyd Quinan, you are a bad parent.

This rocket was formerly an SNP MSP between 1999 and 2003; do you remember any of his big ideas?

How about any of his small ideas to make Scotland a better place?

Chances are you don’t because people like Lloyd Quinan are in a political desert, nothing exists but independence.

Independence at any cost puts lives at risk, how does that happen?

It happens when a country cannot pay its way at the current levels need to sustain infrastructure.

If Scottish independence had been rammed through, once full control was passed over, you would see austerity max kick in to a level never imagined; no milk and honey for Scots.

What kind of bad parent would place the lives and health of their children at risk?

A Nationalist parent!

A Nationalist parent believes the rubbish of Nicola Sturgeon that Scotland is a wealthy country, there would be wealth in Scotland, but the SNP would make sure like always that wealth is funnelled to their members, relatives and associates.

A Nationalist parent stupidity believes the lies of Scotland keeping the pound.

A Nationalist parent stupidity believes the lies of Scotland having automatic EU membership?

A Nationalist parent stupidity believes the lies of Scotland being governed by the SNP in the best interests of the people.

I see Lloyd Quinan has a crank for his beliefs on bad parents, to show his poor judgement politically, you only have to look at the fact he left the SNP to join Scottish Socialist Party.

The Scottish Socialist Party is a refuge for political idiots much to the dismay of its serious members; that is why the party doesn’t get anywhere, the Sheridan factor killed them off as a force, now they have folded in a hollow shell called RISE.

RISE is led Jonathon Shafi, and in this election this party alliance will rise and fall very quickly.

Having Lloyd Quinan as number 9 on the party list in the Lothian region probably means he won’t get elected which will be a good thing. If you take the time to watch this youtube video, you will come to the same conclusion yourself.


In this video, he says to the punters, you have the chance to change the life chances of young kids, given the SNP haven’t done that in 8 years of Government, and are actively pulling ‘up the ladder’ from young Scots, who is he kidding?

I would say given we know what we know now about the extent of the lies pushed onto the Scottish public by the ‘Nationalists’, it is hard to think of Lloyd Quinan as nothing more than a ‘bad man’.

Real Nationalists don’t put the lives of people and especially kids in danger, the NHS in Scotland if we were post indy would be pushed to breaking point and times for treatment would be longer.

People would die!

Finally a cynical person might see putting Lloyd Quinan on the list as a way to divert from the Michelle Thomson saga which includes now the husband of Nicola Sturgeon, Peter Murell, this is where the real focus of the media should be targeted.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I'd never heard of the this idiot, although I do remember the comment about being a bad parent.

    What on earth happens with the SNP selections? I think they go for those who are not really well known, and in their blinkered view, are less likely to cause offence.

    Slightly off topic....... any idea how the SNP merchandising doing these days, as I heard they had to stopp selling all the "56" branded items?

  2. Yes George, I remember this "offensive fool" Lloyd Quinan. Another useless mouthpiece. I've just Googled the headline in the Herald Scotland from 2003, it reads

    "DEPARTURE OF A FAILURE FROM THE SNP." It goes on to say that "HE WONT BE MISSED". "LlOYD QUINAN WAS RARELY SEEN DURING THE DURATION OF THAT PARLIAMENT". HE WAS ONE FOR "GESTURE POLITICS". Just proves the point George of what a useless tosser Lloyd "flipper" Quinan is, and always will be.

  3. Ah poor Lloyd.
    Famously wrapping himself in a Saltire he tried to cross from Palestine to Israel in No Man's Land. Emptied his bowels when an Israeli soldier started taking pot shots at his feet.
    No one would go near him so bad was the smell. He never mentioned the plight of the Palestinians again nor returned.

  4. Dear Anon

    "Famously wrapping himself in a Saltire he tried to cross from Palestine to Israel in No Man's Land. Emptied his bowels when an Israeli soldier started taking pot shots at his feet".

    Doesn't seem very Braveheart to me.

    "No one would go near him so bad was the smell. He never mentioned the plight of the Palestinians again nor returned".

    I used to shit myself, but as I was a baby no one cast up to me about it.


  5. this from the clowns that bring us the paedo of the named nonce person
