Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Scottish independence: President Barack caused a shock when he came out against Scottish independence last month, now he comes back again to say to Scots 'if it ain't broke don't fix it', the leader of the free world gives massive a vote of No confidence in Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon

Dear All

Last month, the Americans in the shape of President Barack Obama waded into the Scottish referendum debate; that was surprising because previously the Americans were sitting on the fence.

What got them off the fence was Faslane, the base is home to the nuclear submarine fleet of the UK and holds a key strategic position by its location in Scotland.

The SNP has declared they want to remove nuclear weapons off Scottish soil if they win independence.

Previously the SNP were very much anti Nato, however I believe their ‘conversion’ to sense is just a smokescreen as Scots want to remain part of the Nato alliance.

That policy will be reverse when they lose the indy vote and seen as the sham it always was, the SNP don’t want to be part of nato and never did, it’s all about trying to secure a vote cache.
As the vote gets nearer, the US president is back again, if it is worth saying once by Obama, it is worth saying:

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

President Obama has given Scots further insights why he believes Scotland should continue to work together with England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

His intervention was a bombshell intervention because it was a resounding vote of No confidence in Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon, obviously he wants the UK should remain united and strong.

Britain is a key US ally and has been so for decades, it was previously dubbed the special relationship in the 1980’s by President Ronald Reagan.

 Obama was speaking to Labour leader Ed Miliband along with Douglas Alexander at the White House, something which has been denied to Alex Salmond, he usually gets palmed off with a junior official.

Although President Obama is a strong No, he doesn’t get a vote, but he acknowledges that the matter is a choice for Scots.

It is interesting that the Americans should be so openly against Salmond and Sturgeon, however, I don’t believe that the opposition is just based on “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I would suggest that American analysis have looked closely into the Scottish National Party and how it operates and concluded that these are people that you can’t trust and can’t do business with on the international stage.

Trust remains a serious problem for Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man;’ Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon not just domestically but also abroad.

Some Observers were stunned that Obama publicly backed a No vote when the US is officially neutral but I wasn’t, in May 2012, while on the BBC Big Debate, I said the SNP needed to go pro Nato and pro Faslane remaining as a nuclear base.

Salmond and Sturgeon botched it with the simple minded student union politics mentality.

By going the way of pro Faslane, the Nationalists would have made it harder for the Americans to take sides, they don’t side with the ‘stupid people’, so no wonder they came out against the Nationalist leadership.

But George Laird got it right as per usual.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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