Tuesday, November 11, 2014

'What’s that got to do with the price of fish': Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond says the SNP should lead British delegation at EU talks in Brussels regarding fishing, Salmond’s bungled attempt at SNP self promotion died very quickly, like a fish out of water!

Dear All

One of the most high profiles flaws in the Scottish independence campaign by the leadership of the Scottish National Party was lying to the public.

In May 2012, I was at the BBC Big Debate hosted by Isobel Fraser, during the show, Ruth Davidson, the Tory letter whipped out the ‘letter of destiny’.

The ‘letter of destiny’ showed that the SNP had never been in contact with the EU regarding membership as a government or as an opposition. Another lie used was that Scotland would have automatic membership without having to apply as a new member state. The SNP fostered that lie which led to the gullible being sucked into believing it as truth.

Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minster Nicola Sturgeon as far back as the 11th December 2007 said when asked about automatic membership:

“It is the clear view of the Scottish National Party and the Scottish Government that Scotland would automatically be a member of the European Union upon independence. There is legal opinion to back that up. I don’t think the legal opinion is in any doubt..”

The only trouble with that is that the Scottish Government had never sought a legal opinion.

Sturgeon was also asked were a renegotiation would be needed, she said:


All of that nonsense came crashing down like a ton of bricks around their ears; the SNP leadership was continually exposed as lie after lie was outed!

In the dying days of Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond’s time as First Minster, he has decided to have another crack at the EU, this time he has described the decision to send a Conservative peer to represent Scotland’s fishermen at European Union (EU) talks as “absurd”.

Although the fishing fleet is mostly based in Scotland, this is a UK matter, and as we have seen, the SNP aren’t ‘team players’. It is therefore entirely understandable that Prime Minster David Cameron decided to send someone else in place of UK Environment Secretary Liz Truss who was unable to attend.

The SNP had wanted to send its Environment Secretary Richard Lochhead who is nobody; but nobody who nobody takes an interest in. Instead Cameron has opted for Lord De Mauley.

Mr Lochhead told the BBC he had to brief Lord de Mauley on the issues but would not be allowed to actually take part in the meeting himself.
He added:

"I think that is a bit of a snub for Scotland and a slap in the face."

Only a snub for the SNP and only a slap in the face for Lochhead!

Lochhead like the rest of the SNP doesn’t represent Scotland.

One can only assume that the SNP wanted Lochead to attend to further their ambitions that the EU recognise Scotland as de facto member state in waiting.

But let’s get real; what has that do with the price of fish?

In a last gasp attempt to prove he carries some weight, Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ has written two letters to David Cameron following the confirmation that the peer will represent the UK at the Agriculture and Fisheries (Agrifish) Council meeting.

The talks will focus on quotas for deep sea stocks, which affect fisherman in Scotland where the majority of the UK’s fishing industry takes place.

If Lochhead is really interested perhaps he can hang about outside the venue and pick up some information.

Finally Salmond said in his letter:

“"Richard Lochhead will be in Brussels for the council meeting and remains ready to take on leadership of the delegation in the fisheries talks and only for the fisheries talks”.


Salmond the tail doesn’t wag the dog!

He added:

"Your Government has already demonstrated why it cannot be relied upon in EU negotiations. I again ask you to redeem your previous undertakings on an area of key importance to Scotland."

Is that the same as the SNP lying to the Scottish public Salmond on the EU?

Alex Salmond certainly got put in his "plaice"..... boom boom!

Yours sincerely

George Laird 
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I seen the man last night George he looked a pathetic figure like a small child with his faced pressed against the sweet shop window. If the nationalists were in any way team players they may have been invited to the big boy's table but no matter they won't be missed as they would probably provide more heat than rational debate at the table.

  2. To be fair Georgeie boy when it comes o matters fishy he and Jimmy Crankie have got first call :)

    Genius piece of finest haddock again sir


  3. A couple of years ago, Richard Lochhead was asked by the people of Kingston and Garmouth in Moray, to come and chair/discuss severe coastal erosion. He NEVER went. Instead, they asked 2 other MSP's to attend who BOTH turned up. One Independent and one conservative. Richard Lochhead was Alex Salmond's lapdog and that's how he became an MSP. He is a nobody, a laughing stock.

  4. George,
    "One of the most high profiles flaws in the Scottish independence campaign by the leadership of the Scottish National Party was lying to the public."
    It is a verifiable fact that the SNP leadership, Salmond,Sturgeon, Swinney, Hosie et al, are guilty of propagating a false prospectus for Independence and that Salmond was not slow in making up a 'fact' in order to win a debate or a FMQ response.
    What I cannot understand is how they are not being punished for this by the electorate or nailed to the wall by the opposition Lab/Lib/Con. They appear to be having a free ride and gaining support on the way if the current opinion polls are to be believed.
    What hope is there for the outcom of the Smith Commission in a climate where the SNP have set the agenda as being a version of Home Rule so close to Independence that if adopted, independence would be inevitable.
    There cry in the referendum was that there was a 'Democratic Deficit' in Scotland and the country didn't get the government it voted for.
    The SNP through the '45' are totally ignoring the denocratic will of the Scottish electorate and attemoting to introduce through the back door the very thging that we voted down at the referendum.
    How can this be stopped when the Labour party in Scotland is tearing itself apart and the Conservatives and Liberals are despised in Scotland for their coalition government?

  5. Hi Terry

    “It is a verifiable fact that the SNP leadership, Salmond,Sturgeon, Swinney, Hosie et al, are guilty of propagating a false prospectus for Independence and that Salmond was not slow in making up a 'fact' in order to win a debate or a FMQ response”.

    The entire campaign was bogus.

    “What I cannot understand is how they are not being punished for this by the electorate or nailed to the wall by the opposition Lab/Lib/Con”.

    It is to do with the quality of the politicians, poor quality with no ideas, charisma or vision.

    If you gave people a blank piece of paper how many MSPs could they jot down?

    “They appear to be having a free ride and gaining support on the way if the current opinion polls are to be believed”.

    To do that you need strong leaders, but also strong able team members, can you really say that is available at present?

    “What hope is there for the outcom of the Smith Commission in a climate where the SNP have set the agenda as being a version of Home Rule so close to Independence that if adopted, independence would be inevitable”.

    I suspect Smith has an offer which he can’t go beyond, no matter how much talk is done. The solution is to revamp the Scotland Office to transfer new powers there and make them responsible.

    “There cry in the referendum was that there was a 'Democratic Deficit' in Scotland and the country didn't get the government it voted for”.

    Someone always doesn’t get the government they voted for its called democracy.

    “The SNP through the '45' are totally ignoring the democratic will of the Scottish electorate and attempting to introduce through the back door the very thing that we voted down at the referendum”.

    They won’t get it.

    “How can this be stopped when the Labour party in Scotland is tearing itself apart and the Conservatives and Liberals are despised in Scotland for their coalition government?”

    Perhaps if they put people like me into political office, check out my recent EU post, I am capable of coming up with solutions that others at present cannot.

    All I need is for someone to recognise my talent and make me an offer.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  6. Good luck with that George of course there could be vacancies in your neck of the woods vis a vis the local Labour party if they dont get a grip of tnhe seperatists. The main problem is that the upper echelons of the Labour party don't seem to care a lot. My local Councillors wife and I were having a chat on referendum day and her take on it was that the leadership above her husband don't have a clue to be polite.
