Monday, September 8, 2014

Open letter to Hamish, “I note no mention of the latest poll, George”, I wrote about it last night, I am rarely surprised Hamish, enjoy the latest video, and don’t forget to cross reference my claims with my past blog posts, you see George Laird is always right

Dear Hamish

“I note no mention of the latest poll, George”.

Great to have you back, I miss your little complaints of supposed injustices I have done on this blog.

I am still waiting for you to get a ‘win’, because that would be really something to tell Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP about. She would be so happy if someone put me in my ‘place’, but let’s face it wouldn’t be any of those idiots.

Now, to address your point!

Last night, I done an article on the ‘situation’, it is now up for you to read, happy?

After reading it probably not!

Hamish, I told people connected to senior BT the polls would get closer months ago, after all a lot of the campaigning tactics I promoted in the SNP has been used to some degree.

I am rarely surprised Hamish, read my track record in my open letter to unpopular Nicola Sturgeon; then cross reference my claims with my blog posts of the past.

What do you see?

You see I tell people what is going to happen and are proven correct.

The SNP might have used George Laird ideas, but they didn’t have access to George Laird, knowledge learned is far better than just cut and paste without the benefit of understanding.

What are you doing with your Braveheart DVD?

Will you be selling it on Ebay?

Sir Francis Drake played bowls while the Spanish Armada sailed, George Laird was doing gardening on Sunday, but we have something in common, we are both going to defeat our enemies.

You amuse me Hamish, enjoy the video! 

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. George, what do you make of the talk on the gound that the surge to yes is caused by SNP lies on the NHS?

  2. J F

    The problem with lying is that someone comes along tells the truth and destroys credibility. Once that goes, people turn away and never come back.

    The SNP is going to lose on the 18th September, they resort to desperate measures now because they don't know any better.

    They are done.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. George is Eck worried about the Hollie Greig Case and the foi?

    Praying that you are correct as ever


    Avid fan

  4. George have you seen Christine Grahame msp saying that the damage to scottish companies and the fall of the pound are because of Barrack Obamas foreign policy on the Ukraine and Syria.Check it out on you tube.The look on the better together guys face says it all.Imagine letting a zoomer like this into government.Sturgeon is also claiming it shows the strength of Scotland's economy, they should set up another snp front called idiots for Indy.

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  6. The single police force was a great idea George,except when you have krazy Kenny in charge.
