Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Open letter to Michael Rossi, you object to term ‘unpopular’ Nicola Sturgeon, are you implying Nicola Sturgeon cares about the George Laird view, why don’t you start a blog telling people how ‘wonderful’ it was she let Scots women die of cancer after being denied drugs or just miss out the bad bits and you try for SNP MSP slot

Dear Micahel Rossi

Thank you for taking the time to contribute your thoughts.

“I still don't get why you preface every reference to Nicola Sturgeon with "Scotland's unpopular Deputy First Minister".”

Well, Michael, when someone says to you Nicola Sturgeon is an “arsehole”, you discount it, when some else says Nicola Sturgeon is an “arsehole”, you discount it, when you hear it through-out a number of political campaigns, it gets you thinking.

Gosh, she really is unpopular.

Why are women calling unpopular Nicola Sturgeon an “arsehole”?

Could be that she has let people down?

Could it be that she let Scots women die by failing to ensure they got cancer drugs?

Could be that she only serves her own self interest?

You answer the questions since you seem to know so much about her.

“Regardless of your own opinion of her, polls show quite the opposite”.

Did, I say I was talking about polls?

“Many of my Unionist friends whilst intending of course to vote no in September think highly of her”.

Any of them ever been fucked off by her?

Surely that is the point that generates unpopularity!

“Did she do something to upset you?”

Upset me?

Like what for example?

“Surely it's incumbent on bloggers as well as journalists not to misrepresent things - if you'd said Sturgeon "who I personally dislike" or Sturgeon "who is unpopular with some", that surely would have been a more honest form of words?”

Well, what unpopular Nicola Sturgeon knows is that George Laird tells the truth, ask her; then look to see if her face changes, when you ask if I am a liar of anything I wrote about her.

Also are you suggesting that Ms. Sturgeon is upset by what George Laird writes and thinks of her?

I can’t remember the exact quote from her but I understand it was something along the lines of:

“I became a lot happier in politics when I didn’t give a fuck what people were saying about me”.

The jist of the Nicola Sturgeon mantra!

Online you can see people write things about her that would have cause for a case of being upset, but the use of ‘unpopular’!

Perhaps you are upset because I said she is unpopular and here are the reasons why, isn’t that the nub?

Ms. Sturgeon’s concern is as a fake as her hair.

I hope you are not one of these people who are dazzled because someone holds a title; Ms. Sturgeon’s position is meaningless to me, much like her opinion.

If you wish to do your own blog on how wonderful Ms. Sturgeon is, then please feel free to do so, I wonder how many articles you can publish before you run out of material.

When you get it up and running send me a link.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I believe she totally ignored the public consultation that said 75% of respondents to said public consultation were against gay marraige. That would make her unpopular with that 75%. I saw her getting heckled and booed in Renfew.

    Cancer treatment when at Health? Guesses?
    Nice to talk too I heard someone say.

  2. Dear George,
    I have to agree with Michael Rossi, whom I don't know, that your constant references to Nicola Sturgeon as unpopular are tedious, as well as at odds with most people's view of her.
    Similarly, your incessant references to Alex Salmond as the jolly fat man are grating, as well as inaccurate. Alex has shed more than two stone after going on a diet.
    I wonder if the former fitness guru at Glasgow University is maintaining his trim physique.
    (Don't worry George, few of us do)

  3. Thanks for your reply George. It was a genuine question about which I was curious. You make your feelings very clear and you explain your reasons. I won't set up a blog saying why the sun shines out of Nicola Sturgeon's rear end for the simple reason that I don't believe it does. However, the problem with all online interactions is tone - you've decided to read my bafflement and the term "unpopular" with being upset. Which I'm not.

  4. Hi George, thanks for the open letter response. You make your argument clear. The thing is, my question was in fact a genuine one. The trouble with online interactions is tone - you've decided to read my comment as being upset rather than what it was, bafflement. I won't be writing a blog saying the sun shines out of Nicola Sturgeon's rear end for the simple reason that I don't believe it does. Your candour is appreciated. However, you made the assumption that my question of an aspect of your publically available views means I must ergo worship the object of your detestation and praise decisions that led to cancer treatments being denied. With all due respect, you don’t know me and you have no foundation from my comments to decide that's the case.

  5. Dear Hamish

    “I have to agree with Michael Rossi, whom I don't know, that your constant references to Nicola Sturgeon as unpopular are tedious, as well as at odds with most people's view of her”.

    I never meet the SNP sycophants now, Hamish as you know, but I did see a homonsexual SNP activist that unpopular Nicola Sturgeon knows take a serial street beggar up a dark alley.

    He seemed in a hurry to get into the alley.

    “Similarly, your incessant references to Alex Salmond as the jolly fat man are grating, as well as inaccurate. Alex has shed more than two stone after going on a diet”.

    You don’t understand what clinically obese means?

    Surely you are having a laugh.

    Most people, sorry, some people, shorten it down to just ‘fat bastard’, not myself, I prefer ‘jolly fat man’.

    Surely you are having a laugh, I have to ask again.

    Is it?

    Is it a laugh?

    “I wonder if the former fitness guru at Glasgow University is maintaining his trim physique”.

    You were never a fitness guru?

    I find that most sad, never came top of your class either Hamish?

    In my case when I was sitting my qualifications, I ended up teaching half the class, the practical at some college.

    I did that free.

    Apparently they had little teaching experience, and I had plenty.

    Oral exam, they asked two questions, and I was wondering, when I am going to get grilled? A fourth sports science student was grilled over 40 minutes, she didn't teach.

    When I did I was rated very highly by the student body.

    Also 92% and 95% in the written papers, personally I thought despite passing top of the class, I was robbed, mind you the university staff hoped I was going to fall on my face were terribly unhappy about that result.

    “(Don't worry George, few of us do)”.

    Is this a dig at unpopular Ms. Nicola Sturgeon?

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  6. I have noticed she has put on a pound or ten.
