Thursday, April 10, 2014

Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says there should be a right to recall politicians for poor behaviour between elections, why isn’t she acting on SNP Deputy Leader Billy McAllister, she is just a mad storyteller, Hans Nicola Anderson, Anderson ...... that’s who!

Dear All

Some people in politics will literally say anything to get a vote cache, enter, the inept and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon, the shop soiled white hope of Nationalism.

In another incredibly misjudged and vacuous intervention, she is backing a ‘recall mechanism for politicians who exhibit poor behaviour between elections.

Another epic blunder by inept and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon, who is becoming more like Hans Christian Anderson but without bedtime stories and the goodnight chocolates!

Is she trying to get into the Guinness book of records?

Barrel scrapping unpopular Nicola Sturgeon says that the public should have the right to recall politicians for poor behaviour between elections.

So, is she doing anything about SNP Deputy Leader Billy McAllister who got done down at Glasgow Sheriff Court for threatening a disabled man?

After all she is the deputy leader of the SNP?

Is she doing anything?


Protesting even him remaining in the deputy position?


The idea of ‘get them out’ she says would be enshrined in a written constitution for an independent Scotland.

If you think she is signing up to allow people to "sack" their elected representative, you can think again.

She said:

"I think the time has come to give the people more say and control over who represents them between elections, obviously they have the ultimate say at elections.  A recall provision has to be tightly and carefully drawn to prevent abuse, but we've seen through - particularly the expenses scandals - some quite outrageous situations where politicians behave appallingly and the electorate seem powerless to do anything about that. I would never be complacent about this, but the Scottish Parliament, after some very difficult early experiences around expenses, has largely got this more right than Westminster."

Note the use of the phrase, “A recall provision has to be tightly and carefully drawn to prevent abuse”.

This is just a sham, grudge, grievance and malcontent politics and having a dig at Westminster because of the Maria Millar scandal.

Short term thinking!

As always, her rhetoric has no substance to it, much like her phoney childcare policy which was exposed as an utter sham in the press.

Is Nicola Sturgeon willing to advocate the end of the discredit Holyrood list system?

Well, no, she sits at the top of the list in Glasgow so has two stabs of getting into parliament where most people have only one.

As we have seen in the past, the system can be rigged by people wanting a certain candidate signing up people as members to get their votes.

That is utterly corrupt.

In a sideways dig, possibly accidental, at Alex Salmond’s aide, Joan McAlpine, she said:

"Let me be as clear and emphatic and explicit and unequivocal as it is possible for me to be: I do not believe that people who take a different view from me in the referendum are anti-Scottish”.

Doesn't look too good for SNP list MSP Joan McAlpine when Alex Salmond loses the independence referendum!

First we see unpopular Nicola Sturgeon knife Alex Salmond in the back and now, his aide, Joan McAlpine who babbles on about people being ‘anti Scottish’ is looking like she might possibly not be an MSP with a future.

If it sounds too good to be true then it probably isn’t, is my view.

Is a recall mechanism a good idea?

Yes, but as we have seen the SNP are incredibly poor at drafting law and given the way Scottish politics works and the SNP appointing their cronies to positions, it is doubtful anyone of the public will have any faith in a ‘vetting’ committee to see whether you can be allowed to recall anyone.

As to her offer, inviting Alistair Carmicheal and Better Together leader Alistair Darling to join the ‘negotiation team’ after a vote for independence, they won’t sign up for that, they are nobody’s patsy.

Finally, unpopular Nicola Sturgeon on Glasgow SNP Deputy Leader Billy McAllister, why so silent, why no leadership, why no speakee outee, why no condemnation!

Does he know someone who supplies you with ‘hair out of a bottle’ wholesale?

Your hair like your ethics, like your ‘concern’ is all fake.

Another blunder tomorrow, same time, same place, new disaster!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. People in the north of Glasgow have lost all faith in the SNP & can't believe they have done nothing about Billy Mcallister having been found Guilty of assault on a disabled man at Glasgow sherriff court , The SNP have turned a blind eye on this, So how can we trust the SNP when they are protecting a man found guilty of such an offence ??? So I would urge people to bair this in mind when voting comes along, It's a disgrace in my opinion & most people in north Glasgow where this man is still the local MP are of the same mindset & the rest don't know about it as they have did there best to keep it quiet but we will make sure such people will find out what there local MP is realy like, a low life that's what he is & leaving him in power is a slap in the face to local voters.

  2. Dear Anon

    “People in the north of Glasgow have lost all faith in the SNP & can't believe they have done nothing about Billy Mcallister having been found Guilty of assault on a disabled man at Glasgow sherriff court , The SNP have turned a blind eye on this, So how can we trust the SNP when they are protecting a man found guilty of such an offence ???”

    Well, Billy McAllister pled guilty to acting in a threatening or abusive manner and shouting, swearing and gesticulating aggressively towards Mr Park on May 29, last year.

    The Crown dropped the assault charge.

    Anyway, he has done a runner to Oz to keep out of the way for a month.

    He will return when the heat dies down.

    “So I would urge people to bair this in mind when voting comes along, It's a disgrace in my opinion & most people in north Glasgow where this man is still the local MP are of the same mindset & the rest don't know about it as they have did there best to keep it quiet but we will make sure such people will find out what there local MP is realy like, a low life that's what he is & leaving him in power is a slap in the face to local voters”.

    He isn’t an MP; he is the SNP Deputy Leader in Glasgow at the City Council, he is a councillor in the Canal ward.

    Hope this helps.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
