Friday, April 10, 2015

Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond is peddling his grievance agenda again by claiming No voters duped by the “vow”, the only people who were conned, deceived and duped were Yes voters, Salmond lied repeatedly through-out the referendum campaign, Alex Salmond’s star is falling, Christine Jardine for Gordon can help make that happen sooner

Dear All

It seems that Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond has become delusional, it must be sinking in that his time in the spotlight is over and he is facing being relegated to being little more than a bit player in Scottish politics.

Through-out the referendum, Salmond didn’t think it was wrong to lie, lie and lie to con voters. He has now suggested No voters were duped by the “vow”.

What is remarkable about this statement is that research has shown the ‘vow’ as it is known played little part in the minds of people voting no, people voted no because they weren’t taken in by Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon.

Plenty of people were conned alright but they were the Yes voters who thought they were getting a land of milk and honey, endless nirvana, and wealth. You would think with the rubbish spout that Scotland was a rich country like Saudi Arabia.

Salmond talked up a ‘second oil boom, what happened, it never happened, it was all a con trick.  

I voted No, and if the SNP brought back a second referendum I would vote No again, and I would keep voting no if they had any chance of running an independent Scotland.

You have to wonder about some Scots who are so delusional that they can’t see poverty and fascism is just down the track.

Salmond also said in an online interview he would be a “fool” if he did not realise the Yes campaign could have improved its arguments for independence.

Lying didn’t work out, how big of him.

Having admitted he would have presented the economic case for independence differently, you have to ask, does differently mean actually having a plan?

On all the major issues of concern, he and Sturgeon got it wrong, all wrong all the time. The nonsense of trying to blackmail the UK Government into adopting a controversial proposal for sharing the pound in a currency union was pure stupidity.

And it was incompatible with EU membership regulations.

On the EU question, if independent Scotland would lose £300 million every single year until it managed to membership, and that doesn’t take into account further monies from the farming subs and the development money that pours into Scotland.

On the question of why people rejected his case for independence, Salmond, it seems doesn’t want to yet again belief facts,  the “vow” did not play a significant role in persuading people to vote No.
If he can’t wrap his brain around facts, how exactly could he be able to present a case differently, more lies, more spin and more cons?

The facts are 4,500 people interviewed by Edinburgh and Essex universities revealed that just 3.4 per cent of No voters said the offer of more powers was the main motivation for their decision.

No voters’ had strong feelings of Britishness and the economic case by the SNP into breaking up the UK was founded on deception that led to them rejecting Scottish independence.

Salmond added:

“People, when you ask them why they did something – do not necessarily say what was actually the case. It is far easier for someone to say ‘oh yes, it was the economics of the currency position that really concerned me’ – as opposed to saying ‘I really got taken in by these three chancers when they came up and told me we could have all the powers we wanted if we voted No’. That’s quite difficult for people to say, because it accepts we were willing to be swayed by what became pretty obviously – a guise, a manoeuvre.”

In a few lines Salmond has shown that he is not living a dream that shall never die but a fantasy which doesn’t exist outside his deluded mind.

If anyone is a chancer it is certain him.

I would think people would be better served if they typed into google SNP Voting Rigging, when they have done that they will come across a former member of Alex Salmond’s own staff who tried to cheat his way into political office as a councillor.

And if you read further and research, you will find other people connected to Salmond and Sturgeon who also stood to benefit by vote rigging.

Time for a quote by Salmond:

“It was patently obvious that this organisation, which had been taking his money ruthlessly and disgracefully, was a fraud and a racket”.

That is exactly how I felt when I was in the SNP; I felt I was part of an organisation which was a fraud and a racket.

Eventually, the SNP which is run as a party within a party will be exposed, sadly it will not be any comfort as people learn, they have been duped by what is called the ‘long con’, when they get it round their heads, the Nationalists will go back to be a fringe party shunned by the public.

 A Conservative party spokesman said:

“The facts will not prevent Alex Salmond from peddling his grievance agenda. The actual facts are that people voted No because they liked the UK and they saw Alex Salmond’s half-baked plans for independence would leave Scotland worse off.”

And this statement is supported by a mountain of evidence, something the SNP didn’t think was necessary to con the general public; they thought a ‘jolly fat man’ with a smile was enough for people to risk their future on.

I hope that the people of Gordon decide to back Christine Jardine to the hilt and send her to Westminster leaving Salmond to fester on the backbenches of Holyrood.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I had never heard of the "Vow" until AFTER the Referendum. My influences for voting No were the currency issue, defence and Europe. Iwas even in favour of Yes up until a few months before the vote.

    The next big worry is FFA. Sturgeon wants this within 12 months. How the hell will that be sorted out?

    I work in a company that is spread across the UK. They will have to implement different tax regimes for all the staff. And when the economy in Scotland goes tits up, will that mean higher taxes?

    The oil question is bollocks as well. During the Referendum campaign - and now as well - mixed messages come from the SNP. Either it's essential part of the economic plans or it is an added bonus.

    Ever noticed that whenever a survey is done, the SNP always - always - dismiss the negative ones. Or they will respond with the crap about "Nobel laureats".

    Salmond is being extremely negative (despite Sturgeon today talking about a positive SNP campaign). Not only that, he is covertly (?) accusing the No voters of stupidity, complacency or gullibility. More patronising crap.

    One of the biggest lies to come out was the issue of taking legal advice on EU. That was unforgivable and in my mind was a resignation issue. I want journalists to clobber Sturgeon with this one again and again.

    It would be great if Christine Jardine could win the seat. It would send shockwaves through the SNP clique.

  2. It's a good blog you've got here George, always a joy to read.

    You seem to have hit the nail on the head there for the main reasons of the no vote being a strong sense of Britishness and the dire economic case conveyed by the nats, that's what did it for me.

    I hope the nats don't get as far as they hope in the general election. Some of the policies they're pushing through like the named person and SuperID database are just disturbing. I've also noticed that whenever they've been campaigning locally outside my local shopping centre weekly that they've been concentrating on and giving out their flags and merchandise to a lot of kids as young 10 or even 5 years old, what's u with that?

    Yours sincerely,
    Mike S

  3. Still a bitter, twisted man I see George.

    Just think how different it could all have been if the Nats hadn't spurned you. You could have been a contender!

    Never mind at least your 108 likes/followers will keep you warm at night, well them and the 'interesting' material you choose to peruse for titillaton.

    Spies at every corner George, every corner xx

    PS I'm not a Nat but I KNOW what you are, tick tock...

  4. Dear ‘Nicola’

    “Still a bitter, twisted man I see George”.

    I sense you don’t like the blog, funny, I hardly ever get any complaints about it; many people love it apparently, so I am told.

    “Just think how different it could all have been if the Nats hadn't spurned you. You could have been a contender!”

    Oh dear looks like you are upset, have you been kicked out of several political parties recently?

    Next Stop Solidarity is it?

    “Never mind at least your 108 likes/followers will keep you warm at night, well them and the 'interesting' material you choose to peruse for titillation”.

    I don’t call people who join my blog ‘followers’ because I don’t operate a cult, they are just readers.

    “Spies at every corner George, every corner xx”.

    Mind tell them to wear a scarf and gloves, it is still very chilly outside.

    “PS I'm not a Nat but I KNOW what you are, tick tock..”.

    Oh really so why don’t you tell me and I can have a laugh, as to ‘tick tock’ I think you will find someone else is on a countdown to judgment.

    Did you help in the online attack of Dawn Rodger or were you too busy running a tampax emergency taskforce for the SNP?

    Try reading the contents of the blog instead of looking at the pictures for 'titillation', might as well be educated.


  5. Dear Mike

    “It's a good blog you've got here George, always a joy to read”.

    If you check another comment on this thread, someone doesn’t like it, must be sour grapes from them I suppose, Nationalists don’t like it up them it seems politically. They even did the classic, ‘I am not a Nat’. Why would anyone say this?

    “You seem to have hit the nail on the head there for the main reasons of the no vote being a strong sense of Britishness and the dire economic case conveyed by the nats, that's what did it for me”.

    And everyone else, SNP economic case is pure bogus.

    “I hope the nats don't get as far as they hope in the general election. Some of the policies they're pushing through like the named person and SuperID database are just disturbing. I've also noticed that whenever they've been campaigning locally outside my local shopping centre weekly that they've been concentrating on and giving out their flags and merchandise to a lot of kids as young 10 or even 5 years old, what's u with that?”

    The flags and merchandise is a way of using children as walking adverts, it is a standard campaigning tactic; it is done to create an image that the SNP is family ordinated. The SNP is a cult and the cult likes to use people.


  6. Just something to point out to the commentator who has issues with your blog.

    George published your comment. Some of the more extreme sites (nationalist and unionist) will not publish any comment they feel criticises their political views.
