Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Scottish independence: Yes Scotland forced into an embarrassing U-turn as former Westminster candidate John Cowan is dropped from their website, what about Ross Greer, Yes Scotland employee who follows a hate account which makes accusations of paedophilia against No campaigner, why is he allowed to be Yes Scotland employee?

Dear All

It seems that the Yes campaign wants to portray themselves as ‘nice people’ and they have ‘nice people’ supporting them.

But it appears that isn’t quite true that the Yes campaign are ‘nice people’, in the Yes Office in Glasgow sits a person called Ross Greer. He follows a hate account on twitter.

And in the ‘nice people’ supporting Yes Scotland, they also have the cybernats.

Therefore the new clean up ‘act’ for indy is meaningless, that said the Yes Campaign has forced into an embarrassing U-turn over its use of a Labour politician.

Yes Scotland promoted former Westminster candidate John Cowan who was removed as a Labour candidate for boasting about his sex life and making racist comments.

Nationalists desperate for the Labour voters to back them; trotted him out as one of the “senior Labour members who back Yes for Scotland’s workers”. They also included quotes in publicity material to ‘big’ him up.

Now after a bit of digging by the press; the Yes campaign is to “dissociate” them from Cowan. John Cowan was also thrown out of the Lib Dems in 2004 for sending “sexual” e-mails to women, before going on to join the Labour party.

The Yes Campaign has also distanced themselves from Tommy Sheridan who despite being rebuffed by them has continued to campaign for a Yes vote. Sheridan had an infamous trial which saw him put in prison. Sex featured highly in that case as Sheridan was exposed in a News of the World article as going to a sex club and allegedly doing a bit of shagging with several women.

Shaggers4indy anyone!

In seeing a chance for a dig; No campaigners accusing Yes Scotland of “desperation” over Cowan. They also accused the Yes Campaign of failing to check out the backgrounds of independence supporters from other parties. Strictly speaking they have no legal right to do that, but hey, maybe someone thought they were being ‘creative’ while stirring.

Labour MSP Neil Findlay said:

“Now we have the Yes campaign trying to dig up anyone at all whom they claim is a ‘senior figure’. This is truly desperate stuff.”

In trying to promote Cowan, Yes Scotland went on to boldly state how Cowan had strong Scottish roots, his family come from Kirkcaldy. I have been to Kirkcaldy, it was on a university bus run, and is beside the seaside, it’s grim even with the seaside.

Anyway Cowan says he backed independence due to a “strong sense of national pride”.
He is a local Labour councillor in Norfolk.

There are a lot of Turkeys in Norfolk!

So, when Yes Scotland campaign managers learned he had been removed as a candidate for reportedly boasting about his sexual exploits online and for saying he would not want his children to marry a Muslim, they decided to take action.

By the time, they acted the damage had already been done.

This is a major embarrassment for the independence lobby which as I have said in the past is headed up by the Scottish National Party’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon as the ‘face of independence’.

She can’t do anything right!

Yes Scotland has since removed Cowan’s name from its online list of supporters on its website. It has also had to remove the press release with Cowan’s quotes backing its cause.

Yes Scotland last night hurriedly issued a statement denying any prior knowledge of Cowan being ousted as a Labour general election candidate.

Cowan has admitted posting remarks on websites but claimed they had been taken “totally out of context”.

He is also claiming said he still is a registered supporter of Yes Scotland and hoped to spend time campaigning for the group.

Each day more and more information hits the public domain why the people of Scotland should vote No to Alex Salmond’s and his supporters.

One thing is certain, it is far too late for the SNP front that is Yes Scotland to clean up its ‘act’ as ‘nice’ people that like their independence tale is seen by some as pure fantasy.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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