Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Scottish independence; Alex Salmond massively blunders on NHS scare tactics as it is revealed Scotland got an extra billion pounds, despite a ‘sea of cash’, unpopular Nicola Sturgeon’s inept stewardship of health created a crisis, another own goal

Dear All

You can’t have failed to have noticed that I have been quite adamant about saying there is a genuine lack of the talent in Scottish National Party under the leadership of Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon.

In a recent post I also highlighted a serious problem in the Nationalist campaign…. using the dregs of humanity and firing them off to be activists. If you watch the Jim Murphy video in Shawlands you can see the dregs of humanity and ponder why they decided to film themselves being clowns. I personally don’t get upset in general when I run across an idiot, what tends to annoy George Laird is when an idiot assumes I am as stupid as they are.

Yesterday on twitter, I was alerted to a video where an independence supporter talks about how we ‘don’t have the right to ask questions’ about what independence would mean. You can find the video by scrolling through yesterday’s tweets. You have got to watch this video a couple of times because you wouldn’t get the full impact on the first screening.

The person concerned appears to be ignorant and angry, the Human Rights Act and the European Convention on Human Rights makes it quite clear that free speech is allowed. By watching this video you will entirely understand what I mean by a genuine lack of talent on the Yes side, it starts at the top and runs straight down to the bottom.

Alex Salmond is a "desperate man" peddling a "desperate argument" according to David Cameron after the SNP leader decided to focus on the lie that Scotland’s NHS is in jeopardy.

Again, it is the wrong strategy!

Through-out this miserable and it is miserable campaign, both Salmond and Sturgeon have been shown to be completely out of their depth in more or less ever big issue of concern with voters. They boldly declared that they were running a ‘positive campaign; if anyone sees it could they drop it in at Yes Scotland, 136 Hope Street, Glasgow marked property of unpopular Nicola Sturgeon.  

On the issue of health which has been outed a botched flagship policy under unpopular Nicola Sturgeon, who ran it into the ground, we should remember that the NHS is already fully devolved to the Scottish Parliament. The SNP would dearly love to blame the English for their failures but the blame over the last 7 years rests on Sturgeon’s watch, she laid the bricks on that bunny!   

David Cameron has called Alex Salmond a "desperate man" peddling a "desperate argument" after the First Minister said he will focus the final month of his independence campaign on claims Scotland’s NHS is in jeopardy.

Speaking with a month to go until the referendum, the Prime Minister said the NHS is already fully devolved to the Scottish Parliament and Mr Salmond’s decision to raise it as an issue was a sign that he knew he was heading for defeat.
As the 30 day barrier has been breached, Alex Salmond is using scare tactics, clutching at straws to try and ring every vote he can out of those gullible enough to still trust him.

Alex Salmond and the SNP had 80 years to produce a rolling blue print for independence. No one could be arsed within the party to do so.

Time for a quote:

“My problem is that I have too many talented people and not enough Cabinet positions”.

Alex Salmond.

The First Minister has “warned” that the English NHS is being privatised.

You may find his sudden “concern” rather strange because the SNP and in particular their 6 MPs at Westminster don’t give a shit, this was a policy that I disagreed while a member in the SNP, the ‘feeble six’ headed by Englishman Angus Robertson might as well not be there.

They offer no constructive help to other people in Britain to ease suffering as they don’t want to be involved in ‘English matters’. You could raise an argument that lot wouldn’t be able to contribute much anyway and that any learning would be a one way street but that is a post in itself on their failings as politicians. For the SNP MPs, it’s one big holiday at Westminster; of course there are many attractions in London worth a visit. If I was leader of the SNP, these people would be in for a very rude awakening and a workload that some people would not find funny.

In the Scottish independence referendum, David Cameron has had a ‘good’ referendum; this is based on having the sense to give it a ‘body swerve’ entirely leaving Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon to stew in their juices. Cameron pops in and out and doesn’t get involved in the fight. He has decided to pitch in on the phoney Scottish NHS row because Salmond has left himself exposed. The bizarre claim, he says does not stack up at all” as his Government has protected spending on the health service in England and this has resulted in Scotland receiving more than a billion pounds extra.

A billion pounds extra!

Salmond therefore doesn’t have an argument as Scotland has gained a benefit and not just a little one, you can be surprised that everyone is now derided the SNP tactic as scaremongering.

For the SNP to focus on health is a nonsense, there isn’t any traction or mileage in this, you can sell having been given an extra billion pounds as a cut, even if you use EU style accounting which hardly anyone can understand even those doing the books!

Apparently there is such a thing as Yes strategists!

Dismissing the claims Cameron said:

"Health is a devolved issue, so the only person who could, if they wanted to, introduce more private provision into the NHS in Scotland is Alex Salmond. So this is a desperate man, recognising the argument is going away from him, making a pretty desperate argument."

The Prime Minister added:

"Because of the protection on NHS spending that the UK Government has given – that we would not cut NHS spending while we have had to make difficult decisions elsewhere – that has made sure under the Barnett formula that money is available for Scotland as well, so that argument does not stack up at all."

To add petrol to the already flaming SNP house of cards, we find that Scotland’s NHS has spent more than £400 million on private health care since the SNP came to power in 2007.

So, the SNP’s scaremongering about privatisation is something they are already doing within the service.

Douglas Alexander, Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary, said:

“Alex Salmond also destroyed his own argument on NHS funding by admitting that more money is coming to Scotland to spend on the NHS through the Barnett Formula. Everyone can now see his NHS scare stories for what they are.”

It looks the Allison Hunter Training School is going to have a lot of high profile pupils on the register for the autumn.

Alex Salmond
Unpopular Nicola Sturgeon
John Swinney
Alex Neil
Tasmina Ahmed Shiekh
Pete Wishart
Angus Robertson

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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