Monday, October 13, 2014

Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tries to update her ‘caring’ image by talking about her angst of how Welfare reform ‘impacts Scots families in poverty’, actions speak louder than words, her seat takes in Govanhill, why is it such a shithole Nicola when you have represented it for nearly a decade?

Dear All

As most people know I tend to speak my mind, and I am usually right and ahead of the curve.

Unpopular Nicola Sturgeon is a fucking rat.

As next in line to lead the Scottish National Party ‘rat ship’, it appears that Sturgeon wants to re-vamp her image as a ‘caring’ Scot. As she prepares to get her nose deeper into the trough as the lame duck First Minister of Scotland, the SNP want to use poverty as a weapon against other political parties.

The SNP goal is to try and get women to vote Nationalist; it isn’t about helping working class people, it is all about advancing their position and to hold onto power.

Unpopular Nicola Sturgeon has been addressing the annual Poverty Alliance conference, her speech is typical, grudge, grievance and malcontent, saying the UK government’s benefit reform programme “unfairly impacts on some of the most vulnerable members of our society”.

Haven’t we all been here before on grievance?

Yes, we have.

Sturgeon wants and has called for Holyrood to have full powers over welfare and social policy.

It is doubtful this will be done as the UK Government cannot allow two separate systems to operate in the UK and it is highly likely that the Nationalist would use this for purely political ends for a future referendum.

Poor and vulnerable people would be used as a football.

The Nationalists have even made this part of their pitch to the Smith Commission.

Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance, said:

“Poverty is the biggest issue Scotland faces, and with one in five children growing up in poverty it is impossible to ignore.”

On the other side of the coin, a spokesman for the Department Work and Pensions (DWP) said:

“This government inherited a benefits system in meltdown which trapped the very people it was meant to help”.

Presumably he didn’t have that opinion under the last Labour Government.
He added:

“Our welfare reforms are transforming the lives of some of the poorest families in our communities and the employment rate in Scotland now at the highest rate since 2008. We continue to have a strong safety net in place and benefit spending in Scotland was over £14bn last year.”

People’s lives have been transformed, food banks, increased lack of social mobility, benefit sanctions, placements in dead end jobs that do not enhance employment prospects.

In Glasgow at the weekend, the Tommy Sheridan road show was in George Square, Sheridan is as politically bankrupt as Sturgeon. It seems that Sturgeon and Sheridan have latched onto poor people on benefits to increase their support.

What do they have in common?

Both want to use the poor as a meal ticket and both are as equally useless.

If unpopular Nicola Sturgeon really cared about the poor can she explained why for the last 7 years why Govanhill hasn’t had massive SNP Government money to transform it.

Govanhill in Glasgow is nothing more than a shithole.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Here once again we have this "wealthy nationalist toff" Sturgeon, preaching to us peasants about poverty just to secure votes, yet poverty is rife in the area that she has supposedly represented for years.Talk about being a hypocrite!! She couldn't even run the NHS in Scotland.

  2. Dear Sherbie

    “Here once again we have this "wealthy nationalist toff" Sturgeon, preaching to us peasants about poverty just to secure votes, yet poverty is rife in the area that she has supposedly represented for years”.

    The Sturgeon clan have done very well out of ‘representing’ the poor, the state of Govanhill shows Sturgeon has played people for mugs.

    Many women in Govan told me that Sturgeon is an arsehole when I stood as a candidate, she represented the area before the boundary changes.

    “Talk about being a hypocrite!!”

    SNP has many little family dynasties operating, it’s a clique which people need to wake up to and cast their votes elsewhere.

    “She couldn't even run the NHS in Scotland”.

    Her tenure was to use a medical term an abortion.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Exactly. Poverty on her doorstep. That will be Westminster's fault as well I suppose. Glasgow voted 'Yes' yet what have the SNP done to help out the people of the east end? Zip. Poor/rich divide in Aberdeen and Edinburgh is shocking too. They need to look a lot closer to home for answers to the woes of the poor in Scotland.

  4. Are you sure this site should be referencing Glasgow University , with your petty ill-informed ranting you sound more like a bunch of rabid UKIP supporters foaming at the mouth. You have posted so many lies and nonsense opinions I do not know where to start. Let’s settle for one major point Nicola Sturgeon has the highest trust ratings of any Scottish politician, but don’t worry just as with the mainstream media I am sure you will not let an inconvenient little thing like the truth keep you from spouting gibberish which your readership , I am being kind here assuming they can read, whereas in reality I suspect that the staff in the mental ward are more likely reading it out to them , it is very difficult to click a mouse when wearing a straightjacket

  5. Dear Anon

    “Are you sure this site should be referencing Glasgow University , with your petty ill-informed ranting you sound more like a bunch of rabid UKIP supporters foaming at the mouth”.


    Also I am not a member of Ukip or any political party.

    “You have posted so many lies and nonsense opinions I do not know where to start”.

    Start at the first one and work your way down, if you are capable.

    “Let’s settle for one major point Nicola Sturgeon has the highest trust ratings of any Scottish politician, but don’t worry just as with the mainstream media I am sure you will not let an inconvenient little thing like the truth keep you from spouting gibberish which your readership , I am being kind here assuming they can read, whereas in reality I suspect that the staff in the mental ward are more likely reading it out to them , it is very difficult to click a mouse when wearing a straightjacket”.

    Let us start by agreeing we both don’t give a shit about each others’ opinions so we aren’t ‘settling’ anything.

    Unpopular Nicola Sturgeon has the lowest trust rating by me; she also has a low trust rating with women in Govan who call her an ‘arsehole’.

    But we should remember what Nicola Sturgeon did for Govan, can you remember?

    Fuck all!

    “I am being kind here assuming they can read, whereas in reality I suspect that the staff in the mental ward are more likely reading it out to them , it is very difficult to click a mouse when wearing a straightjacket”.

    I am going to be kind as well, your English betrays you as a thick bastard. If you are upset about Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon taking up the political arse, you will find no comfort here on this blog.

    Before you go, why does unpopular Nicola Sturgeon surround herself with ugly fat and old women?

    Is this a tactic to prove she is the ‘best looking of any Scottish politician with the public’?

    I have read online her described as “dog ugly”.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
