Monday, October 19, 2015

Business as usual?, company owned by SNP MP Richard Arkless and his wife is to be probed by Trading Standards after complaint is made, Arkless employs his wife as his part-time personal assistant, employing relatives and partners is something the SNP do which is why Scottish people can’t get proper representation, fairness, equality and social justice is the big lie in the SNP

Dear All

The Michelle Thomson scandal is as I said a gold mine, the gold is how an SNP MP can present herself as a ‘social justice champion’ while at the same time preying on the sick and vulnerable.

I have always maintained that something has gone every wrong in the SNP, it isn’t a political party; it’s a cult, a cult which is bad for Scotland and bad for the Scottish people.

Through-out the Scottish independence campaign people connected to the SNP set up organisations which were supposed to be politically neutral, this was how Business for Scotland was presented.

Many people considered Business for Scotland to be nothing more than an SNP front, we know now that five of its seven directors have stood for election for the SNP.

Five out of seven, what are the odds of that in gambling terms?

Michelle Thomson career such as it is will not recover; she will always be the SNP MP who preyed on the sick and vulnerable for profit.

Now as the skeletons come to light, a company owned by another SNP's MP is to be probed by Trading Standards.

An electrical firm owned by newly-elected Richard Arkless is to be investigated by the consumer watchdog after it received a complaint.

The Dumfries and Galloway MP has resigned as director from the business, LED Warehouse, just a day later, just a day later, what are the odds of just a quick resignation happening?

Like many of the Nationalists, Arkless has also gone the route of ‘social justice champion’, and like Michelle Thomson, he played a prominent role in pro-independence group, Business for Scotland.

Given his sudden resignation, opposition politicians want Arkless to reveal details of the complaint and explain why he felt he had to go. The Company which is a lighting retailer called LED Warehouse Limited was set up in May 2013 by Arkless and his wife.

Since Trading Standards is involved obviously this isn’t just an old complaint, Dumfries and Galloway Council is responsible for Trading Standards in the area.

A spokesman said:

"Dumfries and Galloway Council's Trading Standards service has received a complaint. We treat all enquiries and complaints confidentially so we cannot pass on any details."

He added:

"Trading Standards will investigate the complaint."

Several LED Warehouse customers have contacted the firm's Facebook page with their complaints regarding the company.

Mark Payne wrote:

"I ordered three bulbs last Monday over the phone when you were having website problems. They haven't arrived yet and the money has been debited from my card and despite leaving a message on your answer phone yesterday I haven't heard back from you. Please advise what is happening."

In business, when you take payment, the usual practice is to ship the goods to the customer, this seems terribly unsatisfactory at present, and disgraceful at worst.

Scottish Conservative chief whip John Lamont said:

“The SNP likes to paint itself as whiter than white. But revelations in recent weeks about a number of MPs and candidates suggest the opposite is true. This is just the latest in a series of allegations the party’s top brass is going to have to explain.”

An SNP spokeswoman insisted that Richard Arkless had been unaware of any complaint to Trading Standards and claimed there was no investigation in progress.

So, why did he resign and why are Dumfries and Galloway Council's Trading Standards service saying they have received a complaint?

Obviously someone isn’t telling the truth, if it was the council employee then they would be in serious trouble and that might represent gross misconduct, why do that and place your job in jeopardy?

Arkless also employs his wife to be his part-time personal assistant while at the same time she is now the sole director of the company under investigation.

As we are now seeing, the cracks in the SNP are being to show and as I have always said there is a genuine lack of talent in the SNP.

This is just another episode that stinks to high heaven, don’t see him losing the SNP whip, I am sure someone in the SNP will come up with ‘Operation blame The Wife’.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. No surprise there. But how can you be a company director and not be aware of such a serious action? I've had to use trading standards in the past, and boy are they thorough. But they never go charging in, and always try to get the customer to sort things out, giving advice at every stage of the process.

    And I see Sturgeon is telling the cybernats to calm down, given the abuse given to JK Rowling. The BBC mentioned Wings. Bit ironic how he criticises JK Rowling, yet lives in Bath.

    The story is on the BBC News website.

  2. makes you sick Georgeiboy,nice to see that SNP rag the Herald giving them a kicking too



  3. I just don't understand how the false Reverend gets away with using a false title alledgedly simply "bought" from an american evangelist website and therefore has no legal bearing to use it in this country if true. Surely using a false title is essentially fraud and he is simply using it to fool readers of his hate blog into thinking he actually is man of the church and is trustworthy ? Clearly not though, so much of his so called "economic" articles he has written have been proven to be false rubbish.
