Monday, March 30, 2015

‘War of the Rats’, Scotland’s unpopular SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon uses her first SNP Conference to publicly humiliate Alex Salmond, apparently Salmond has been bumped down to the level of a ‘daftie’, the SNP ‘rat ship’ sailing into troubled waters

Dear All

I have continually said the Scottish National Party is a ‘rat ship’, the idea of loyalty is alien to them; these people are in for themselves. If you do a bit of digging into their backgrounds and family, it is easily proven. The SNP is made up for various little ‘families’ who all share out the paid elected positions and candidacies.

The SNP have one goal; that is independence, which in part explains why they are unable to govern properly, health, education and justice, all a shambles! 

Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond took a massive huff when he was easily defeated in the Scottish independence referendum. It was terribly funny to see him sulk and throw in the towel so quickly. But let us be clear, he and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon represented a danger to the economic security of Scotland and its people.

Salmond had to go!

Out of 32 areas contested, he won 4, 4 out of 32 is a massive snubbing by the Scottish public.

Since the referendum, the ‘defeated man’ of Scottish politics has been looking for a purpose in life, ‘literacy masturbation’ is okay but you can’t do it all day. Anyway Salmond has decided he wants to go back to Westminster as an MP. Alex Salmond loves the limelight, he is an attention seeker, since he won’t get it at Holyrood; he wants a new platform. Since the European Elections have come and gone, the choices were limited.

For four days running, unpopular Nicola Sturgeon has been forced to repeatedly assert that she and not Alex Salmond is in charge of the SNP. Why does Nicola Sturgeon think she is in charge of the Alex Salmond Party or as some described it; the SNP Cult. It is because she was crowned leader when no one else dared to stand against her?

As I said, there is no such thing as loyalty in the SNP; you may remember at every conference Salmond and Sturgeon used to do the hugging and kissing stuff on stage. This was to make people believe every thing was cosy in the ‘rat ship’ and that they were a united party.

Take if from me, the SNP is far from a united party.
On the first day of the SNP Conference in Glasgow at the weekend, Sturgeon uses the conference to state she will decide the party's demands, while Salmond does the "day-to-day" work at the Commons.

‘There maybe be trouble ahead, but while there is moonlight….’.

Isn’t it terrible, two utterly false people falling out about who is the ‘Cult leader’?

Sturgeon says if there is a hung parliament after the general election, she leads.

The message from Sturgeon at the ‘cult’ conference is to offer the ‘hand of friendship’ to England, she is playing ‘good cop’ while Salmond is doing the opposite.

‘Good cop/ bad cop’ only works in the movies.

The English already know that Salmond and Sturgeon cannot be trusted, so the attempt to fool them is frankly rather crude stuff indeed.

So, what does the unpopular ‘hand of friendship’ want in return?

This will get a laugh; Sturgeon wants reform of the House of Lords which the SNP say is “indefensible” and the introduction of proportional representation for Commons elections.

On the first issue, the Lords transition is an ongoing process and as to proportional representation, I think we can safely say; she is onto plums, the mainstream parties of Labour and Conservatives will never entertain this idea.

As to the Salmond/ Sturgeon relationship, she says his interventions over the past week have complemented hers, which is the biggest pile of shit I have heard last week. If that was the case, Sturgeon wouldn’t be screaming into ever microphone and news outlet that she is in charge.

The latest attempt to reassert her crumbling leadership came after Salmond undermined her supposed “red line” conditions.

The price for propping up a minority Labour government was said to be scrapping the renewal of Trident.

No chance.

Alex Salmond blurted out SNP MPs would install Ed Miliband in Downing Street even if their demands were ignored.

Two messages both of which are equally worthless, the SNP are irrelevant, it is only a matter of time before people realise that the ‘bubble’ is going to burst, and what is in a bubble?

Just hot air!

While Salmond is guzzling the pink champagne making threats, demands and saying SNP will be a destructive force at Westminster, Sturgeon tact is offering “friendship and solidarity”, May 8th sees this nonsense end rather spectacularly in failure.

As to Sturgeon saying:

“I’ve got a fairly developed idea in my head of what our tactics and what our objectives will be”, at present according to a poll, Labour is poised to have a majority. If the poll is correct and Labour end up winning with 345 seats, the Nationalists bandwagon hits the buffers.

Although lots of people joined the SNP, the party hasn’t widened it selection of candidates, it is still a wee nasty clique. So, there is no change of direction of any real note. During the independence campaign, business people were concerned about the lack of proper economic plans, this prompted Jim Sillars to say that there would be a ‘day of reckoning’.  

One FTSE 100 chief executive said:

“Their language of intimidation towards business during the (independence) referendum was loathsome.”

Sturgeon’s attempt at ‘cuddly fascism’ will not yield results expected either.

I read online that a senior SNP Activist has apparently experienced the type of hostility that the party experienced 30 years ago. 

Bad news for them as the silent majority it seems don’t want to be silent any longer.

They have a message for Nicola Sturgeon and Co, it is straight forward and uncomplicated….. ‘fuck off’! 

SNP Conference is always a stage managed event as such here will be no dissent, stepping outside the bubble, the SNP will be seeing a different Scotland emerging. Already unpopular Nicola Sturgeon has seen voters march to her office to complain about the Govanhill ghetto. And they will be back as Sturgeon and her wee gang drag their asses with mealy mouth words.

Finally, the thing about anger is that it builds.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I love your blog, George, but there's nowt new here. What we need s some real incontrovertible evidence, dates, places, pictures, recordings, for example
    Is is true that Stuart Hosie wanked off in a hustings (weel, he was only mimicking hod old boss's book-writing methods) and said at a hustings somehwere that the real intention is to get the Tories in power so they can have 5 more years of austerity and whip up more hatred.
    I heard yesterday from somone who was told by someone close to the SNP lea
    dership that wee Eck is a changed man since 18/9/14 and is becoming genuinely delusional

  2. I've been diving into various blogs over the weekend, and quite spookily there is a considerable level of disquiet - mainly over Strugeon's all women lists. While not getting into that argument, an SNP member who regularly contributes to an extremist SNP blog has decided to resign from the party. Other regulars have expressed concern.

    I think there is most definitely a power struggle. As you rightly point out, the SNP message is contradictory (again).

    Sturgeon does not command the respect that Salmond once did, nor will she ever come close.

    Salmond's latest idea is for the BBC to come under Scottish Government control. Fuck that. North Korean state broadcasting would be more flexible. Seems Eck wants to undermine Sturgeon already.

    Added to this, it appears that the SNP has banned any member from criticising or questioning policies, so much that opponents of policies at the Conference were cut off at 3 minutes, whereas supporters were allowed to drone on.

    I am deeply concerned about the SNP now. They say that power corrupts, and it is looking that way. Keeping your MPs and MSPs in line is fine, but you don't stifle your own party members.

  3. Hi Allan

    I suspect that there is a lot of verbal jerking off going on in the SNP as the cronies see a possible pay day for themselves.


  4. Dear Anon

    “I've been diving into various blogs over the weekend, and quite spookily there is a considerable level of disquiet - mainly over Strugeon's all women lists”.

    It seems that unpopular Nicola Sturgeon wants full blown discrimination and the mugs are just to accept it and shut up.

    “While not getting into that argument, an SNP member who regularly contributes to an extremist SNP blog has decided to resign from the party”.

    I can’t say I am surprised, I predicated the bubble would burst, and also mentioned that Sturgeon doesn’t stand for fairness, equality and social justice.

    “Other regulars have expressed concern”.

    My advice already published ages ago, abandon the ‘rat ship’.

    “I think there is most definitely a power struggle. As you rightly point out, the SNP message is contradictory (again)”.

    Sturgeon has to go, but beside her there needs to be a major clear out of the SNP ranks to restore democracy to the party.

    “Sturgeon does not command the respect that Salmond once did, nor will she ever come close”.

    Nicola I have observed doesn’t appear to be comfortable around heterosexual men.

    “Salmond's latest idea is for the BBC to come under Scottish Government control. Fuck that. North Korean state broadcasting would be more flexible. Seems Eck wants to undermine Sturgeon already”.

    Never happen in a million years, the BBC like the NHS cannot be touched.

    “Added to this, it appears that the SNP has banned any member from criticising or questioning policies, so much that opponents of policies at the Conference were cut off at 3 minutes, whereas supporters were allowed to drone on”.

    I have wrItten on ‘cuddly fascism’ in the past, it is really just fascism”.

    “I am deeply concerned about the SNP now”.

    The SNP is a busted flush, Sturgeon won’t stop the rot, she is the rot, my advice get out, Scotland needs a new political party based on fairness and democracy to take Scotland in a new direction.
    “They say that power corrupts, and it is looking that way. Keeping your MPs and MSPs in line is fine, but you don't stifle your own party members”.

    1930’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia was run exactly the same way.

    And a lot of your observations I have written about for some time.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
