Thursday, June 5, 2014

Scottish independence: Kim Jong Eck, Alistair Darling makes Kim Jong-il jibe at Alex Salmond which scores a spectacular hit with the Scottish public, the real problem for the Nationalists however is their use of tactics similar to those used by the Nazis in Germany of the 1930’s

Dear All

Politics is a contact sport, through-out his career, Scotland's 'jolly fat man' Alex Salmond had no problem sinking in blows considered below the belt. In his later years, he adopted a 'jolly fat man' persona in an attempt to be a ‘man of the people figure’.

It is a sham!

One of the tactics used by the Nationalists is to surround Alex Salmond at by-elections with young people; the idea is that the 'Salmond Youth', having recognised his superiority just naturally flock to him. To make the idea seem plausible, it is done in a stage managed event, written out of the history books is that fact that Alex Salmond is married to a woman old enough to be his mother.

That doesn't fit in with the narrative of the messiah complex and cult of personality developed around Salmond, tactics much used by Dictators through-out the world and history. Awhile ago, some people in the pro UK side accused Alistair Darling of not being dynamic enough, a bit too casual, they mistakenly mistook his gravitas as weakness. Alistair Darling is the right man in the right place at the right time in history. The Scottish independence referendum isn't the X factor, it isn't a popularity contest; it is a serious business.

But that doesn't mean you can't have fun.

A political row has broken out after Alistair Darling who heads up the Better Together campaign compared Alex Salmond to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il.

So, are there any similarities that we should note?


Alex Salmond is clinically obese (fat); Dictator Kim Jong-il is clinically obese (fat).
Alex Salmond has a bad haircut; Dictator Kim Jong-il has a bad haircut.
Alex Salmond is an international laughing stock; Dictator Kim Jong-il is an international laughing stock.
Alex Salmond runs his party as a one man band; Dictator Kim Jong-il runs his party as a one man band.
Alex Salmond doesn't like free speech (screams bias), Dictator Kim Jong-il doesn't like free speech (screams bias).
Alex Salmond doesn't stand for fairness, equality and social justice, Dictator Kim Jong-il doesn't stand for fairness, equality and social justice.
Alex Salmond doesn't respect people's legal rights; Dictator Kim Jong-il doesn't respect people's legal rights.
Alex Salmond doesn't care about his people; Dictator Kim Jong-il doesn't care about his people.
Alex Salmond is marketed as an adored leader, Dictator Kim Jong-il is marketed as an adored leader.
Alex Salmond loves luxury; Dictator Kim Jong-il loves luxury.
Alex Salmond acts like a bam, Dictator Kim Jong-il acts like a bam.
Alex Salmond takes the petted lip like a child; Dictator Kim Jong-il takes the petted lip like a child.
Alex Salmond's doesn't represent the working class; Dictator Kim Jong-il doesn't represent the working class.

To throw 'oil' on already troubled waters, in an interview for the New Statesman magazine, Alistair Darling also chipped in the controversial phrase "blood-and-soil" about Scottish nationalism.

The expression "blood-and-soil" ('Blut und Boden') is German and was used to espouse racialism and national romanticism in the late 19th Century. It was later a term associated with the Nazis. I have previously blogged; some of the tactics used by Nationalists have been used in the Germany of the 1930's on the rise to power of the Nazis. Here is an article I wrote as far back as February 2013 on the issue of use of Nazis style tactics by Nationalist and Yes supporters.

A favourite Nazis tactic was to use character assassination and smearing of opponents in the most nasty and vulgar ways possible. Another favourite Nazi tactic was the blaming of near neighbours and others for domestic problems.

Presumably having no good news to talk about regarding the SNP’s disastrous campaign, Englishman and SNP MP Angus Robertson seized on Darling’s article and described the language as "totally unacceptable".

He said it was a "new low" in the referendum debate.

Really, I thought the "new low" was calling people 'paedophile' as used by a Nationalist supporter. Let's return for a second to Englishman Angus Robertson who poses as a Scotsman, I have read online that allegedly people connected to Salmond referred to him as 'Wee' and 'Tin Hitler'.

Can Englishman Angus Robertson throw any light on 'Tin Hitler' for example?

Anyway, seeing four tits, Angus Robertson decided to milk it, demanded Alistair Darling withdraw the remarks.

A spokesman for the Better Together campaign summoning up as much gravitas as left in the office said the reaction was "overblown".

Well that rather puts this issue to bed.

The spokesman added the Kim Jong-il comments were just poking fun at Salmond's ill judged remarks blaming the rise of UKIP in Scotland on the BBC's coverage before the European elections. The First Minister took loss of not getting a third seat for Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh rather badly, crying, howling and gnashing of teeth followed the happy news that Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh was not getting elected to public office, the joy even extended to SNP members so I understand.

And David Coburn was terribly happy as well.

Ukip won a watch as my friend aptly put it.

To quote, Englishman Angus Robertson's full outrage, he said:

"These comments are just not acceptable. I am calling on Alistair Darling to withdraw them. Comparisons with Nazi Germany are totally unacceptable. His language has hit a new low for this debate."

On Alistair Darling's use of English language, the Better Together spokesman said:

"The nationalists have regularly dismissed people who don't agree with them as quislings, anti-Scottish and a parcel o' rogues. We won't take any lessons on the use of language from people who have such a proud record of slurs and personal attacks."

The Nationalists have overreacted in a rather clumsy attempt to portray themselves as victims. What they should remember is that they are being exposed more and more each day as unlikeable.

Recently I came across a picture of Scotland's unpopular Deputy First Minster Nicola Sturgeon hanging onto children; is this another tactic to use children as 'human shields'.

What happens when they learn English?

Will it be?

"Mummy, the bad woman is here, she is here now!"

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Secret trials.
    loss of corroboration.
    Armed police swaggering about our communities.
    None of the above mentioned in the SNP 2011 Manifesto among other Right Wing policies.
    A pretence of being Left Wing to draw in the masses but implement Nazi policies.
    And, as in the 30s a complete disregard for the Opposition.

  2. Campaign for human rights? You should hang your head in shame. This has absolutely nothing to do with it. What I see is more petty, small minded character assassination by a misinformed idiot that doesn't see character assassination as being dishonourable and just plain wrong.

    Going down your list of personal comments against the popularly elected first minister and his deputy is childish in the extreme?

    Don't even try to defend them as humour. Had the intent been "fun" it would still be tasteless, but going by the rest of the article fun was not the purpose

    A campaigner for human rights? You have to be kidding. You haven't got a clue, do you?

    In one article you have demonstrated the ethics of a smear campaigner and to compare Alex Salmond with a mass murdering dictator shows contempt for the Scottish people, but far more worrying is that to equate an individual like Kim Jun Il with the first minister demonstrates a lack of respect and true appreciation of the atrocities carried out by a true dictator, and the human rights he trampled on and ground to bone and dust. The fact that you, of all people, see this as a subject of humour and fit to use in a personal attack is, quite frankly, a complete disgrace.

    You sully the term "human rights campaigner" and certainly don't deserve to use such a label if you have such a lack of appreciation for common respect and decency.

    Shame on you.

    Of course, if you don't allow this comment then we will both know that you are also a coward, won't we? Go on, I dare you.

  3. Dear Anon

    “Campaign for human rights?”


    “You should hang your head in shame”.

    “This has absolutely nothing to do with it. What I see is more petty, small minded character assassination by a misinformed idiot that doesn't see character assassination as being dishonourable and just plain wrong”.

    I also cover politics!

    “Going down your list of personal comments against the popularly elected first minister and his deputy is childish in the extreme?”

    Only one in ten people voted SNP in the last election, does that rate as popular with you?

    “Don't even try to defend them as humour. Had the intent been "fun" it would still be tasteless, but going by the rest of the article fun was not the purpose.”

    I don’t need to defend my comments, I don’t care what your opinion is!

    “A campaigner for human rights? You have to be kidding. You haven't got a clue, do you?”

    Yes, I do, but let’s not get into my expertise.

    “In one article you have demonstrated the ethics of a smear campaigner and to compare Alex Salmond with a mass murdering dictator shows contempt for the Scottish people, but far more worrying is that to equate an individual like Kim Jun Il with the first minister demonstrates a lack of respect and true appreciation of the atrocities carried out by a true dictator, and the human rights he trampled on and ground to bone and dust. The fact that you, of all people, see this as a subject of humour and fit to use in a personal attack is, quite frankly, a complete disgrace”.

    I covered a story already in the public domain, that is called fair comment and it is also a human right.

    “You sully the term "human rights campaigner" and certainly don't deserve to use such a label if you have such a lack of appreciation for common respect and decency”.

    You don’t understand human rights as your anti free speech post demonstrates.

    “Shame on you”.

    Thank you, I will stick that with all the other shame I have in a cupboard above the kitchen sink.

    “Of course, if you don't allow this comment then we will both know that you are also a coward, won't we? Go on, I dare you”.

    I am not a coward, you know this by the fact that I stick my name to my writing, you on the other hand don’t have the courage to reveal who you are.

    Which one of us is the coward, I don’t think my readers will be at a loss to figure that one out, you might not like what I write, but I put my name to it.

    I await you revealing your name if you can find the backbone.

    Finally, you are so funny, thinking of starting your own blog?

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  4. Great piece...cheers..
