Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Speaker of the House of Commons announces to the Chamber the death of Charles Kennedy, politics today has lost a great politician full of compassion, wit and personal courage, RIP


  1. Interesting to see SNP MP Ian Blackford's crocodile tears on TV.

    He ousted Charles Kennedy in the General Election, however he was not always so nice to the Lib-Dems.


    What on earth has happened to the peaceable Highlands?

    I’ve just been speaking to members of Charles Kennedy’s team in his office in Fort William. They told me how the SNP candidate for the area, Ian Blackford, stormed in this morning with 4 supporters and shouted at everyone, wagging his finger at a member of staff.

    If he’d tried to do that at the doctor’s surgery or to a member of Scotrail staff, for example, he’d have found himself in big trouble. Why, then, did he think it was acceptable to treat young people in that way?

    He threatened “retaliation,” of an unspecified nature if they did not apologise and retract something entirely verifiable that they’d said on Facebook."

    (He demanded an apology for and a retraction of, a Facebook post on Charles’ page which had described Mr Blackford as a banker.)

    Mr Blackford was in fact he was a managing director of Deutsche Bank AG, running their operations in Scotland and Netherlands.’

    Which neatly sums up how the SNP behave, and the contrast with the late, lamented Charles Kennedy.


  2. Kennedy behaved as we would expect a true politician to behave. He has principles and kept to them.

    He was never patronising, arrogant, aggressive or nasty - some personalities in the SNP would do well to follow his example.

    Checked out a few pro-SNP sites. One or two haven't even mentioned it. Shows how much they have their heads up their own arses.

  3. With what Stuart says, Mr Blackford seems to me to be a complete banker.

    The SNP have many bankers in the party.

  4. Salmond was his usual me me me
