Friday, August 14, 2015

Bombshell: Labour leader contender Jeremy Corbyn drops a bombshell on unpopular Nicola Sturgeon, you’re not getting a second indyref, this signals the end the road for Sturgeon as she cannot deliver indy 2, the Scottish National Party are now totally irrelevant in Scottish politics, their day in the Sun has ended

Dear All

It seems that Labour leader candidate Jeremy Corbyn has some rather bad news for unpopular Nicola Sturgeon has she fights to keep her rag tag motley crew, ‘there's shouldn't be another independence referendum’.

With that brief statement, Corbyn along with David Cameron has effectively locked out the Nationalists from trying to build momentum for a second indyref based on the ‘grievance of the day’ as a catalyst.

Now, the SNP’s new found members will be able to wake up to the fact that their becoming activists; in the hope of a quick second indyref is entirely and utterly meaningless.

Nicola Sturgeon won’t be the leader who leads the SNP into indy 2, and she plans to stay as leader or in politics for about another 15 years.

Jeremy Corbyn dropped his bombshell in  Dundee at a public rally with was said to be attended by some Yes supporters, perhaps now the people realise what Nicola Sturgeon is all about!

Corbyn remains favourite to become the next Labour leader, although he said he could work with the SNP, the No to indy effectively kills off any pact. In the event Sturgeon did a deal with Corbyn, her own supporters would be very angry at her selling out publicly.

He said:

“The last time a referendum happened, I was told by Alex Salmond it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – I don’t know how many lifetimes are involved in this. I don’t think another referendum would be credible and I don’t think it is particularly likely.”

At present some SNP MP and MSPs are doing the rabble rousing act but it is an act to get the SNP back with a majority of seats at Holyrood.

Nicola Sturgeon has refused to rule out calling another referendum, this is one manifesto commitment that she cannot deliver, David Cameron called the SNP’s bluff on 18th September and Nicola Sturgeon and Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond lost.

Scotland rejected independence under Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon, as I said on the BBC radio 5live programme on White Paper day in November 2013, the question is trust.

The SNP are winning seats because the people of Scotland don’t see the other parties as representing them or their community’s interests.

People just don’t know that the SNP don’t represent them either at present, but the penny will drop.

Nicola Sturgeon like Alex Salmond is a false prophet who can’t and won’t deliver for Scots.
Corbyn is expected to win; he is treading traditional old Labour ground talking about Tory welfare cuts, called for Trident to be scrapped and demanded an end to hereditary peers in the House of Lords.

But we should remember the 1980’s are gone, the music still survives but the politics of that bygone era don’t work, even back then they were more about protest than responsible government.

On the Scotland issue of indy, Corbyn said it isnow time to move on from independence question.

He added:

“I think the issues now are about the way the powers that have been devolved to Scotland operate, the funding of Scotland and in particular issues surrounding welfare as well as issues of spending on education,particularly college spending.”

One of the things I have blogged on is that the college sector needs revamped and better funded, something which Corbyn seems to agree with, the other side of that coin, is that the University sector needs slimmed down.

A Corbyn victory is just another signpost of the changing attitude in the UK; it also signals that the Scottish National Party is irrelevant in Scotland along with Nicola Sturgeon.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Although Im not a fan of Corbyn's policies, and have found some of the revelations about the company he has kept in the past (Sinn Fein, Hamas etc) quite shocking, I think its going to be very interesting seeing him as leader of the Labour party. The SNP can no longer throw the Red Tory dirt in their faces and the spotlight will very much be that if the SNP dont want austerity then someone (ie the taxpayer) will need to pay for it. I think its highly unlikely that Corbyn can ever be PM, but rememeber he will be up against either Boris Johnson, Teresa May or George Osborne in 2020. Should be fascinating whatever the outcome. Whats your thoughts George on if the SNP go ahead and try and have a 'vote' without Westminster approval. Will the oppsotion simply ignore it, and would it have any credibility, even if the SNP were simply to say it was consultative and not binding etc?

  2. Labour are in bit of a tizz at the moment, with other leadership candidates trying to get people to tactically vote out Corbyn. It ain't going to work. The rank and file are fed up with Blairites, and I think Corbyn will win easily.

    This puts Sturgeon in an awkward situation, since the SNP are trying to claim the spot of left wing politics, so will she try to move even further to the left? If she tries that, then the cooler heads in the SNP will probably rebel, although not until after the 2016 elections.

    The SNP will start reacting, rather than being proactive, and that is a guaranteed path to failure.


    Yet more bleating from the scum Georgieboy


  4. Hi Crookie

    "It doesn't matter what is in anyone's manifesto, there will be no new vote in 2018 or 2020 with a section 30 order from Westminster and that isn't coming".


  5. I've been saying this for a while but I actually predict a good voting count for the Lib Dems at the next election as more moderate labour voters become disenfranchised with Corbynomics and his social / foreign policies.

    SNP will still get a decent count I assume, they'll just change their angle of attack to maintaining the whole 'Scottish party for Scottish interests' angle, but I predict their voting base will slip compared to the last elections.

    I don't think Corbyn will win either. Obviously it's too early to tell, and perhaps he will realise this and under pressure from his own party change his views / policies come closer to the elections. But he will always have a certain "taint" to him that won't attract certain voters so I find it hard to believe he will ever be PM.

    I think naturally voters always gravitate to the centre. A centre-right party will attract more than a left party. So this is why I predict internal pressure on Corbyn within Labour, along with voting pressure, will force him to gravitate slightly more to the centre-left. If not this is why I predict Lib Dems will perform well, as they're well poised in the centre to pick up the centre-left voters if labour fails to align closer to the centre.

    Regarding May vs Johnson vs Osborne. I actually quite like Osborne, as I feel he is genuinely competent and hard working. However I believe Johnson will easily out manoeuvre him in an internal party ballot, unless Cameron were to personally rally support for Osborne as leader. Johnson probably has more of an X-factor about him, he is most recognisable, more noticeable, louder, more boisterous, probably more ruthless etc and therefore might be considered a better pick among Conservatives as leader against a potential Corbyn. But again this is something I'm undecided on, and I guess much of it largely depends on how Corbyn evolves over the next few years. I think Osborne will function well in internal / national affairs, but in regards to international this is unforeseen.

    People also can't forget US politics. A hypothetical Trump / Bush / Cruz vs Clinton / Biden / Sanders should have somewhat of an impact on UK politics. A Trump vs Clinton affair could very well be reality. And honestly I wonder how this will pan out and what sort of effect it may have in regards to the UK elections?

  6. Dear Anon

    I think George Osborne will be a shoo in for leadership of the Conservative Party, and then Prime Minister at the next Westminster election because unless the ground shifts, everyone will struggle to catch the Conservatives who will be seen as the only game in town.

