Saturday, September 20, 2014

Scotland's 'jolly fat man' Alex Salmond demonstrates why the people of Scotland were right to reject independence, petty mean spirited Salmond bans several journalists from his resignation news conference, I said he wasn't a Statesman, George Laird right again


  1. Alex Neil 3 hours after Salmonds resignation says Sturgeon would make a good leader.
    I tip Alex Neil for leader.

  2. Dear Anon

    John Swinney should return as leader of the Scottish National Party.

    Unpopular Nicola Sturgeon isn't a unity candidate, she is part of the problem and none of the solution.

    The correct choice is Swinney to carry out the 'night of the long knives' to purge the Scottish National Party.

    The SNP at present isn't a political party.

    Destiny calls John Swinney.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. John Swinney was always probably the least convincing out of the three idiots including Salmond and Swinney.

    The SNP should completely rebrand or just disband altogether. It has no purpose in modern politics.

  4. Young Pike,well you have been right so far..


  5. So Georgie boy what do you reckon to this petition for a recount?

    Soor grapes?


  6. George,
    Is the SNP setting up grudge and greivance again.
    Stuart Hosie's comments on the process of further devolution don't seem to be in accord with clause 30 of the Edinburgh agreement which Salmond acknowlewdged and committed his party to 2 days ago.

  7. George<
    Is this part of the poisonous legacy of Salmond
    A group trying to discredit the outcome of the referendum.
    Alex's friend Putin is also having a go.

  8. Dear Terry

    The SNP will use grudge and greivance again, politically the party never grew up under Salmond and Sturgeon.

    Salmond's campaign was 13th Century, whip up hate against the English and set everyone against each other.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  9. Messers Salmond Sillars and Sheridan (3 snakes!) all saying today that the SNP policy should be a win at Holyrood = Independence!! so much for respecting the outcome of the referendum! I as one of the 55% who cant think for myself and who was either 'scared' or 'tricked' into voting no, thinks we are on the verge of politics in Scotland converging along Seperatist/non seperatist lines like In N Ireland. This will do nothing for attracting investment and jobs or reducing inequality. Some people I condidered rationale and respectable seem to be giving credence to the view the referendum was 'rigged' and 80-% plus actually voted yes. Scotland is now a changed, divided country, and I blame it all on the SNP - particularly Salmnond and Unpopular Nicola Sturgeon. The no side has won nothing - Scotland has lost, big time!!

  10. Now we see Salmond threatening a "Unilateral Declaration of Independence" - further proof that this guy has no concern for the citizens of Scotland, only his independence dream and his place in history.

    I have no doubt that the more fundamentalist of the Yes supporters will be buoyed by such statements and will try to keep the independence dream alive, but I hope that the vast majority now see Salmond for what he truly is - a megalomaniac who would trample over democracy to get what he wants.

    I voted no, I know many people will hate me (and others) for it just now, but I genuinely believe we will be proved right over time. I just hadn't expected our vindication to start so soon and so prominently.
