Friday, March 21, 2014

Westminster MP Eric Joyce fined £1,500 after his latest incident involving the Police, trouble flares as Joyce leaves his phone on a plane and starts an argument which ends rather badly, no way for someone in public office to act, particularly an MP from Westminster

Dear All

Falkirk MP Eric Joyce has been fined £1,500.

His latest brush with the forces of law and order centre around him admitting to using threatening or abusive behaviour at an airport last year.

In order to get a quick done and dusted, Joyce entered a guilty plea to one charge when he appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court today.

Eric Joyce was once tipped to be a Cabinet Minister; his fall from grace has been one of the surprises of this Westminster Parliament.

So, should Eric Joyce stay?

Well given that standards have dropped in public life to near zero, why not!

Honour, personal integrity and all that stuff is just window dressing, fuck up, then go into hiding and then re-appear and claim victimhood;; the Scottish National Party elected members are using that approach at present.

The charge against Joyce related to an incident at Edinburgh Airport on May 19 2013 where he was drunk which seems to be a recurring problem for him.

Speaking outside court, Joyce said he would "reflect" on whether to continue as an MP until 2015.

He said: "My instinct is to stay but I don't know how I will feel in a few days."

Eric Joyce to the time to also apologised to the airport staff, police and his constituents.

He added:

"I am very embarrassed that this has happened."

Maybe he should go see someone about his drink problem, clearly when drinking he isn’t what is termed a happy drunk.

Joyce said:

"My constituents have seen this before, so they might think other apologies are not meant, but they are."

So what happened to prompt this situation, well being sloshed and leaving his phone behind on the plane from London!

Rather than handling the matter and using the Police for assistance, a running argument developed between him and airport baggage handlers.

Then the Police turned up and things didn’t get any better, they got worse, when Police officers became involved but he still continued to hurl insults.

Joyce repeatedly called a baggage handler and officers "fat, f****** w******" and goaded officers to "f****** arrest me".

£1500, I think he now regrets that statement.

He also referred to an officer of Afro-Caribbean origin as "f****** fat and black".

I am sure the Afro-Caribbean officer would be upset as being outed as ‘fat’, especially in a public place.

Not able to listen to reason, Joyce began to "flail his arms" when one officer attempted to put him in handcuffs, and he continued to resist until he was restrained on the floor.

So, everyone except Joyce lived happily ever after.

Sheriff Frank Crowe described his actions as a "deeply unfortunate, prolonged, drink-fuelled rant".

He said:

"At least you have taken this opportunity to apologise."

Defence lawyer Euan Gosney said Joyce was in a "high state of anxiety" because of the recent death of his brother and previous trouble with police.

So, what should he have done, he shuld have gotten a police officer, explained who he was and his position and request they recover the phone.

That is the cost effective way to save £1500!

No way to behave in public office, needs to get his head straight.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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