Monday, May 12, 2014

Scottish independence: Alex Salmond tries the con trick of the ‘presumptive close’ to hoodwink voters, he announces a rehash that his cronies stand ready to be part of a ‘political elite’ if he wins independence, tell them not to pack Salmond, you’re going nowhere except to the dustbin of political history

Dear All

You know a political campaign is in deep trouble when the leadership keeps rehashing the same old nonsense.

Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond says he assembling a team comprising politicians from across the political divide and key experts from outside politics to negotiate with Westminster in the event of a Yes vote.

I suspect that these people best not do any packing, they are going nowhere either.

Last polls show that Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon are a busted flush, the independence campaign is petering out; the Nationalists are simply going through the motions.

Salmond and Sturgeon can’t even get their councilors in Glasgow look like professionals on a doorstep.

In sales there is such a thing as a presumptive close, you ask a question which assume the answer is what you want and ask them to agree with it.

This is want Alex Salmond is doing using presumptive close to make people think he has already won.

He has lost.

Not to be out done, Labour said it will invite the SNP to work with it to make devolution work if Scotland votes No.

And we are all going to vote No.

It is an issue of trust.

 Salmond’s rehash of details of the so-called Team Scotland was done in a speech in Inverurie in his Aberdeenshire East constituency to mark the 15th anniversary of the reconvening of the Scottish Parliament.

He said:

"The independence opportunity gives the Scottish Parliament the chance not just to entrench the gains of the last 15 years but to raise our game to match the best. We should raise our sights and now look for comparisons not against the UK average but in light of the best in Europe. We should look to achieving Scandinavian levels of childcare, the Norwegian husbanding of natural resources and the German system of apprenticeships. That is the independence agenda of social and economic advance for the next 15 years which will inspire the people."

After the jokes of Scots getting Nordic welfare levels, exposed as a con trick, he commented on the negotiating team, he said:

"The independence team will secure expertise from across the political spectrum and beyond, and from Scotland and beyond, to begin talks with Westminster before the end of this September - marking the point at which the real negotiations will begin. I understand that people on the other side of the political debate cannot accept that at the moment, but hope and expect that they will be fully part of the Team Scotland approach once the votes have been cast. It is also the case that a number of people outside party politics - but with key expertise - have already been approached and the response has been universally positive. More clearly than anything else this demonstrates the wish of those of us on the Yes side to move forward in a consensual way once the people have spoken."

You can see Labour signing up to work on the SNP manifesto pledges around the Cabinet table!


Salmond added:

"A mere 15 years after the reconvening of our Parliament we are currently engaged in the most exciting debate in Scottish democratic history with unparalleled levels of public engagement and participation. Part of the process of politicians rising to the challenge of the people is to commit to continue the mood of engagement after the result. The Team Scotland approach is part of that commitment."

There is no excitement; people are going about their daily business.

Labour's shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander said it will be important to ensure Scotland does not ''divide more deeply'' after the vote on September 18.

Too late for that one as the SNP ‘race row’ shows.

Salmond has a habit of trying to con the unsuspected punters, only this time like the time in 2010 when he claimed he would get 20 MPs, that joke is going to fall rather flat.

Given Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon opted for a ‘GAY Team’ rather than an A Team is he saying he will swop these people out post vote?

He is just adding in more cronies we have seen declared yet.

Imagine using presumptive close, what a buffoon!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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