Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Unhappy SNP MP Pete Wishart sees a Unionist group called Forward Together set up a stall and hand out leaflets telling voters to tactically vote to get rid of him and Tasmina Ahmed-Shiekh, obviously Pete’s got his knickers in a twist about how democracy works!

Dear All

It seems that there is a flurry of new groups springing to enter the political campaign arena, we have Scotland in Union, Scotland’s Big Voice and United Against Separation to name but a few.

But the one which I find very amusing because of who there are targeting is Forward Together; they are the new kid on the block who are urging Unionists to oust SNP MP Pete Wishart.

The Gneral election is set to be the most interesting in years on both sides of the border, the Nationalists are probably hoping the racist anti English campaign by members of the Yes side holds up and they get seats in areas such as Glasgow.

To oust Pete Wishart; the Forward Together group want to see the must have accessory this season which ‘tactical voting’ as part of people’s strategy to inflict the most damage to the nationalist candidate.

While the SNP are keen to come after Labour MPs to take their seats, groups of ordinary people are coming together to unseat SNP MPs and Candidates to make them political poor with no Westminster seat.

Forward Together is advising people in Perth and North Perthshire that Pete Wishart is only interested in breaking up Britain.

Well, that’s true, and they want him replaced by someone “who actually wants to be at Westminster”.

That would be the Tory Candidate as his closest challenger, go that Tory, but to be fair, Mr. Wishart is someone who doesn’t bring anything to Westminster but grudge, grievance and malcontent.

As well as wanting to put Pete Wishart in the ‘poor house’, Forward Together want Unionist voters in neighbouring Ochil and South Perthshire to ensure they take out Nicola Sturgeon’s “ally”, Tasmina Ahmed-Shiekh. Ms. Ahmed-Shiekh was previously a Tory and also previously a member of the Labour Party, the SNP is her last chance saloon. Personally, I don’t think that Ms. Ahmed-Shiekh deserves to be elected to public office and believe that her ‘commitment’ to Ochil and South Perthshire will be lesser than a local person.

After this election, I doubt that she will be moving house to Ochil and South Perthshire if she doesn’t get elected, she will move on to try and get an MSP seat anywhere!

Forward Together want voters of any background and political disposition to walk into the polling station and back the Labour Candidate to ensure the SNP does not take the seat off Gordon Banks.

Tactical voting is in this election is on a try out, lessons need to be learned and refined because it will probably be getting used in 2016.

Without a doubt there is unprecedented interest from Unionists about how to vote tactically to counter the SNP and rub unpopular Nicola Sturgeon’s face in the dirt, Tory canvassers are finding staunch Tory voters want to stick to Sturgeon.

Scotland is a divided country, the SNP split and polarised it with hatred and bile.

And let’s face it, time for revenge or payback is high on the minds of unionist voters and people interested in protecting Scotland from the SNP clique of Team Sturgeon; the less gifted of the SNP cliques, full of trash and ignorant with it.

Scotland’s unpopular First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is also dreadful common as well.

Another campaign group, Scotland in Union, is to launch, Alistair Cameron, one of its founders who I have met incidentally said that interest was so high in its activities that it had to turn away people who want to attend its launch dinner in Edinburgh.

Cameron is a former Army captain in the Highlanders!

Scotland in Union campaign is particularly interested in Gordon, where Alex Salmond is hot favourite to win.

It was previously held by Sir Malcolm Bruce who is standing down to retire, his replacement is Christine Jardine. Tory canvassers say some of their supporters are considering backing Christine Jardine, go lassie go, where have I heard that before? Loud mouth SNP list MSP Joan McAlpine, another of the SNP’s publicly unelectables.

Victor Clements, one of its six board members of Scotland in Union said that SNP MP Pete Wishart appeared unhappy when Forward Together set up stall and handed out leaflets near him and other SNP campaigners in Perth city centre at the weekend.

The lamb, must be annoying that some people who aren’t even standing for public office are having the gall to hand out leaflets telling people in effect, don’t vote SNP don’t vote Pete Wishart.

60 per cent of voters in Perth and Kinross rejected independence, now if those 60 per cent can be talked into voting tactically them Pete Wishart will be in real soapy bubble. He might even have to take up busking in Perth to earn a coin!

I wonder if Pete Wishart knows, ‘my old man’s a dustman, he wears a dustman’s cap’?

Forward Together claims Wishart should be removed stage left from political office and ousted because “in all the time the SNP have held the seat at Westminster, nothing has been achieved for the folk of Perthshire.

Is that true Pete?

Sweet FA?

Maybe he was too busy watching Braveheart and boning up on how to be an effective campaigner on a low mental budget.

“By their own admission the SNP do not want to be in Westminster and with that mindset there is little prospect of them doing anything for Perthshire while they continue their attempts to break up the United Kingdom.”

In what appeared to be a close to tears statement Pete Wishart said:

“On the streets of Perth this weekend, people saw this for what it is nothing more than a desperate Tory front, and it is infuriating for Labour supporters who now hear about Labour plans for a 'grand coalition' between their party and the Tories after May 7. A Labour-Tory alliance – with the aim of electing more Tory MPs in Scotland – is doomed to failure."

'Grand coalition' seems Pete is losing it, it is simple Pete, ordinary people want to take you up the political arse and have a Portillo moment in Pete, while it is true that you aren’t one of the greatest thinkers in Westminster, nothing wrong with having you ousted.

Personally, I have no ill will to Mr. Wishart, even if he gets in he can do no harm, you need real brains and talent for that approach.

I would rather that Tasmina Ahmed-Shiekh yet again was rejected by the Scottish public; she is nothing more than an opportunist and Sturgeon crony.

Good luck Mr. Wishart, the worst advert for Nationalism in Scotland and bad luck to Ms. Ahmed-Shiekh.

Maybe Forward Together can pull off the double, but I am sure they would be delighted to settle for one, after all early days campaigning, need to refine their approach!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. George, I could'nt have put it any better myself. You missed some bits though. The SNP have been a disaster here in Perth for years. They have destroyed our wee city. They will destroy Scotland and stop at nothing to get independence. They have whipped up the "Braveheart effect" and used the peoples poverty to capture support for themselves. They don't care about the Scottish people. Only the destruction of the Union. "It's all false Wishart".

    Goodness knows why they selected that odious London born woman, of Pakistani heritage, to stand for Ochil and S Perthshire. I'm not so sure it is just because of being "good friends" with the upper house of the SNP but I suspect it's to entice a greater ethnic minority into the area to try and secure the block style Islamic vote for the SNP, just as the Islamic London burgh of Tower Hamlets First, party do. She's an immigration lawyer I do believe. This means fighting for immigrants rights to come into our country. Hmmmmm. Mind you, after the Islamic block vote is secure, no more democracy in that particular area - ever !

    It has always struck me strange that the SNP spends hundreds of thousands of pounds and in some cases, millions, above and beyond the already generous UK overseas aid budget, in support of university education sponsorships and general aid in Pakistan and in other Islamic countries, donate vast amounts to the Muslim Council of Scotland, then argue austerity for high poverty and foodbanks here in Scotland in the same breath. Also why they pushed for the unelected Humza Yousaf to join our Scottish Parliament by appointment. I think he wants to donate 1.5 BILLION to Pakistan if Scotland becomes independent. That is like a fair chunk of the cost of Trident over 35 years. At least it's not wasted though - eh ?? Do you think the SNP wants to import the third world into Scotland for the sake of their own vote ? Surely not. Never. No way !!

    We must not forget that the SNP require a huge influx of immigrants or ethnic migrants from England, to support their twisted plans for independence, hence the long standing Islamic support from the SNP as a sweetner. They will need many mosques for religious freedoms and the call to prayer for these migrants and immigrants. How better than to support mosque construction in Perthshire if your local MP happens to be a strong follower of Islam. No wonder Falkirk rejected Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh as their SNP candidate.

    Many people think the SNP will bring power to Scotland. It will not. We will end up like Sweden with a huge imported, self inflicted social problem. People need to face this hard fact when deciding who is the best representative in Parliament of our Perthshire North and South. We don't want the dross from the third world in Scotland. If you do, the SNP will be happy to have your vote.

    Guess who our family will be voting for ? This time at least.

  2. Oh dear,, this is the same clown Pete Wishart MP that got "it's" knickers in a twist, when the school children at Strathallan School in Perthshire voted "NO" in a mock referendum. Useless Pete Wishart threw a "big tantrum" over the NO result at Strathallan School, and "toys were thrown out of his pram" big time.
    Whinging Angus (Agnes) Robertson MP threw the same knicker twisting tantrum, when a similar NO result was returned at a mock referenfum, at a school in Moray. I must add that "NO TOYS" were injured during the tantrums thrown by gobshite Pete Wishart MP, and whinging moron Agnes Robertson MP.

  3. Hi George, great to see your regularly posting again, your posts certainly brighten my day. Tactical voting certainly did for Tasmina at the Euro elections, if she's kept out In Ochil, It looks like she'll be joining other unelectable calibre idiots Hamza Yousaf and Joan McAlpine for a 'cert' on the Holyrood SNP lis. I really do hope the electorate cotton onto tactical voting in a big way in May. The snp continue to state that are the voice of Scotland, but whereas even 4 years ago there was largely indifference at worse for the SNP there is now a growing majority of those utterly opposed to the. Peter wishart of course coming away with the now usual response of anything not SNP = Tory. Laughable.

  4. Huh,,,, Tasmina Sheikh,,, the woman who has been a Labour supporter, a Conservative supporter,and now an SNP supporter. This female will support any party just as long as SHE gets elected. Voting for Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh is a WASTED vote. Vote for anyone but the dictatorship that is the destructive SNP.

  5. Great article George, best site I Know exposing the silly nats for what they are. Sooner we get rid of them better Scotland will be all round.

  6. Another good blog more power to your elbow George .

  7. Anonymous - The Justice Secretary gave a big lecture the other day about zero tolerance for hatred towards muslms - even in thought!! Why do they keep having to make this point above hatred towards any other group. Is that so we look as if our arms are open to the muslim community!

  8. Dear Smudge

    In the school debate Pete Wishart managed to win over 1.5% of those able to cast a vote. 3 kids out of 200 attending.

    An unremarkable result for his "skills" as a debater.

    And they probably had their minds made up prior to voting.


  9. JF

    The whole Muslim issue is hugely complex in every Western country that have foolishly imported their self inflicted problems via uncontrolled immigration. It's much too complicated an issue for the simpletons at SNP HQ to deal with. Here's a good example. Remember the 2 idiots attacking a mosque with bacon. Bloody waste of good bacon if you ask me. The SNP Stasi establishment start flapping about, unsure how to deal with this vile, horrendous and heinous crime, so they jail them for 12 months ? What ?? ( never can get my head around why judges give light sentences to the creatures who abuse children. I'm beginning to suspect a lack of bacon.) Muslim community are happy. Major immigrant fuelled independence plan still on track. The SNP, upholders of religious rights. Hip hip hooray !

    What about 100 years from now ? In the West we have advanced in many ways but one great leap forward is in the growing rejection of ALL religion. Our churches are emptying as we become free thinkers. Free from religious shackles of the mind. A non violent society where we can ALL, regardless of skin colour or origin, live in peace. Imagine how great that would be. We would all end up coffee coloured. How good would that be ? No more racism and no more religion. Sign me up now. Unfortunately we have the SNP to import an invasive religion to fill the Christianity void. What a great way to solve the problem by adding to it. Talk about putting out fire with gasoline.

    Save Perthshire. Save Scotland. Flush out the SNP like only a good dose of Andrews can. SNP members - remember to squeeze your heads. Everyone, vote Tory or Labour as required. Peace !

  10. Dear Anon

    I thought I would make some observations on part of your comments on this post.

    “The SNP have been a disaster here in Perth for years. They have destroyed our wee city”.

    Previously I have mentioned a complete lack of talent in the SNP ranks, unpopular Nicola Sturgeon apparently recognises this as she got some Yes campaigners who were not members to pad out the SNP candidate list.

    “Goodness knows why they selected that odious London born woman, of Pakistani heritage, to stand for Ochil and S Perthshire”.

    As I understand it Tasmina Ahmed-Shiekh tried several places before getting a slot, I don’t find her “odious” myself, I find her an opportunist who doesn’t represent the majority of Scots views.

    “I'm not so sure it is just because of being "good friends" with the upper house of the SNP but I suspect it's to entice a greater ethnic minority into the area to try and secure the block style Islamic vote for the SNP, just as the Islamic London burgh of Tower Hamlets First, party do”.

    As I said above she tried several places before getting selected by members to stand Ochil and S Perthshire, when she doesn’t get elected, she will disappear from there quick enough.

    “She's an immigration lawyer I do believe. This means fighting for immigrants rights to come into our country. Hmmmmm. Mind you, after the Islamic block vote is secure, no more democracy in that particular area - ever !”

    I don’t think she has any grand master plan to do anything, let alone try and create an Islamic block vote in your area.

    “It has always struck me strange that the SNP spends hundreds of thousands of pounds and in some cases, millions, above and beyond the already generous UK overseas aid budget, in support of university education sponsorships and general aid in Pakistan and in other Islamic countries, donate vast amounts to the Muslim Council of Scotland, then argue austerity for high poverty and foodbanks here in Scotland in the same breath”.

    I don’t know if they give support of university education sponsorships and general aid in Pakistan and in other Islamic countries, perhaps you can provide a link. However I don’t see them giving money to end high poverty and foodbanks here in Scotland, Nicola’s concern for the working class extends to just getting their votes then ignoring them.

    “Also why they pushed for the unelected Humza Yousaf to join our Scottish Parliament by appointment”.

    A lot of SNP cronies attached to Salmond and Sturgeon appeared on the list and given their records not by merit in my opinion.

    “Falkirk rejected Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh as their SNP candidate”.

    Lucky old people in Falkirk.

    “Many people think the SNP will bring power to Scotland. It will not. We will end up like Sweden with a huge imported, self inflicted social problem. People need to face this hard fact when deciding who is the best representative in Parliament of our Perthshire North and South”.

    Regardless how many seats the SNP get they will not control anything at Westminster.

    “We don't want the dross from the third world in Scotland”.

    I spent 20 years at Glasgow University, met many student from all over the world, I wouldn’t describe those people as dross, some of them were medical students who went on to work in the NHS. I also feel you shouldn’t describe people from the third world as dross, in general most of these people are in the same boat as the rest of us and it weakens your argument.


  11. Pete not happy about people campaigning against him on Twitter, keep up the good work, we need people to say no to snp.


    There are many examples from the Herald and other newspapers but quite a few have been disabled, probably by request.

    There is no doubt that politicians, not just the SNP, manipulate race, religion etc for party support. I'm not just talking of recent or near future events. The SNP have a vision far in the future and they want to engineer the power of immigrant religion.

    I sound like a racist but this is NOT true. I just do not allow progressives to obscure the reality using PC or the popular Islamophobia bleating.

    Charity begins at home. Money is already being donated to S Asia in the order of billions from the UK government.

    This is real and happening now. Bit by bit our culture and heritage is being eroded due to uncontrolled immigration and over zealous belief of beardy men in the sky.


  13. It would be Xmas in Perth if wish art got knocked out, go Perth do it for Scotland

  14. Dear Anon

    "There is no doubt that politicians, not just the SNP, manipulate race, religion etc for party support".

    Well political parties such as the SNP attend meetings which are specifically to target the Asian vote.

    I have in the past asked people to type into google 'SNP vote rigging', the reason for this is to see that the people who benefit by it are connected to Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon.

    It isn't racist to comment on vote rigging regardless who does it.

