Thursday, July 31, 2014

Scottish independence: when is Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon going to stop trying to ‘selling the lie’ of a currency union, that tactic is dead in the water, the 'huge deception' is fooling nobody

Dear All

No one trusts Alex Salmond, if you do fall into his trap, you have conned.

Salmond has been accused of a "huge deception" over his plans for a currency union after a Yes vote.

There will be no currency union.

Despite repeated attempts to sell this lie, Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon keep trying to hoodwink Scots.

Now, two leading figures from the banking industry have decided to speak out as Salmond is still saying Westminster will agree to a deal to allow an independent Scotland to continue to use the pound.

Chancellor George Osborne and his Labour and Liberal Democrat counterparts have already stated that they would not agree to such an arrangement.

They have formed an unbreakable pact, who ever breaks it loses the 2015 Westminster election by default.

The only "bluff and bluster" is by the SNP leader who is desperate and needy enough to continue the lie.

Sir Martin Jacomb, the former chairman of Prudential, and Sir Andrew Large, a former deputy governor of the Bank of England, have said that a currency union is "not compatible with Scotland being politically independent and is therefore not on offer".

Not on offer at any price, the solution was to plan for a Scottish pound.

That opportunity has been missed by stupidity.

In an article in the Times, they said:

"On the future currency people are understandably puzzled. Alex Salmond claims that nothing much will change, that threats otherwise are a bluff and that Scotland would keep the pound sterling - but although Scotland could keep using the pound, to promise 'no change' is a huge deception: the consequences would be enormous."

A spokesman for Scottish Finance Secretary John Swinney said a formal currency union would be "in the overwhelming economic interests of the rest of the UK".

This doesn’t mean anything either politically or financially.

Jacomb and Large stated:

"The best way to keep the pound would be through a currency union like today. That is what Mr Salmond says he wants, but it is not compatible with Scotland being politically independent and is therefore not on offer."

That means Vote No!

Swinney's spokesman said:

"As part of the United Kingdom, economic wealth is drawn towards London and the South East; however, the powers of independence would enable Scotland to rebalance the economy and give Scotland a competitive edge. Scotland is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, more prosperous per head than France, Japan and the UK itself, but we need the powers of independence to make the most of our huge resources. The Expert Fiscal Commission Working Group, which includes two Nobel laureate economists, has already looked at different currency options and concluded that an independent Scotland should keep the pound, which is as much Scotland's as it is the rest of the UK's, a position accepted by a UK Government minister who told the Guardian that 'of course there will be a currency union'."

He added:

“The comments on Scottish notes are simply wrong as by law every Scottish note is backed by deposits held by the Bank of England and would continue to be issued on the same basis.
"A formal currency union is in the overwhelming economic interests of the rest of the UK."

There will be no currency union, and there will be no lender of last resort, these two things will plunge Scotland into darkness and chaos.

As the independence campaign draws down to its end, the pressure on the SNP will grow to tell the truth about their economic plans for cuts to services and budgets. All the lies will be exposed and the fairytale concocted by Alex Salmond will be a living nightmare.

On the 19th September, Scotland will wake to the fact that the whole political campaign by Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon was one massive political fraud on Scots. Salmond’s future isn’t in doubt, he doesn’t have one, and neither does unpopular Nicola Sturgeon.

The Bank of England is closed to these two buffoons!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Hi George,

    Are you going to write about the collapse of Yes Pollok and the bitchfight between them and the SSP?

  2. Dear Anon

    Are you trying to say that serial election loser Chris Stephens, (Mr. Publicly unelectable) hasn't done a sterling job?

    He is a really good at delivering leaflets.

    What about the SNP guy who pisses his trousers hasn't he stepped in to sort this out?

    What about that fat fool SNP Cllr David McDonald?

    What about unpopular Nicola Sturgeon hasn't she came along and dealt with the situation?

    To think that old colleagues who have no loyalty to people who work with them are losing control doesn't surprise me.

    I saw these clowns at Silverburn, and I thought that lot have really gone downhill.

    I thought is this independence campaigning or a Tramps Convention!

    In the grand scheme of things Pollok SNP going downhill doesn't matter, they have a paper candidate in Chris Stephens.

    This is the saddest story I have heard today!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Stephens considers being elected as a candidate by his own branch as a victory. A real saddo.

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  5. An independent Scotland would have been transformed into a Greek style basket case by the financial crisis. The ex banker Salmond knows that full well. His infamous letter to Fred the Shred offering the full support of his office in the takeover of ABN Amro shows what a horrendous judge of character he is. The arc of prosperity has been quietly buried along with the nationalist blustering of the pound being a millstone. A consummate performer but as duplicitous as the night is long. Shrewd, slippery and not to be trusted.
