Friday, May 16, 2014

Alex Salmond has refused to sack Health Sec Alex Neil as opposition leaders demand his is sacked accused of "deceiving" parliament, if he did ‘lie’ then his position is untenable, the concept of professional integrity is lost in the SNP under Salmond’s leadership, it is as I said a ‘rat ship’

Dear All

What is the worst 'normal' thing to be called in politics?

I would say that is it 'liar'.

If you are elected to public office people expect that when you say something in public that is the private view.

Changing your mind is acceptable, different views should be taken into account if new information emerges or if you have overlooked something and it has been brought to your attention.

But if you say something and then in private your actions are completely different then that is deception.

How can anyone believe a word you say. 

Alex Neil is a very capable public speaker, while in the SNP, he was one of the most interesting speakers that I came across, face with a choice of who to listen to, I would rather listen to him than some of his less able colleagues. So, it is rather odd that someone of his ability should be under mounting pressure to resign.

It has emerged he blocked controversial changes to a constituency hospital despite saying intervening could be perceived as a conflict of interest.

Neil privately ordered civil servants to scrap a planned shake-up of a hospital he represented just hours before promising to take no part in the decision.

So, what new information came his way?

It rather seems no new information came his way, although people are entitled to change their mind.

Labour leader as Johann Lamont demanded Mr Neil go because he had "deceived this Parliament and deceived the people of Scotland".

I think ordinary people would see this as deception, when in fact there was no need, as Health Minister Alex Neil made a decision, that's fine and that's his right, lying about it isn't.

In Alex Salmond's party and in his Government there is no concept of honour and integrity in public office in my opinion.

Salmond doesn't care less so why should any of his Ministers when they know the 'boss' is completely lacking in integrity. The SNP have the reins of power, that has gone to their heads, instead of exercising power responsibility they act like fools, greed, stupidity and petty politics dominate their short term thinking.

Alex Salmond  was asked four times to sack the health minister Alex Neil and he refused.

There is no point in having a ministerial code at Holyrood.

Rather than continue with a farce the Labour Party should put forward a private members bill for its removal, if no one is going abide by it in this SNP Government then it should be scrapped.

I rarely listen to FMQs, it is of little interest or value, the opposition parties should consider not turning up.

Holyrood as a parliament isn't working, and that also includes the committee system which opposition parties are seeing their work rewritten to exclude anything critical of the SNP Government.

Democracy has gone!

The sooner the leaders of the opposition realise that the sooner they can change their tactics.

So, what would happen if all the opposition leaders didn't turn up for FMQs, not a protest where they do it for a session but repeatedly. It would create a crisis in the parliament. If the parliament doesn't work, then holding up this farce only further devalues it and its members.

I am not talking about playing politics or playing a silly stupid game, I am talking about the demand for the return of professionalism.

We don't have that, people rate Holyrood as below Westminster for good reason.

So what is Salmond's take on the Neil case, quite simply he rejected the calls, saying he had previously looked into the matter and decided that Mr Neil had acted "perfectly properly".

You see it wouldn't matter a jot what an SNP Minister did wrong, Salmond would defend them.

But what about the case of Bill Walker, the SNP distance themselves pretty quickly from him, even his best buddy, unpopular Nicola Sturgeon was sick to her stomach if you believe her.

Her stomach recovered remarkably quickly.

Well, that was in the public domain, Walker, there was a court case and the charge sheet was extensive, and wife beating doesn't play well, although the SNP were informed of Bill Walker troubled past, they didn't act.

This is the usual modus operandi of the Scottish National Party.

The Scottish independence referendum and Sturgeon trying to suck up to women meant that Bill Walker was cut adrift. A bit like cut the leg off to save the patient if you get that idea.

Johann Lamont also said:

"When Alex Neil became Health Secretary in September 2012, he ordered that the changes be reversed against medical and patient opinion. He then deceived this Parliament and deceived the people of Scotland by saying he would take no part in the decision he had already made. If Alex Neil won't resign for deceiving Parliament, will the First Minister sack him?"

 It is now time that the opposition parties decided to withdraw goodwill, if they wish to continue to play Salmond's stupid game, they lower themselves.

As I say I have no problem with Alex Neil making his decision, this shite of 'I am wearing my ministerial hat instead of my local MSP hat' is a farce, it insults people's intelligence.

If it was me, I would suggest not turn up for FMQs, however I don't think opposition leaders would be able to hold their nerve. As I wrote earlier, the committee system is now effectively operating as a shield for SNP Ministers.

The act of SNP MSPs attempting to keep a petition off the agenda regarding referendums for the islands is a clear example. Even although  MSPs are obliged to consider a properly lodged petition, it seems this one is being avoided to prevent discussion of an issue that would embarrass Alex Salmond.

Labour's Hugh Henry who should have been appointed as Presiding Officer but is a committee convener, said the problem was a product of a "cult of obedience and slavishness" imposed on SNP backbenchers.

Henry has a correct assessment of the 'cult of Salmond'.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Great website. Great, that is, if you are a dark and twisted little misfit who really ought to be locked up. So, this is the virtual equivalent of a padded cell. Perfect.

    And by the way, you shouldn't be sullying the name of the University with this bile. It's illegal.

    you can find me at continuing random thoughts and debate with me any time.

  2. Dear Anon

    “Great website”.

    I know people keep telling me that online.

    “Great, that is, if you are a dark and twisted little misfit who really ought to be locked up. So, this is the virtual equivalent of a padded cell. Perfect”.

    IQ is your point, not enough of it.

    “And by the way, you shouldn't be sullying the name of the University with this bile. It's illegal”.

    Thank you, you a lawyer?

    If so you are talking shite!

    It isn’t illegal, and the University of Glasgow knows about it.

    you can find me at continuing random thoughts and debate with me any time”.

    Why, you outed yourself as ignorant on matters of law and fact, why debate an ignoramus!

    What benefit do I get?

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Ha ha! I've just read the loon making comment and dishing out bile. I've never commented here before but you must know that loads of folk read your blog from said University. They agree with some of your stuff but not all.
    So a loon has a go for you writing bile but replys with sick bile. Ha ha.
    Obviously a well educated separatist. Well he can turn on
    a computer.
    Keep up the good work George.

  4. Didn't Sturgeon this? She wrote a letter to a court claiming the defendant "made a mistake". As the Judge said, 840 cheques with seperate
    fraudulent signatures, is more
    than a mistake. Of course she
    was wearing her constuency
    helmet that day.

  5. Dear Anon

    "Ha ha! I've just read the loon making comment and dishing out bile. I've never commented here before but you must know that loads of folk read your blog from said University. They agree with some of your stuff but not all".

    Sometimes it takes a while for a positive message to sink in, I was always ahead of my time.

    "So a loon has a go for you writing bile but replys with sick bile. Ha ha".

    Yes, it's terrible, me, a humble Glaswegian as well.

    "Obviously a well educated separatist. Well he can turn on
    a computer. Keep up the good work George".

    Most kind.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
