Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Scottish independence: Olli Rehn, former European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the euro destroys the SNP on gaining EU membership and use of “sterlingisation”, in local news, STV debate saw unpopular Nicola Sturgeon wiped out, oh the humiliation!

Dear All

Olli Rehn, a former European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the euro.

He has a simple straight forward message for Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon; a separate Scotland could not join the EU if it adopted sterlingisation. This latest intervention is more or less the ‘tin lid’ for the Nationalists who should have adopted a new separate Scottish Currency as their Plan A. Right at the start, I was looking at the various options and it became quite clear what was needed. 

Being a humble Glaswegian pottering around the place, I get to meet lots of different people who take a rather serious interest in my opinion regarding politics. I also get sent documents and information from both sides of the Scottish referendum because I am well known.

The Centre for Scottish Constitutional Studies is a think tank who has produced an ‘Alternative Financial Plan for Sovereign Scotland’, it is an interested read and like me, the home in on the fact that Scotland if independent needs its own currency.

A Scots Pound or ‘Scotmerk’ (SM), equal to 100 pence, if the SNP had operated as inclusive, they wouldn’t have stuck to their current dogma. As one person put it to me, the SNP know nothing about ‘statehood’ or what it entails or how to acquire that knowledge.

I have highlighted constantly the lack of genuine talent in the Scottish National Party repeatedly, across a range of issues; they are basically ignorant backward people. The EU doesn’t stop at membership, it encompasses issues of finance and law as well, and nothing has been done to address those matters.

So, now we have Alex Salmond’s pledge that an independent Scotland would keep the pound without the UK’s consent looking like a drowned rat politically. Olli Rehn basically nails it when he says “sterlingisation” is incompatible with EU membership. Currency Union is a non starter, “sterlingisation” is now defunct, using the Euro is toxic, and therefore you are left with a Scottish currency.

And George Laird got it, just as I got it right on all the major issues which relate to independence.

Salmond is politically tied to the pound at present because the SNP feel that using it will generate a vote cache for them. I have never believed for a second they have any other destination than the adoption of Euro so as to smooth the way towards EU Membership.

You could say the bleeding obvious was staring you in the face, ‘what currency’ people cried but the SNP don’t want to admit what they truly want. The Euro as an idea is very interesting, but it has severe drawbacks as we have seen in Southern Countries such as Greece. It has been said what is needed is the currency to be split into two parts; Euro North and Euro South to take into account the variations in economic status of EU countries. Other people have floated the idea of an exit mechanism which would allow a country to drop out to stablise itself when economic downturn happens.

The Euro needs a review.

Salmond recently came out with a ridiculous statement of ‘it’s our pound and we are keeping it’, a cut and paste job on the other defunct electioneering claptrap of ‘it’s Scotland’s Oil’ used in the past.

He strongly hinted a separate Scotland would continue using the pound unilaterally; Scotland would then be a ‘banana republic’ without home grown bananas that unilateral decision would mean Scotland no longer having a central bank to control monetary policy.

To put it bluntly who in the international community would invest in Scotland under such circumstances? If a bank went down in an independent Scotland, the Scottish Government couldn’t save it, they wouldn’t have the reserves to bail it out or guarantee the savings of the customers.

Olli Rehn added that having a central bank to control monetary policy was a requirement of “any candidate country” wanting to join the EU. That being the case, ‘it’s our pound and we are keeping it’ uttered by Alex Salmond makes him an economic illiterate, something that Max Keiser a financial commentator has said publicly and forcefully.

The SNP couldn’t be bothered to do the work at any level to prepare Scotland for an independence bid, if they had done so, they would be up on the European Commission who demand that both Iceland and Montenegro create their own “monetary authority” as part of their ongoing bids to gain membership.

Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon created a party within a party with the SNP, this was to secure their positions as they ran a clique, below them the people or members were effective kept ignorant of policy and politics.

The entire party is to all intensive purposes nothing more than ‘sheep’.

In the World of Salmond, everyone is deluded except him, he never accepts he wrong in that respect he is well on the way towards a ‘banana republic’. Even on joining the EU, the SNP have spun the lie that they could just walk in on their terms because they think they can just do what they like and everyone will just go along.


Rehn rejected Scotland would get a fast-tracked membership process, instead he said what more or less what everyone else is saying Scotland would be forced to apply using the “normal well-known procedures” and meet all the necessary criteria.

Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon can forget a closed door deal using Article 48, this won’t be on the table, the rules are the rules and it states that new applications for membership must be made under Article 49. The 28 current EU members have a right of veto, that right cannot be removed, in effect you can’t use part of an Article and then disregard the rest on the basis you don’t like it.

Dropping the bombshell was Danny Alexander, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury who disclosed Rehn’s letter in a speech to Chatham House in London on the basis of spreading the joy around.

He added:

“Mortgage rates would go up, credit cards and bills would go up and the Scottish Government would have to resort to the bond markets equivalent of Wonga to raise money to pay for public services in Scotland.”

Last night saw the Yes Camp field unpopular Nicola Sturgeon, Patrick Harvie and Elaine C Smith for an indy debate on STV, judging by reports, it was a very bad night for the Yes Camp.

Elaine C Smith was hung out to dry.

Patrick Harvie; although he is a very good speaker was totally out of his depth in relation to talking about defence matters.

Unpopular Nicola Sturgeon was beaten by Douglas Alexander, how unfortunate for Team Sturgeon in Glasgow waiting in the wings and then to see their leader go down so very easily! A refresher course at the Allison Hunter Training School no doubts awaits her post defeat.

A mop and bucket will be provided for suitable applicants.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Hi George. Great article yet again! If as you say Salmond goes post September 19, who is the most likely to succeed him as both First Minister and leader of the SNP? I believe that Ms Sturgeon is now unelectable and offers nothing in terms of reaching out to the other parties and civic Scotland. John Swinney has already been there and done that and has had his credibility trashed by the referendum campaign. Coul Robertson be given a by-election elevation into Holyrood, or is there some new blood we havent seen with the vision to work for Scotland in the set up of the UK.

  2. can you not add the option to tweet your blogs?


  3. Dear J F

    “Hi George. Great article yet again!”

    Thank you, but it appears that Steven McKibbin doesn’t like the blog!

    “If as you say Salmond goes post September 19, who is the most likely to succeed him as both First Minister and leader of the SNP?”

    Unpopular Nicola Sturgeon.

    “I believe that Ms Sturgeon is now unelectable and offers nothing in terms of reaching out to the other parties and civic Scotland”.

    She has a nasty wee clique surrounding her of pure pond life.

    “John Swinney has already been there and done that and has had his credibility trashed by the referendum campaign”.

    Swinney should return as leader.

    “Could Robertson be given a by-election elevation into Holyrood, or is there some new blood we havent seen with the vision to work for Scotland in the set up of the UK”.

    Angus Robertson is a dumpling, he should thank God every day he is allowed to be an MP, he couldn't lead anyone anywhere.

    New blood?

    Sadly, they are a pack of drones, sheep who need a leader.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  4. Derek McKay would be a front runner if he had more experience. Simply because he's got the large boastful gub that Nationalists like.

  5. Dear JF

    Steven Who?


    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  6. Dear Anon

    "Derek McKay would be a front runner if he had more experience. Simply because he's got the large boastful gub that Nationalists like".

    The SNP need a man who betrayed his wife and kids at the helm, that would work well to get the wummins vote.

    MacKay's problem is he is a wee shite, and not a leader of men.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  7. Great post again George reblogging where I can,it would help if you would
    give a bit more background of how involved you were with the SNP and how you are so switched on,keep safe and Google Hollie Greig mate

  8. Dear Anon

    I was the top activist in Glasgow SNP.

    I proposed the National Police force and fire service in Sept 2010.

    I also gave them many ideas which are currently used in their campaign.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  9. George love your work. Would you not consider leading that party. I am very sure they are sad you left and are paying a hefty price for it! I mean as a party that dumps the N and changes it to a U, A Scottish Unity Party working hard for us as part of the United Kingdom.

  10. Dear Anon

    “George love your work”.

    Sadly not everyone thinks as you do!

    “Would you not consider leading that party”.

    Leading the SNP?

    “I am very sure they are sad you left and are paying a hefty price for it!”


    I am sure Nicola Sturgeon cries into her big pillow every night, 'we don’t have the George Laird view, I am surround by pricks'... followed by much crying.

    They are paying a hefty price?

    Not enough brain cells to go round I found when in the party.

    “I mean as a party that dumps the N and changes it to a U, A Scottish Unity Party working hard for us as part of the United Kingdom”.

    The SNP needs to become a political party, at present it is a ‘rat ship’ full of factions who aren’t Nationalists.

    All these bastards need to be kicked out onto the street.

    Every MP, MSP, MEP and Councillor needs to be formally deselected and the real idiots weeded out. I would formally scrap the selection process and replace it so vote rigging was banned under the rules.

    And introduce compulsory education for candidates, fail that and removed from applying for selection.

    No history of activism removed from applying for selection.

    Sack Peter Murrell and review all employees work history.

    Formally ban Councillors from working for MSPs and MPs.

    Review all approved groups within the party.

    And remove the whip from some of the bastards for their prior acts.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  11. I take it you don't like them much? Let's hope their days are numbered. Good Luck and keep up the good work.
