Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Scottish National Party is a ‘rat ship’, SNP suspends member over homophobic tweet that Scottish Conservative Leader Ruth Davidson needs a ‘good fuck’ as a “Tory fanny muncher”, never a dull moment in a party full of angry bigots, the 'Sons of Alex' strike again

Dear All

The modern SNP supporter is steeped in history, trouble is it hatred and bigotry against other people.

I have met Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson, we once had a chat when I bumped into her in the street about her dog which was in at the Vets.

She was very pleasant and chatty.

So, I have to say when she was sent vile homophobic abuse on Twitter, I immediately thought Nationalist supporter.

Ms Davidson was sent a tweet by Twitter user @SparkyBhoyHH, who decided to make obscene references regarding her sexuality.

As a well known Scottish blogger, I have been asked to comment, despite the fact it is known that the SNP tried to smear me as homophobic, which was a lie, this was used to cover up the fact the SNP data controller broke the law regarding my DSAR request and that I had been the subject of a smear campaign, covered up by Nicola Sturgeon’s husband Peter Murrell.

I was then targeted by the SNP National Sec William Henderson after that, when I wrote a post regarding the less than historic 'Declaration of Cineworld'. He was well as being 'the complainer' was also running the hearing against me. 

So much for SNP social justice, I was asked to take part in a hearing worthy of the Courts of mid 1940's Nazi Germany.

I left the party, refusing to play their game. 

At Glasgow University, I taught people from the lgbt community along with others during my time there, I didn’t discriminate at university, if they didn’t pass the test of being a nice person, they didn’t get my time.

Anyway in reply to the attack Ms Davidson said:

“Nice. Classy. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Bet she’s really proud of you... *blocked*.”

The person, an SNP member has been suspended by the party, but judging by his tweet, it is doubtful that this £12 a year keyboard warrior will get a slap on the wrist like the four SNP cllrs who got previously suspended for the ‘book burning’ episode.

The SNP is as I have previously stated a ‘rat ship’ under the leadership of Nicola Sturgeon, this is the modern face of the Scottish National Party, on this occasion, it is doubtful that there will be a cover up, too public.

George Laird right again on SNP as a 'rat ship'!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Just another example of these lunatics George let's hope they keep it up. :)

  2. Freddy

    SNP is full of these people, the leadership just keep doing cover ups.

    This is the legacy of the indyref.


  3. We must rid Scotland of cybernats. Hopefully SNP will lose support. I will be voting tactically in May and urge those usually voting, labour or conservative in Gordon to lend your vote to the Lib/Dems. The Westminster government is for a mere 5yrs, but separation is forever. Imagine eejits like Laird O'Callaghan running our country! God help is.

  4. Please tell us more about the cover up by Nippy's husband and the circumstances behind it. Would be interesting to see some more of the SNP bigotry and totalitarian state in full flow!

  5. Hi Nick

    I will do you an open letter post and give you something to chew on regarding your request.

    It might be Monday as I have to go through archived emails to Peter Murrell and the SNP.

    I want to give you times and dates.


  6. #Fine words from the SNP's leadership about the cybernat homophobic abuse aimed at Ruth Davidson, however folks there is big BUT coming.

    "First Minister and SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon tweeted: "Homophobic abuse of @RuthDavidsonMSP or anyone else is unacceptable. End of. Anyone engaging in it is no friend of my party."

    # The big BUT is what of another tweeter of serially abusive homophobic tweets?

    The 'Reverend Stuart Campbell"?

    As people like Sparkybhoy HH and his ilk, could not exist were it not for platforms provided by people like the 'Rev' and 'Wings over Scotland'.

    The leadership of both the YES campaign, and the SNP cannot be unaware of nature of the 'Revs' tweets, and those of other supporters like Nick Durie, and how offensive they can be, and we know this to be true...

    Where you can see Stuart Hosie endorsing, and congratulating Wings over Scotland about his fundraiser!

    It's not as if the abuse handed out by the 'Rev' is a secret;

    "It's clear that the alarm bells should have been ringing in Yes Scotland's HQ about this character long before now.

    They should have proactively been ensuring that there could be no link between Wings and them."

    # Indeed!

    In response to a comment about "Wings over Scotland is the rusty lead plumbing that provides all these nutters with drinking water."

    Ross Greer a Green and a former YES staffer comments that he;

    "spent a fair bitof ti(m)e (sic) at Yes HQ keeping that man away from absolutely everything" "folk who would harm campaign yes"

    Note the responses from Nationalists to his comments!

    This could also prove to be very embarrassing in the light of the 'Revs' comments about the Hillsborough disaster where over a period of years he blamed the Liverpool fans for it.

    He is also under investigation by the electoral commission for not declaring his expenses during the indyref.

    So now the SNP have a big problem they cannot investigate those who were abusive to Ruth Davidson, without also looking at the 'Reverend Stuart Campbell' comments as well !

    Perhaps some enterprising journalist might ask why one is condemned, and the other ignored...

    1. Approval is implicit surely. You never know when a small army of rabidly dedicated followers might come in handy, just need to keep them at arms length for plausible deniability. Not so dissimilar to Mugabe's war veterans.

  7. I agree about the comments regarding Wings. Just had a quick look at the site and not a sausage about Sturgeon's comment. Even NN managed to mention it (need to lie down now).

    I thought the Scottish Government already had some legislation available to deal with such idiots on social media. Perhaps it is time for a no tolerance report to such abusive behaviour. If you said similar comments to someone in the street you could face arrest (or at least a slap).

    It's not helped by non-entities such as Katie Hopkins who deliberately winds people up.

    Perhaps Ruth could raise the issue at FMQs about the SNP MPs and MSPs who have praised the offensive sites, and ask what their thoughts are today.

  8. Well, well, someone has put in an FOI request about 'Wingsy' Campbells expenses claims during the indyref...

    Things are getting interesting!

    As the Electoral Commission (according to the downloadable PDF), are liaising with the Crown office and Procurator Fiscal..

  9. Lets hope it has a good outcome nameless one lol maybe his behind is twitching i certainly hope so.
