Monday, December 8, 2014

Unpopular SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon says “Westminster will be 'shaking in its boots”, Alex Salmond wants to return to Westminster, is there anyone seriously scared of a man who is married to a woman old enough to be his mother, wrong again Nicola!

Dear All

Delusion plays a fundamental part of Scottish National Party politics.

Scotland’s unpopular First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said that:

“Westminster will be 'shaking in its boots”.


It is because Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond has decided to attempt to return to Westminster.

Why Sturgeon thinks a man who is married to a woman old enough to be his mother could frighten anyone is beyond me.

Such people are laughed at.

If Alex Salmond does return to Westminster, he returns a loser, the man who lost the attempt to win Scottish independence, in reality his bid was never credible because it was based on lies, lies and lies.

Salmond and Sturgeon would have plunged Scotland into chaos because of their illiterate economic policies particularly since it was based on oil, and that price has fallen through the floor.

The idea he would head a “strong group” of SNP MPs is equally bizarre, if you think back to 2010 and his ‘elect a local champion’ campaign, it was stuffed full of his and Sturgeon’s cronies, people who were not local and importantly not champions either.

The SNP entered that election with previously having 7 MPs, the day after the vote, they had 6 MPs.

No one believed the nonsense of electing a local champion, because it didn’t exist.

As to Salmond saying he will hold the balance of power in the next UK government, again this is delusion, there is no deals to make by the unionists, even if the SNP did get an increase in numbers.

Clearly the strategy is to plan a campaign of grievance regarding the Smith Commission report that somehow Scotland has been robbed and cheated.

We weren’t, we were asked, did we want independence and the majority said no, that being said, many unhelpful interventions were made by people on the unionist side.

The people of Scotland won the Scottish independence referendum not the unionist politicians who efforts were in some cases particularly poor, it is an open secret that Better Together in Glasgow was exceptional poorly run, these people are now helping run the Labour MP Jim Murphy campaign.

With Alex Salmond standing it was thought he would face off against Liberal Democrat Treasury Secretary Danny Alexander in Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey. It now seems that he plans to stand in Gordon were Sir Malcolm Bruce is retiring. Lib Dem candidate is Christine Jardine who isn’t exactly a superstar politically, she said the area had been “short-changed” during Mr Salmond’s time as first minister.

She added:

“The people of Gordon deserve better, just as they deserve an MP who will stand up for what’s important to them, not chase their personal political agenda at the cost of what’s best for the people of the North-east. I intend to be a strong voice for all the people of Gordon.”

Jardine will have to hope that people will back the Lib Dem brand.

Sir Malcolm Bruce won a credible majority of 6,748 over the SNP in 2010,

He said:

“People in Gordon rejected the first minister’s independence plans overwhelmingly at the referendum. I am sure that they would be delighted to have the chance to reject him again in May. Bring it on.”

The Lib Dems will have to work their socks off as the SNP will flood the area to try and get Alex Salmond elected to keep him out of Holyrood so Sturgeon doesn’t look like his puppet.

Salmond said:

“The North-east of Scotland has led the way in Scottish politics before, and I believe we can do it again next May.”

The North East massively rejected independence in Salmond’s own backyard, he should remember that, also the anti English hate campaign run in places likes Glasgow will not work in the North East.

Interestingly, Salmond said that would not seek to replace deadbeat SNP MP Angus Robertson as SNP group leader at Westminster.

If anyone should be removed from that position it should be Angus Robertson, he leads nothing and does it exceptionally poorly.

Obviously the SNP want a Labour Government to try and get more power, but it may transpire that although wanting a deal, Salmond will get nothing; people could be facing the prospect that there may be a hung parliament and it could be Ukip that is calling the shots.
If that is the case, the Nationalists will have nowhere to go politically.

Lib Dem candidate Christine Jardine exactly isn’t the best choice for the Liberal Democrats, they will have to hope their brand is the key factor with voters, that and many people dislike of Alex Salmond personally.

Yours sincerely

George Laird 
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. AGAIN a work of art Georgieboy.

    Funny Eck is married to a granny,yet I feel certain he is not beyond other recreational pursuits


  2. I reckon Salmond wishes he hand't quit after the 'No' result of the referendum. His bid at becoming an MP is an attempt to remain in the limelight and grab those headlines. Perhaps he needs reminding that Nicola runs things now...

  3. I reckon Salmond wishes he hand't quit after the 'No' result of the referendum. His bid at becoming an MP is an attempt to remain in the limelight and grab those headlines. Perhaps he needs reminding that Nicola runs things now...

  4. I reckon Salmond wishes he hand't quit after the 'No' result of the referendum. His bid at becoming an MP is an attempt to remain in the limelight and grab those headlines. Perhaps he needs reminding that Nicola runs things now...

  5. Salmond probably wishes he hand't quit after the 'No' result of the referendum. His bid at becoming an MP is an attempt to remain in the limelight and grab those headlines. Perhaps he needs reminding that it's Nicola who runs things now...

  6. I reckon Salmond wishes he hand't quit after the 'No' result of the referendum. His bid at becoming an MP is an attempt to remain in the limelight and grab those headlines. Perhaps he needs reminding that Nicola runs things now...

  7. how long can they keep this shite going?


  8. YOU ok Georgieboy?


  9. Seaons Greetings to you and yours George Laird.

  10. Salmond again in the papers today saying he will support Labour in a balanced Parliament. While Nicola Sturgeons SNP shock troops continue to smear the Labour party as 'red tories' pretty much a mixed message. Although Salmond wont be in Holyrood hes pretty much still making sure hes still in the limelight, and somehow will dictate the future of British politics come May. 'End Austerity and dont renew trident or else'. Whats the so called Deputy Stewart Hosie making of all this. An SNP Labour coalition will be toxic to the English electorate and a disaster for Ed Milliband and Labour to try and claw their way into Downing Street. It will be a gift to the Tories who will claim the Scottish tail is wagging the English dog and trying to block English Votes for English Laws.

  11. Hi George. You've been very quiet of late, meanwhile Alex Salmond continues to be the main mouthpiece for the SNP despite 'resigning' as leader. A 'Once in a Generation' referendum will now be re fought as soon as possible. I thought Stewart Hosie was deputy leader of the SNP but Salmond continues to speak for what will happen in Westminster depsite not even being there yet. Anyway have a great Christmas and New Year George and I look forward to another year of your observations in 2015.

  12. Georgieboy you ok?


  13. Happy New Year to you George. Where are you?, honestly?? I think the SNP dictatorship trash have got to you/threatened you in some way. Others think the same. Please say.

  14. Hi Folks

    To update I am very sick at present.

    As in, in and out of hospital, nearly died.

    I will return.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  15. George is there anything we can do to help you


  16. Get well soon George, and thanks for the update. Ohh, and mouthpiece Hosie? he, along with 3 other SNP MP's didn't even attend the commons vote on the Bedroom Tax,,, two faced hypocrites.

  17. Hi Crookie

    I am in the hands of the NHS, but thank you for your concern.


  18. Dear Sherbie

    I am not surprised by what you said, the bedroom tax, the SNP wanted to used a weapon to garner votes for indy until Labour bounced them into doing something.


  19. Georgieboy do you have an e mail to contact you?



    Do you need an organ I know a fat man that could become a donator

  20. Hi Crookie

    My email is

    Sorry for the delay but I had other things on my mind as you know.

