Friday, August 29, 2014

Scottish independence: Labour MP Jim Murphy assaulted in Kirkcaldy, BT woman assaulted in Pollok, is this, the Nationalist’s ‘Day of Shame’, Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon fostered hate and now the Nat attack dogs are running wild

Dear All

Yesterday saw two incidents take place that I feel is worth mentioning to you but let me set you the scene first to get you up on events.

The Scottish National Party leadership has spent decades fostering grievance against the English using the subtext of Westminster. The ground work was done to stoke up hate, and in those terms only the Nationalist campaign has been a success. In the wider context of the Scottish referendum campaign, it is been a sheer embarrassment of epic proportions.

Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon are going to lose the Scottish referendum and they deserve to do so.

Awhile ago I wrote about getting harassed at the Better Together launch at the Mitchell Library, I wasn’t at the event, I was just using the library, that didn’t stop an idiot abusing me. Later on the same idiot was chucked out of the Better Together launch. I believe I wrote at the time he looked in need of an education, I think but I am not sure the ‘Braveheart’ needed liquid courage before gate crashing the event. An SNP Councillor David Turner was with the ‘happy band’ outside, Turner as I have stated before is just an idiot.

As the campaign has gone on, the hate and anger has escalated from the Nationalist side. If you access youtube you can see it posted by Nationalist supporters presumably as some sort of ‘badge of honour’.

Labour MP Jim Murphy has been doing a 100 Days tour for Better Together, the idea is pretty straight forward, old style politics, you get on your ‘soapbox’ and meet the people.

These events like Yes events should be safe and have non interference so that the public can make an informed choice, it is quite wrong to disrupt someone’s event regardless what their stance is on independence.

As I wrote above, if you check youtube you can see Nationalist hate in all its glory on display, type in ‘Jim Murphy Shawlands’ and ‘Jim Murphy Motherwell’ and sit and watch it. The Motherwell event is a particular eye opener for those people who believe in democracy.

So, having watched the hate escalate Labour MP Jim Murphy took his 100 Days tour for Better Together to Kirkcaldy. And yet again, he was greeted by a nationalist hate mob which reminds me of how things developed in Germany of the 1930’s. In politics, you can turn up and heckle at certain events, it generally can be good fun, especially at the counts when after a long campaign if you are success in getting your candidate in, you take the time to rub it in to the opposition.

What is going on now steps over a line!

Yesterday, Jim Murphy was assaulted, his ‘crime’ campaigning to keep Scotland part of the UK. He is an MP and has a vested interested in keeping his job which is understandable, however he is going well beyond what some of the other politicians are willing to do. I met him recently and we spoke at a BBC indy debate in Townhead, Glasgow. We chatted about how angry SNP MSP James Dornan appeared to be through-out the show. I informed him it was probably because I campaigned for him to get into public office and then nailed him on the bogus SNP childcare policy during the show.

James Dornan was cheeky to me, so I abided my time and when he presented an opportunity I then ripped him apart on air. James Dornan perhaps in future should remember that I wasn’t Glasgow SNP’s top activist for nothing.

Although I expected that Jim Murphy would get a hard time, it was a rather poor tactic and counter productive to the Yes Scotland campaign that he ended up assaulted on the streets of Kirkcaldy.

Police Scotland said it was investigating the incident.

As readers know, I have commented on the use of ‘bams’ by the Nationalist camp and the real genuine lack of talent in the SNP.

A spokesman for the Police confirmed:

"Police were informed of a gathering at the Mercat, Kirkcaldy, this afternoon, and around 15:30 received a report of a disturbance where a number of eggs were thrown”.

The incident was witnessed by Allan Crow, editor of the Fife Free Press newspaper, who went on Twiter to tweet that "Yes" supporters had chanted over Mr Murphy as he attempted to speak.

Mr Crow added that Mr Murphy was "totally drowned out by Yes heckler" and added:

"Some folk simply losing plot here!"
A short time later, Mr Crow tweeted:

"And now some idiot is throwing eggs at @jimmurphymp - even cracks one on his back. Truly pathetic."

A spokesman for Yes Scotland said:

"There is no place for attacks - be they abuse, graffiti, vandalism or physical assault - in this campaign and we have been at pains to impress on everyone, on both sides of the debate, to treat others with respect at all times."

Maybe someone at Yes Scotland can explain how these people appear to be wearing official Yes Scotland jackets?

The other incident which happened yesterday was to a woman called Angie, she is a carer for her young son. While out with the BT Team in Pollok, she also suffered an assault, this happened in Kempsthorn Crescent, an angry Yes Voter came after her after she put a leaflet through his door. After ripping it up he flung it in her face.

Angie is an unpaid volunteer who lives in the Pollok Ward.  

So, regardless what your position is in Better Together, you are a target. As I explained to some people I know, this type of behaviour is only going to get worse and worse. I stated this prior to yesterday’s events.

In the Jim Murphy Shawlands video, I noticed a young man who also appeared yesterday at the hotel where David Cameron was at.

Is all a coincidence or is the intimidation pre-planned and organised by the Yes Camp?

I also saw a ‘leading light’ of the Yes Govan mob at the Cameron protest, I think I would describe him as just a ned, he has appeared at some of the BBC indy debates. In the indy debate ‘Arabs and independence’, he famously said: I don’t know what Britishness is’. He went to say he had lived in England for 10 years, one wonders whether he was educated in Scotland being so blatantly ignorant. Basically he parrots crap that SNP MP Pete Wishart pumps out like a sewer.

For the avoidance of doubt, when I wrote ‘leading light’ of the Yes Govan mob that is sarcasm. There are no leading lights of the Yes Govan mob, some of these idiots where at Shawlands to heckle Jim Murphy …….. just bams!     

After the assault Jim Murphy tweeted:
"Now off to another #indyref debate in Glasgow. Might look scruffier than usual but the egg stains aren't mine #WishI'dBroughtASpareShirt".

The Scottish National Party is trapped in a vicious circle of hate, their own making; of course they have done the ‘condemnation’ in the past, now things have gotten so bad that they have to stamp it out.

I hold Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon directly responsible for this situation, they spent years building up grudge and grievance at SNP Conference after Conference; they feed this hate directly and then let it loose on the Scottish public while they then stood back and claimed it had nothing to do with them.

But it has everything to do with them.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Its all getting rather ugly! Will these 'attack dogs' just go away on Sept 19, or have the SNP opened the Pandoras Box.

  2. Absolutely spot on, George - Alex Salmond is entirely to blame for all of this - his dispicable, sneering smugness when Nigel Farage got hassled out of Edinburgh that time basically gave the green light to all his followers that they could to try to silence anyone who disagreed with him.

    And your analogy about 1930s Germany is a good one. Indeed, I've been thinking today about how my dearly departed grandad, who took one for the team on Anzio beach, would be feeling if he could see the nationalist hate mobs trying to stamp out the very freedoms and liberties that he was fighting to protect. He might possibly be looking back and thinking: what was the point?

    And the most depressing thing about all this? It was absolutely obvious, and entirely logical, that this fanatacism and intimidation would be the end game in the SNP's push for independence - and as such Labour, the Conservatives and the Lib Dems had a fundamental duty in the national interest to form a coalition in 2007 to keep the fanatics out. They blew it big style, and now we're living with the consequences.

    Cheers - and keep up the good work! Derrick

    1. What rubbish. The only dictatorship is the one in Westminster. Vote yes for democracy. Vote no for another 300 years of getting a government that we don't want. Ukip conservative coalition with Boris as PM. Yes lets all vote no and get the government we don't want. So blind for having such an education. No free will just sheep.

      I will vote yes not for snp. My vote is for when the first Scottish election is held i can make my vote count for the first time in my life.


      A Democrat

    2. "about how my dearly departed grandad, who took one for the team on Anzio beach, would be feeling if he could see the nationalist hate mobs trying to stamp out the very freedoms and liberties that he was fighting to protect."

      So why do I need permission from the state to protest? Crimal justice act the list of freedoms revoke by Westminster gos on and on.

      But to compare nationalist to 1930's Germany, come on really. Don't see much book burning in Scotland. Only the Westminster government use the law to cover up there lies and don't get me going on the bbc or J S. State coving up pedophilia. Iraq war etc etc.


      The Democrat

  3. Pity it all falls down when you take into account that it has been Yes Supporters that where attacked first. A Yes Supporter had his wrist broken by a Unionist Supporter. A SNP MSP was physically assaulted by a unionist. But I didn't see you condeming the Better Together camp for those attacks. It is true that as the date approaches tempers are flaring, but it was never the SNP that stoked the fires of hate and resentment, that would be Labour and their Tory Together comrades.

  4. are you not going to condemn a similar attack on Jim Sillars ?
    Or does that not suit your Agenda ?
    The hyperbole on this site is astounding !
    As for abuse , as a Yes supporter ,I have been spat on , shouted at ,car has been scratched and stones thrown at my windows , and I'm not the only one .
    I am aware that all comments must be approved by you so I don't expect this one to appear.

  5. In the meantime another bunch of nationalist head cases have emerged headed up in this case by one Bruce Ogilvie...

    One of the nutters heckling Jim Murphy.

    So who is Bruce Ogilvie?

    He founded 'Settler watch'...

    Designed to keep an eye on all those English 'Settlers', only they did more than that....

    "An oil industry contractor and community activist, who has met Alex Salmond, claims to be the founder of the racist organisation Settler Watch which launched a campaign of intimidation and harassment against English incomers during the 1990s.

    Bruce Ogilvie, from Montrose, revealed on an internet forum that he had established the organisation "to defend [Scotland] from a foreign invasion". Ogilivie, who has three children, also said he was a member of Siol nan Gaidheal (Seed of the Gaels), an ultra-nationalist group.

    Ogilvie wrote on the nationalist website Circle of Gentlemen that, after two decades of anonymity, "it was time the truth was told" about his role in Settler Watch. While denying he was responsible for any violence, he accepted his views might be seen as racist"

    No s*it Sherlock!

    I wonder what this idiot thinks of Alex Salmonds plan to import 500,000 new 'Settlers'?

    Guess what though, he has actually met Alex Salmond!

    I wonder what he and Mr Salmond talked about?

    'Siol nan Gaidheal' (Seed of the Gaels), which in itself sounds both sinister and laughable.

    As what is the purpose of this group to run around breeding more 'True blood Scots'?

    Yet again, you strip away the veneer of 'Civic nationalism' and look what you find underneath, more racists...

    But of course no nationalist is anti English allegedly, except that birds of a feather hang together...

    Some things never change!

    Looks like the YES campaign, and the SNP have more than their fair share of bigots, fruit cakes, and swivel eyed loons, if these people are anything to go by...

    Do you want to live in an indy Scotland where people like Bruce Ogilvie have power?

    Then vote No!

  6. we in the Hollie Greig camp know only to well about the SNPs tactics if you cross em

  7. Dear Anon

    "Your mental".

    Can I point out thast you should have written:

    "You're mental".

    You are not mental, so why can't you spell properly?

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  8. Dear Anon

    “are you not going to condemn a similar attack on Jim Sillars ?”

    I have repeatedly said no one should be prevented from speaking or be threatened.

    “Or does that not suit your Agenda ?”

    I condemn all abuse of innocent people and remain committed to that view.

    “The hyperbole on this site is astounding !"

    What a pity, most people think my blog is a must read even in the SNP.

    “As for abuse , as a Yes supporter ,I have been spat on , shouted at ,car has been scratched and stones thrown at my windows , and I'm not the only one .”

    I am sorry for you, and say you should report this to Police Scotland ASAP.

    “I am aware that all comments must be approved by you so I don't expect this one to appear”.

    I have to moderate comments because of serial abuse by the Yes Camp.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  9. Dear George

    Can I point out that you should have written: that and not "thast"
    It is advisable when being condescending to others about spelling and grammar, that one uses the queens English properly oneself.

  10. Dear Steven

    “Dear George

    Can I point out that you should have written: that and not "thast"
    It is advisable when being condescending to others about spelling and grammar, that one uses the queens English properly oneself.”

    You are absolutely correct; you might want to address that problem yourself.


    Is there more than one in the United Kingdom?

    No capital letter?
    Should that not be;

    ‘It is advisable when being condescending to others about spelling and grammar, that one uses the Queen’s English properly oneself.’

    I try as much as possible to correct typos, but they do creep in, thank you for taking the time to comment.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  11. Dear Colin

    “So why do I need permission from the State to protest?”

    You don’t need permission unless large numbers are involved that becomes a Police issue, and they can assist.

    “Crimal justice act the list of freedoms revoke by Westminster gos on and on”.

    Legal matters are devolved to the Scottish Parliament; they haven’t been revoked by Westminster, although there are certain reserved issues.

    “But to compare nationalist to 1930's Germany, come on really”.

    1930's Germany assault of political opponents!

    2014’s Scotland assault of political opponents!

    1930's Germany smearing of politicians and people seen as a threat by Nazis.

    2014’s Scotland smearing of politicians and people seen as a threat by Nationalists.

    What do you think of these facts?

    “Don't see much book burning in Scotland. Only the Westminster government use the law to cover up there lies and don't get me going on the bbc or J S. State coving up pedophilia. Iraq war etc etc.


    The Democrat”

    I like to read a rant sometimes, but this doesn’t advance your cause.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  12. Ok George
    I'll give you that one, however in mitigation, I was responding to a pretentious and unnecessary attack by yourself based not, on someone's argument, but on their ability to articulate it!
    I wonder what sort of respect you need to have for human rights to attack the less educated in your own society?

    As an observer I am rather confused by your whole site. Although it seems to be called "The campaign for human rights at Glasgow university", who's human rights are you defending?.
    All I can find are incredibly opinionated, biased, and to be honest, rather poorly researched articles in defence of the British State.
    I mean seriously why don't you call yourself better together and be done with it?

  13. That's it George your last comments are laughable.
    Comparing a better together campaigner being pelted by an egg, as is the popular political expression of disgust in UK politics with examples going back though the last century.
    I find it quite disgusting that you could compare this in any way to the nazis and Germany. My grandfather didn't die on the beaches of Normandy for an ignorant prat like you to insult his memory by comparing his efforts to rid Europe of Hitler, to that of a UK politician being pelted by an egg!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Since the attacks on Jim Murphy I've been doing a lot more reading on the internet, taking me to things I'd rather not see. As soon as I clicked on 'Wings Over Scotland' I felt a spasm of fear. It immediately made me think of 1930s Germany. I don't think half of my left-leaning friends have any idea what they are signing up to. Please wake up Scotland.

  16. Anonymous, is that you George, it would appear that many of your anonymous writers end up talking rather a lot of unsubstantiated and un-referenced rubbish.

    I have just been onto wings of Scotland, searched jim murphy, and found an article by Scottish Police Federation, praising the campaign to date but warning parties of both sides to refrain from provocative language etc.
    Your 30s Germany link is in your head and nowhere else it would appear.

  17. Further more the SNP are committed to enshrining human rights in a constitution, how can you justify arguing against that?

  18. Further more the SNP are committed to enshrining human rights in a constitution, how can you justify arguing against that?

  19. Further more, given that the SNP are committed to enshrining human rights in a Scottish constitution, how can you possibly be arguing and voting against that?

  20. Dear Steven

    “Anonymous, is that you George, it would appear that many of your anonymous writers end up talking rather a lot of unsubstantiated and un-referenced rubbish”.

    I use Statcounter which records IP addresses of visitors, so unless I can be in two places at once then the answer is No!

    “I have just been onto wings of Scotland, searched jim murphy, and found an article by Scottish Police Federation, praising the campaign to date but warning parties of both sides to refrain from provocative language etc”.

    Wings Over Scotland, you use that as a source, a fountain of knowledge, well, what a contrast coming to my blog, he gets paid thousands for his spiel, I don’t receive a penny.

    “Your 30s Germany link is in your head and nowhere else it would appear”.

    Actually someone pointed it out to me who did politics at University of Strathclyde.

    “Further more the SNP are committed to enshrining human rights in a constitution, how can you justify arguing against that?”

    Is this the same SNP who broke the law re my Data subject access request?

    Is this the same SNP who covered an investigation into a smear campaign against me while a member?

    Is this the same SNP who allow vote rigging by minorities under their rules to get candidacies?

    If a white person in the SNP was signing up only white people to get a white candidate would people think that was racist?

    Get back to me with an apology.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  21. Dear George

    Wow, you really are are an Idiot!

    After claiming not to be "anonymous" you go on to do defend every word of his/hers. Are you symbiotic?

    I cannot substantiate any of your claims, because as per usual your claims are not sourced, or substantiated. Quite a contrast to "wings over Scotland", who, incidentally, I mentioned only in response to "anonymous" yet you took the opportunity to slander them in the response to that. Seriously dude control your emotions.

    Your claims even if true, are matters for a general election not for a referendum on independence.

    You are clearly attempting to disrupt this democratic process with your rants. And you still haven't told me who's human rights your protecting when you continuously slander one political party.

    Why have you got no article about how the other parties have refused to pre negotiate anything, even though the SNP came to power with a mandate to hold a referendum? That one affects all our human rights in Scotland, but you just let that one go because it doesn't suit your agenda.

    You clearly have your own agenda and the only human rights your protecting appears to be, your right to talk crap.

    You still haven't explained how Scotland today was like the nazis in Germany in 1930's, or what point in the 30's because, as you should know, this was quite a decade for the Germans. 1931 was very different to 1939.

    Germany was a growing happy country in the 1930's hitler was getting people back to work, and people were more naive to the enemy within. So is this what you are comparing Scotland to?

    After you have done a 670 page fully sourced academic dissertation on why Scotland should remain part of the UK, covering the political, economic, social, technological and competitive environments,
    I might have a bit of respect for you and feel that I could trust your opinion on the subject.

    But I suppose it's much easier to get information from "someone who pointed it out to me who did politics at University of Strathclyde"



    Ps. Gonna have to wait a fair while for that apology

  22. Dear Steven

    “Wow, you really are are an Idiot!”

    Are are an idiot?

    “After claiming not to be "anonymous" you go on to do defend every word of his/hers. Are you symbiotic?”

    I told you I have statcounter on my website, this is proof I don’t post anon on my site, plus as far as I am aware people know I don’t lie.

    “I cannot substantiate any of your claims, because as per usual your claims are not sourced, or substantiated. Quite a contrast to "wings over Scotland", who, incidentally, I mentioned only in response to "anonymous" yet you took the opportunity to slander them in the response to that. Seriously dude control your emotions”.

    Cheers Dude!

    “Your claims even if true, are matters for a general election not for a referendum on independence”.


    “You are clearly attempting to disrupt this democratic process with your rants. And you still haven't told me who's human rights your protecting when you continuously slander one political party.”

    I am campaigning for a huge No vote that is what democracy is all about isn’t it?

    “Why have you got no article about how the other parties have refused to pre negotiate anything, even though the SNP came to power with a mandate to hold a referendum? That one affects all our human rights in Scotland, but you just let that one go because it doesn't suit your agenda”.

    Because pre negotiate is nonsense, and it doesn’t affect your human rights either!

    “You clearly have your own agenda and the only human rights your protecting appears to be, your right to talk crap”.


    “You still haven't explained how Scotland today was like the nazis in Germany in 1930's, or what point in the 30's because, as you should know, this was quite a decade for the Germans. 1931 was very different to 1939”.

    I said the tactics used by Nationalists was similar to tactics used by the Nazis in the early 1930’s Germany, seems straight forward enough.

    “Germany was a growing happy country in the 1930's hitler was getting people back to work, and people were more naive to the enemy within. So is this what you are comparing Scotland to?”


    Killing the disabled?

    “After you have done a 670 page fully sourced academic dissertation on why Scotland should remain part of the UK, covering the political, economic, social, technological and competitive environments, I might have a bit of respect for you and feel that I could trust your opinion on the subject”.

    The White Paper is shit.

    “But I suppose it's much easier to get information from "someone who pointed it out to me who did politics at University of Strathclyde"

    Or just ask Professor John Curtice, I saw him at the weekend.

    “Ps. Gonna have to wait a fair while for that apology”.

    Anytime after Salmond and Sturegon lose will be fine with me!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  23. Dear Golom

    “Wow, you really are are an Idiot!”

    Are are an idiot?
    Yeh that was worth a double are!

    “After claiming not to be "anonymous" you go on to do defend every word of his/hers. Are you symbiotic?”

    I told you I have statcounter on my website, this is proof I don’t post anon on my site, plus as far as I am aware people know I don’t lie.
    Yeh which you see and you control!
    You also don't have to wait a day for you comment to be published!

    “I cannot substantiate any of your claims, because as per usual your claims are not sourced, or substantiated. Quite a contrast to "wings over Scotland", who, incidentally, I mentioned only in response to "anonymous" yet you took the opportunity to slander them in the response to that. Seriously dude control your emotions”.

    Cheers Dude!

    “Your claims even if true, are matters for a general election not for a referendum on independence”.

    Yes if? Who's word do we have other than yours, any proof?

    “You are clearly attempting to disrupt this democratic process with your rants. And you still haven't told me who's human rights your protecting when you continuously slander one political party.”

    I am campaigning for a huge No vote that is what democracy is all about isn’t it?
    At last! The first time you've actually said it. Be a lot more honest if you were upfront about this.

    “Why have you got no article about how the other parties have refused to pre negotiate anything, even though the SNP came to power with a mandate to hold a referendum? That one affects all our human rights in Scotland, but you just let that one go because it doesn't suit your agenda”.

    Because pre negotiate is nonsense, and it doesn’t affect your human rights either!
    Utter rubbish, a clear un democratic tactic, however people aren't stupid and can see that for themselves.

    “You clearly have your own agenda and the only human rights your protecting appears to be, your right to talk crap”.

    At last you admit it!

    “You still haven't explained how Scotland today was like the nazis in Germany in 1930's, or what point in the 30's because, as you should know, this was quite a decade for the Germans. 1931 was very different to 1939”.

    I said the tactics used by Nationalists was similar to tactics used by the Nazis in the early 1930’s Germany, seems straight forward enough.
    This is true only because the nazis and hitler were good politicians, and many of there tactics have been used by political parties of all persuasions.

    “Germany was a growing happy country in the 1930's hitler was getting people back to work, and people were more naive to the enemy within. So is this what you are comparing Scotland to?”

    Yes as a general rule most were the war hadn't started yet or didn't you know!

    Killing the disabled?
    How many disabled have the SNP killed?

    “After you have done a 670 page fully sourced academic dissertation on why Scotland should remain part of the UK, covering the political, economic, social, technological and competitive environments, I might have a bit of respect for you and feel that I could trust your opinion on the subject”.

    The White Paper is shit.
    Did I ask you for a moronic comment on the white paper? No! Idiot!

    “But I suppose it's much easier to get information from "someone who pointed it out to me who did politics at University of Strathclyde"

    Or just ask Professor John Curtice, I saw him at the weekend.
    Funny, he hasn't rushed to confirm this even though I emailed him to ask, perhaps you could hurry him up?

    “Ps. Gonna have to wait a fair while for that apology”.

    Anytime after Salmond and Sturegon lose will be fine with me!

    When he'll freezes over dickhead!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
