Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Angry Alex Salmond tries to blame Labour Party for his botched EU campaign, 90% of Scots didn’t vote for SNP, Salmond played the race card and misjudged the mood of ordinary Scots who he doesn’t represent, Scots rejected Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, Scots rejected Salmond

Dear All

Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond was hoping to use the European elections as a springboard.

That plan fell to pieces as Ukip stormed in and claimed a seat which the SNP hoped would go to ex Tory candidate Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh.

Salmond played the race card against Ukip and it blew up in his face rather badly, you don’t play the race card when your candidate is from an ethnic minority.

Rather than accept a humiliating defeat gracefully, Salmond has decided to blame the Labour Party for 90% of Scots not voting SNP.

He is blaming them for his mismanagement and staggering incompetence.

Labour didn’t make me vote UkIp, Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon made me vote Ukip, Labour never entered my mind as I was going to protest vote to keep out  Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh.

And it seems that many of my fellow Scots agreed with me.

In the rest of the UK, Ukip made impressive gains and won the election, the first party in a hundred years to beat outright Labour and Conservative.

When the final results were confirmed it was Ukip, led by Nigel Farage who grab that essential sixth Scottish seat in Brussels with a 10.4 per cent share of the vote.

They might have only got one seat but they sucked the oxygen away from the Scottish National Party.

Who are now rather upset, like little upset budgies?

No ‘jolly fat man’ smile from Salmond, no I am so popular, 90% of Scots rejected him.

They utterly failed in their aim of snatching a third seat.

David Coburn, the party's new Scottish MEP, said:

"The Ukip revolution has now come to Scotland."

A bit early to be talking about revolution but the best dig so far from the political sphere was when Labour Leader Johann Lamont said:

"From Poland to France, Greece to Scotland we have seen the rise of nationalism and Scotland now has three nationalist MEPs”.

And of course there is the recent article by Staurt Winton on Think Scotland where he points out the similarities with the SNP and Ukip.

Labour rightly highlighted that Salmond bolstered the Ukip support by turning the campaign into a straight fight between the SNP and what the First Minister repeatedly described as Mr Farage's "politics of intolerance".

In the end, people choose to stick with a protest vote and reject Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh.

In a comment sent to the blog, a poster said that there were many happy people at the SNP who were happy to see Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh lose.

Labour MEP David Martin said:

"I'd like to suggest to David Coburn that the first thing he does when he sits down and recovers from the champagne is write a letter to Alex Salmond because there is no doubt in my mind that Alex Salmond's decision to polarise the campaign, the Scottish debate, between two extremes is why David Coburn is with us today as a member of the European Parliament."

One of the attacks leveled by Salmond was Farage's party were boosted by "the wall-to-wall media coverage of Ukip that has been beamed into Scotland".

Apparently no one was really interested in Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, ex Tory, ex Labour and a Sturgeon crony.

SNP MEP Alyn Smith said:

"Ukip topped the poll south of Border because the Westminster parties have pandered to their agenda. In Scotland, the SNP took them on - and we won the election."

90% of Scots didn’t vote for the SNP.

So, who is to blame?

The answer is simple, Alex Salmond is to blame, his stupidity was a gift to Ukip, he decided to use race to polarise the debate between David Coburn and Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh.

A Nationalist supporter on twitter said:

“If only we'd run a white man instead of a Muslim woman”.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. You could have stuck up a monkey in a kilt and he would have taken a third seat for the SNP. Their problem is they think they are popular. Free bus passes are popular so are free prescriptions council tax blah blah.
    Their bogus left wing agenda will come to a sudden halt if Scots vote for Independence.
    Tasmina slagged off the Tories for being left wing. Now she's a Tartan Tory. She joined the right party so as to pursue her right wing dogma.

  2. Dear Anon

    “You could have stuck up a monkey in a kilt and he would have taken a third seat for the SNP”.

    You tell me the SNP discriminate against Shetland ponies?

    What is wrong with a Scottish Shetland pony?

    Scottish not good enough for the Scottish National Party!

    “Their problem is they think they are popular. Free bus passes are popular so are free prescriptions council tax blah blah”.

    Nicola Sturgeon is unpopular and I think she knows it as you can clearly see in some pictures.

    “Their bogus left wing agenda will come to a sudden halt if Scots vote for Independence”.

    You got that right; they made a start on robbing working class Scots of their right to buy their council flat.

    “Tasmina slagged off the Tories for being left wing”.

    To be fair Ms. Ahmed-Sheikh doesn’t know a lot about politics as she was described as politically naïve by her election agent in the Conservative Party.

    “Now she's a Tartan Tory”.

    Only at present while there is a candidate position available.

    “She joined the right party so as to pursue her right wing dogma”.

    Does she have time for politics; I thought her aim was self advancement!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Dear Anon

    “You could have stuck up a monkey in a kilt and he would have taken a third seat for the SNP”.

    You tell me the SNP discriminate against Shetland ponies?

    What is wrong with a Scottish Shetland pony?

    Scottish not good enough for the Scottish National Party!

    “Their problem is they think they are popular. Free bus passes are popular so are free prescriptions council tax blah blah”.

    Nicola Sturgeon is unpopular and I think she knows it as you can clearly see in some pictures.

    “Their bogus left wing agenda will come to a sudden halt if Scots vote for Independence”.

    You got that right; they made a start on robbing working class Scots of their right to buy their council flat.

    “Tasmina slagged off the Tories for being left wing”.

    To be fair Ms. Ahmed-Sheikh doesn’t know a lot about politics as she was described as politically naïve by her election agent in the Conservative Party.

    “Now she's a Tartan Tory”.

    Only at present while there is a candidate position available.

    “She joined the right party so as to pursue her right wing dogma”.

    Does she have time for politics; I thought her aim was self advancement!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  4. SNP got more votes than your party George. Accept that with grace.

  5. Every SNP voter was out to vote. And still less than 30%.
