Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Scottish independence: Yes sheep copy Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond who brought politics into sport by his crass flag waving stunt at the Royal box in Wimbledon, his unthinking sheep are trying to do the same at Commonwealth Games, another bad Nationalist plan which has now imploded

Dear All

It seems that despite calls for a non political Commonwealth Games, the Nationalist side has no intention of doing so.

The Yes side have been carrying Scotland Flags with Yes written on them in a rather silly planned co-ordinated fashion using Facebook.

Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond has been hoping for a Yes bounce, so far the public have ignored him.

Salmond wants to whip up Nationalist pride with the irony that he doesn’t give a toss about the Scottish people.

Now, the Yes side is angry that fans attending Glasgow Green have been told them to remove their Yes badges.

Some argue this is an infringement of their right of expression. Freedom of expression is a human right, and should be protected; this however doesn’t apply in this case. When Yes supporters visit an venue, they agree to abide the rules of the event.

If that means they don’t permit Yes badges or No badges, that is the rule, and the same rules should apply to anyone.

Spectators were told to take off the button badges at the gates by security guards who told them they ‘represent a protest’.

You could argue the merits of that definition, however, the Games and associated events are deemed non political.

Allegedly some people were reportedly told they could wear the badges if they were hidden from view, this is a compromise, what isn’t acceptable is if they are allowed in then choose to break their word.

One of the Glasgow 2014 venue rules states that no flags are permitted within a venue; or the vicinity of the venue if they are associated with causes, organisations or affiliations.

That is very clear, the Yes side thinks that they have been clever, as we keep seeing, they despite coming up with little badly thought-out plans continually fall flat on their face.

Glasgow resident Neil Patton said:

“My Yes badge is not offensive, it is not a protest - it simply represents my personal view.”

Well, Mr. Patton met someone working in a security position who will recognising his right, also recognised that the rules are rules, no matter if some people don’t like them. He therefore doesn’t have a legitimate complaint.
A spokesman for the Yes Scotland group said:

“Organisers quite rightly want to keep politics out of the Games.”

Earlier in the Games, a pro-independence spectator was ejected from Tollcross swimming centre for holding up a Saltire with a Yes slogan on it. If I was doing security, I would have offered them a choice, have the flag confiscated or leave with it.

No other options would be made available.

This is a non political Commonwealth Games and it should remain so, complaining about being caught breaking the rules is rather feeble.

Yours sincerely

George Laird 
The Campaign for human Rights at Glasgow University 


  1. How was it a crass flag waving stunt he was supporting the Scottish tennis player . I suppose the thousands of saltire flags in the commonwealth games are just flag waving stunts to you also and not Scottish people doing what Scottish people do to support our own athletes.

  2. Dear Robert

    There is a different as well you know!

    It was a pre-planned stunt for tv coverage.

    And that's pathetic.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow university

  3. The fact he blamed his old dear shows he knew he was out of order.

    "It wiz the wifie wot dun it".

    The mark of the coward, blame someone you think is less than yourself.
