Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pop Singer Myleene Klass ‘wipes the floor’ with Labour leader Ed Miliband over mansion tax, at the top and bottom of society the Labour Party aren’t listening to people who put them into power, the Labour Party is imploding because the product is tainted

Dear All

It seems that Labour leader Ed Miliband isn’t looking like a Prime Minister in waiting but more like a dog to kick as you pass it by.

Recently Ed Miliband was dragged over the coals by Myleene Klass, the ex model and Hear’Say singer, she utterly savaged him on TV and wiped the floor that people began tweeting that she should stand for Prime Minister.

To make matter worse, if they can get any worse, he has been mocked for “fewer people in Scotland believing in his leadership than the Loch Ness monster”.

The brutal barb happened during exchanges across the dispatch box during fierce exchanges in Prime Minister’s questions.

And things don’t look too rosy in the Garden from his supporters as there was a failed coup from Labour backbenchers to remove him as Labour leader.

The incident with Mylene Klass on ITV’s Agenda is fairly interesting in that people are getting angry with Labour, voters are leaving the party behind to transfer their votes elsewhere to parties such as Ukip.

On top of that Labour members are leaving the party resulting in Labour branches shutting down.

It seems that the Labour Party could be reaching a tipping point where people of the UK think that Labour’s time is over.

What does Labour stand for?

This is a question asked by many and few if any can answer, the Labour Party is run by a professional elite straight out of University and College, they don’t connect with ordinary people, they don’t take their problems on board and their public service ethos is questionable.

The extent that Mylene Klass tore into Miliband’s proposal for a levy on properties worth more than £2 million shows how deep the Labour Party’s problems are. In Scotland, there is a Labour leadership contest doing on, but that is in the shadow of only 1 in 50 Scots having full trust in Ed Miliband.

Labour is in trouble on both sides of the border, many people I know hope that Labour MP Jim Murphy wins the election to be Scottish leader, but Labour need more than a personality, it isn’t simply about having a smart mouth at FMQs which are a joke.

It is about delivering for people who attend the surgeries of MP, MSP and Councillors, it is about rebuilding trust, it is about new vision, fresh talent and a real commitment to public service.
If Jim Murphy wins, he will need to have a cull because the problems go beyond more than image.

Scotland is different post 18th September, it isn’t business as usual and if the Labour Party do not adjust to the radical change then; they will start to sink towards the levels of Conservative support; more newer parties will enter the market making a return to power very difficult.

Ed Miliband became the leader of the Labour Party through the Union votes, perhaps it is time that voting is restricted to Labour Party members only. At present rather than being the voice of the people, Ed Miliband is looking like someone who doesn’t understand or fails to understand the concerns of people.

Immigration is a problem, his solution is to talk utter rubbish and ignore the ordinary people of the UK, but guess what; they have clicked on to the fact that they can just ignore him and cast their vote elsewhere.

Things for the Labour Party are particularly bad in Scotland, down south you can multiply that problem x 10 and still have room for others.

In 2015, Ed Miliband might not be Prime Minister because he might not have a seat in the House of Commons.

Maybe he should think on that!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. someone had Klass Georgie boy and it wasn't Ed who had to think about an answer and retweet later


  2. Where are you George Laird?? Hope you haven't been "silenced" by the SNP dictstorship,,,, and i'm being serious. I wouldn't put anything past them.

  3. Dear Sherbie

    It is nice to be missed, no, I haven't been silenced, I was unwell, it happens to us all from time to time.

    I will be hopefully back to normal by the start of next week.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  4. WELCOME BACK Georgeie boy though the YESTHUGS HAD GOT YOU

