Monday, February 9, 2015

Unpopular Nicola Sturgeon says SNP MPs will vote on English issues, including the NHS and taxes, Sturgeon actually gets something right, SNP hit by ‘busted watch’ syndrome, Westminster threatened Sturgeon ‘strong team’ of Nationalist sheep as in ‘useless baastards’

Dear All

One thing about Scotland’s unpopular First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is her willingness to jump right in and try gimmicks.

In the 2010 General election, as I previously said in the blog before the SNP ran with ‘elect a local champion’, trouble was the people selected weren’t anything like local or indeed champions.

Sturgeon has said that one of the first tasks of SNP MPs after the general election will be to “push back” against plans for English votes for English laws.

Like a busted watch that is right twice a day, Sturgeon actually got something right, however to me her correct answer is a bit like having a guess at a multiple choice paper!

Sturgeon via her Westminster clique hopes to sow division by voting on English matters, the Conservatives under William Hague want to shut out Scottish MPs regardless of party from voting.

The two tier MP system isn’t going to work, there will not be consensus from the Labour Party, it is wrong, immoral and unethical, it is a ‘fix’ to something which isn’t broken but will be under this Conservative proposal, in a Government of the day could be held to ransom by an opposition which didn’t win the election.

Anti democratic in every sense, Nicola Sturgeon and her gang sticking their nose in to stir up dissent is a distraction.    

Could the SNP undermine the proposals by Hague, I doubt it, clearly this made up problem has a solution or several depending on how radical you want to be.

The knee jerk reaction however solves nothing.

Where Nicola Sturgeon gets it badly wrong (and it’s an old story) is when she tries to rope in Scottish MPs of all colours has somehow representing the SNP as they cry they are effectively an extension of Holyrood and therefore ‘Scotland’.

An MP is elected as an individual even if they represent a party that is why the Returning Officer says for example, Ian Davidson has been elected to represent Glasgow South West. The “partnership of equals” crap pouring out Sturgeon is simply designed to mislead the gullible members of the public.

Nationalists voting on English matters, including on taxes and the NHS isn’t about improving the health service, Scotland’s health service is in crisis and worse than England.

Other people will easily recognize that her comments are in fact rubbish, and she made similar tripe last month when she was accused of spouting “complete twaddle” and attempting to destroy the Union.
In its entire history, the SNP MPs have contributed nothing of note to Westminster, they sit there with nothing to say but when they get to their feet it is to simply complain and complain; nothing constructive.

Anyone think Pete Wishart is up to the task of being a statesman in the House of Commons?

Writing in the Observer,Sturgeon said:

“Where any issue is genuinely English-only, with no impact on Scotland, the case for Evel can be made. But, as I recently made clear, issues which may superficially appear to be England-only can often have very serious knock-on consequences for Scotland in terms of our public finances via the Barnett Formula.”

We should remember that in England health spending went up but in Scotland despite the Barnett formula, NHS spending has been slashed, the service allowed to drift, important decisions not taken to reshape it.

You see Nicola Sturgeon was off chasing the independence dream, part time health sec taking full time ministerial salary.

As to her claim of a strong group of SNP MPs, presumably she has seen the candidate list, Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, odious Natalie McGarry, Chris Stephens, Alison Thewliss, Mhairi Black, Patrick Grady, Angus Robertson, Pete Wishart and a host of other talentless and utterly forgettable cannon fodder.

The only real prospect is the SNP generating more ill will than they currently do at Westminster, if the Conservatives win, they should not push EVEL through, it would be a disaster which would have to be overturned by a future Labour Government.

Gordon Brown, the former prime minister, claimed the Conservative proposals were motivated by the threat of Ukip, rather than being in the long terms interest of the UK. In that respect Gordon Brown is right, Ukip is a threat down south because they have tapped into the working class vote. However Ukip should think twice about EVEL as well, if they push it through or assist, they can kiss getting elected in Scotland.

Ukip like the Conservatives need a major dose of reality and as they say a moment of pause, trouble as they say is just always round the corner and clearly they should recognize that.

Short term gain will lead to long term pain, in Scotland, a Conservative revival which Ruth Davdison harks on about will be effectively dead, ‘second class Scottish MPs’ is all the soundbyte needs to be, ‘we are being discriminated because we are Scots’.

If the SNP do well, and it is unlikely then they will, but they put the Conservatives back into Number 10, when the reality of that dawn on Scottish voters, unpopular Nicola Sturgeon will really start to feel the heat of an angry Scottish public on both sides of the indy debate.

Nicola Sturgeon isn’t saving anyone that is the reality of it.

Finally, one of the funniest things which has popped up is some people blogging and writing that the SNP could take Jim Murphy’s seat off him at the Westminster 2015 election.

To those who are so deluded in believing nonsense, I simply say this:

“Fuck off with that shite” and “go learn politics”!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. A poll out today shows labour closing the gap on the SNP by half. Still 41% to 31% but it would reduce SNP gains to the low 20s rather than the mass anihalation that the SNP are currently foaming at the mouth in anticipation of. Plus there's still 3 months to go! Mhairi Black meanwhile has been caught calling Celtic fans #scum and has been all over the Paisley Daily Express. The people of Paisley and Renfrewshire will not appreciate having a ned hoisted on them as the SNP candidate.

  2. BOOM back with all guns Georgie boy


  3. Her strong group of SNP MP's are questionable to say the least. Our MP from Perth, Pete Wishart, in between his sparse mumblings on the green leather benches, spends more time playing with his organ I suspect than doing anything usefull or remotely MP ish. As for the other candidate for Ochil and S Perthshire, Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh, I guess were going to be getting a mosque built. I mean what else can be her motivation for Scottish politics other than to promote Islam, herself or both. Still we are going to need one as after unelectable Humza Yousaf implements his master plan to flood Scotland with third world Islamic idiots. We need someplace for them to preach their hatred for all things Western though. Oh yes and housing, unemployment payments, child benefit etc etc. All totally evil or is that EVEL ?

  4. Dear Anon

    “Her strong group of SNP MP's are questionable to say the least. Our MP from Perth, Pete Wishart, in between his sparse mumblings on the green leather benches, spends more time playing with his organ I suspect than doing anything usefull or remotely MP ish”.

    I thought Pete Wishart played the guitar but to be honest Runrig or whatever else he was in doesn’t interest me.

    “As for the other candidate for Ochil and S Perthshire, Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh, I guess were going to be getting a mosque built”.

    Firstly, I doubt she would move to Ochil and South Perthshire. As to a Mosque being built, if such an enterprise gets planning permission then fair enough, people’s faith is something to be celebrated. In Glasgow, the Mosque regularly takes part in going charity work to people from all faiths and none helping the homeless. A lot of news we hear about Muslims is bad so it tends to colour people’s thinking.

    “I mean what else can be her motivation for Scottish politics other than to promote Islam, herself or both”.

    I would say that Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh is really only interested in promoting herself, she has been in multiple parties using them for self-promotion.

    “Still we are going to need one as after unelectable Humza Yousaf implements his master plan to flood Scotland with third world Islamic idiots”.

    I have absolutely no time for Humza Yousaf or his English smearing wife, but I doubt he has a master plan other than for himself.

    “We need someplace for them to preach their hatred for all things Western though”.

    I think the SNP in general have Holyrood for that; however they tend to focus on Westminster.

    “Oh yes and housing, unemployment payments, child benefit etc etc. All totally evil or is that EVEL ?”

    I think most people have no reasonable objection to people who are legally entitled to benefits receiving them.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
